Catalog > Consumer Electronics > Security & Alarms > Paradox Alarms Paradox Wireless Module Wireless Module 433MHz PDX RTX3R2 (433) RTX3R2 WIRELESS TRANSC. WITH REM2 433MHz 2,861.86 ZAR inc for 1 Each 2 in Stock Add Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Features Compatible with Imperial, Digiplex EVO, Spectra SP, and Magellan32 wireless zonesMaximum number of remote controls: 4,000 w/Imperial, 999 w/EVO, and 32 w/SPRemote control compatibility: Imperial/EVO/SP: REM1, REM2, REM3, REM15, and REM101 Standalone: REM1, REM15, and REM101Wireless PGMs (8 w/EVO, 16 w/SP, N/A with Imperial)Supports SR150 Wireless Siren (see page 36)Works with all Magellan transmitters including 2WPGMSupports 2 RPT1 and 8 K32LRF/K37 (Spectra SP only)In-field firmware upgradable via CV4USB; via multibus (for Imperial only)RF jamming supervisionLow battery, tamper, and check-in supervisionTransmitter signal strength display3 PGM outputs and 1 optional outputNoise level test and indicator