Catalog > Internet of Things (IOT) Related Products > More Platforms Hall Magnetic Sensor Module Hall Magnetic Sensor Module HKD 49E HALL SENSOR MODULE A HALL MAGNETIC SENSOR MODULE THAT HOUSES A 49E LINEAR HALL EFFECT DEVICE THAT IS OPERATED WITH A HELP OF A MAGNETIC SOURCE. THE MODULE VARIES THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE, WHICH IS GENERALLY SET BY THE INPUT SUPPLY VOLTAGE AND VARIES IN PROPORTION TO THE STRENGTH 14.87 ZAR inc for 1 Each 0 in Stock Add Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Overview HKD 49E HALL SENSOR MODULE is a hall magnetic sensor module that houses an AH49E linear hall effect device that is operated with a help of a magnetic source. The module varies the output voltage, which is generally set by the input supply voltage and varies in proportion to the strength of the magnetic field around the sensor. Pin Configuration of HKD 49E HALL SENSOR MODULE Below is the pin configuration of the HKD 49E HALL SENSOR MODULE magnetic sensor. This pin configuration can be used when connecting the module to any microcontroller. Specifications Supply Voltage(Vcc) - 5 V Output Current (IO) - 10 mA Operating Temperature - 40 to 100 Degree Celcius Can detect both the magnetic poles