Catalog > Consumer Electronics > Power Supplies > Battery Testers Battery and Time Controller Battery and Time Controller with LED and LCD Display and Integrated Relay rated @ 5A/24VDC 830.1 - 24V Bauser Battery and Time Controller with LED and LCD Display and Integrated Relay rated @ 5A/24VDC 3,933.00 ZAR inc for 1 Each 2 in Stock Add Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Overview The BAUSER all round controller monitors the remaining capacity of your traction batteries and registers totalising and service hours. Microprocessor technology data storage by EEPROM. Remaining capacity LED display. If capacity falls under the limit value "pre warning" red LED will flash. When reaching the discharge voltage two last red LEDs flashes alternately. Simultaneously a voltage free relay contact would open (i.e. lift lockout).Batteries are thus safely protected against exhaustive discharge.