Catalog > Consumer Electronics > Kits > Smart Kits LM358 Operational Amplifier Adjustable LM358 Operational Adjustable Amplifier HKD LM358 OP AMP MODULE ADJUST LM358 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER ADJUSTABLE. VCC 3.5-24VDC. OUTPUT: 15-20MA Discontinued Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Overview LM358 is the core two-stage operational amplifier, which can amplify DC weak signals, such as DC voltage signals, DC pulse signals, can amplify signals of millivolts or even weaker, and has two potentiometers, respectively for the first stage and The second stage performs single-stage magnification adjustment, but the total magnification is the product of the two-stage multiple, so the magnification will be adjusted to a large extent. (If the first level is adjusted to 20 times magnification, then if the second level is adjusted to 100 times, then the total magnification is 2000 times) Note: If the friends take the maximum magnification without telling the request, we will ship the goods at the default 1000 times. Specifications Power supply voltage: 3.5-24V DC power supply Current output: maximum 15-20MA (non-linear) Voltage output: output = input voltage signal * magnification Magnification: Total multiple = first multiple multiple * second multiple multiple Board size: length 45.3mm width 16.2mm The two potentiometers on the board are rotated counterclockwise to increase the multiple.