Catalog > Consumer Electronics > Kits > Various Kits Small System Development Board STM32F103C8T6 Small System Development Board HKD STM32F103C8T6 MINI DEV BOARD STM32F103C8T6 SMALL SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT BOARD MICROCONTROLLER STM32 ARM CORE BOARD Discontinued Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Specifications Model: STM32F103C8T6 Core: ARM 32 Cortex-M3 CPU Debug mode: SWD 72MHz work frequency 64K flash memory, 20K SRAM 2.0-3.6V power, I/O Reset(POR/PDR) 4-16MHz crystal On-board Mini USB interface, you can give the board power supply and USB communication. Size:5.3cm x 2.2cm Downloads STM32F103C8_Arduino IDE Setup PDF File 591.17 KB