Catalog > Internet of Things (IOT) Related Products > More Platforms 12864 128*64 DOTS LCD Module 128*64 DOTS LCD Module CMU 128X64 GRAPHIC LCD BLUE 5V Graphic Blue LCD Display128X64 Module Backlight for Arduino AVR. 173.47 ZAR inc for 1 Each 12 in Stock Add Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Overview 12864 LCD display module can display letters, numbers,and graphics. It can show graphics and words in mixed display. It can also display 128 (column) * 64 (row) dot matrix. Three kinds of control interfaces are provided: 8 microprocessor interfaces, 4 microprocessor interfaces, serial interfaces. Multifunction commands: clear the screen, cursor home, display on / off, cursor on / off, display character blink, cursor shift, display shift, vertical picture scroll and reverse display. Features Here are the steps I followed: Short-circuit the‘ S’ contact point with solder (according to the datasheet) to use SPI as the communication protocol Connect LCD’s SPI interface (JP2 pins 3 – 5) to WT32-ETH01 GPIO pins using jumper cables Connect LCD’s power supply (JP2 pins 1 & 2) to the system’s 5V & ground rails. In the Arduino IDE, import the u8g2 libraryusing the ‘library manager’ Open File -> Examples -> U8g2 (under Examples from Custom Libraries) -> full_buffer -> HelloWorld Uncomment the correctconstructor (shown below) and change the pins to match the WT32-ETH01 connections. Specifications Voltage: 5V Working temperature under normal temp.: 0~+50℃ Storage temperature under normal temp.: -10~+60℃ Working temperature under wide temp.: -20~+70℃ Storage temperature under wide temp.: -30~+80℃ Working temperature under ultra wide temp.: -30~+80℃ Storage temperature under ultra wide temp.: -40~+80℃ Downloads Datasheet - 128X64 GRAPHIC LCD BLUE PDF File 859.13 KB Driver - 128X64 GRAPHIC LCD BLUE PDF File 504.43 KB