Catalog > Electro-Mechanical Components > Relays > Relay Sockets Catalog > Consumer Electronics > Kits > DIY Kits Four Dot Matrix Display 32X8 Four Dot 32X8 Matrix Display BMT 4XDOT MATRIX MODULE MAX7219 FOUR DOT RED MATRIX DISPLAY 32X8 USING MAX7219 DRIVER Discontinued Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Features A Single Module CAN DRIVE A 8×8 Dot Matrix Common CathodeColour: Red Module Operating Voltage: 5V Module Size: Length 12.8 CM X 3.2 CM Wide and 1.3 CM HIGH X With 16 Fixing Screw Holes, Diameter 3mm Module with Input and Output Interfaces, Support for Cascading Multiple Modules Wiring: The left side of the module is the input port, and the right is the output port. Control of a single module, the input port only need to receive CPU. The more a module cascade and input end of the first module is connected with the CPU and input end of the input end of the output end is connected to the second module, output terminal of the second module connected with the three modules, and so on. For example : 51 SCM VCC-5V GND-GND DIN-P2.2 CS-P2.1 CLK-P2.0 Package Included: 1 x MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module 1 x 5pin Dupont Cable Downloads Datasheet - MAX7219 PDF File 1.43 MB References