Catalog > Electro-Mechanical Components > Relays > Relay Sockets Compatible with Arduino ATMEGA328 Nano ATMEGA328 Nano CMU NANO COMPATIBLE WITH ARDUINO ATMEGA328 NANO---USING FT232 USB UART INTERFACE CHIP (NOT LOW COST CH340) USB MICROCONTROLLER V3V3 , R3 BOARD Discontinued Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Overview The Arduino compatible Nano V3 development board is with the open original design schematics, free software interface, and also according to the needs and modifies the download process is simple and convenient. the development of the user interface and the environment is very simple, easy to understand, very suitable for beginners to learn. Specifications Microcontroller:ATmega328 Operating Voltage (logic level):5v Input Voltage (recommended):7-12v Input Voltage (limits):6-20v Digital I/O Pins:14 (of which 6 provide PWM output) Analog Input Pins:8 DC Current per I/O Pin:40mA Flash Memory:32 KB SRAM:2KB EEPROM:1KB Clock Speed:16 MHz Dimensions:0.73"""" x 1.70""""