Catalog > Internet of Things (IOT) Related Products > More Platforms Obstacle Avoidance/Line Tracking Sensor Obstacle Avoidance/Line Tracking Sensor HKD ADJ IR DISTANCE SENSOR 0-3CM TCRT5000 INFRA RED REFLECTIVE ADJUSTABLE DISTANCE OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE/LINE TRACKING SENSOR 0-3CM 3.3-5V. 12.88 ZAR inc for 1 Each 8 in Stock Add Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Overview This IR reflective sensor utilizes a TCRT5000 to detect color and distance. It emits IR and then detects if it receives the echo. This sensor is often used in line following robots, auto data logging on utility meters, because this module can sense if a surface is white or black.The measuring distance range from 1mm to 8mm, and the central point is about 2.5mm. There is also an on-board potentiometer to adjust the sensitivity.The infrared diode will emmitting the infrared continutelly when the module connect to the power, when the emitted infrared light has not been reflected or the strength is not big enough,the triode will in the off state, at this time, D0 output logic LOW and the signal indicate LED off. Features Supply Voltage: 3.3V~5VDetect distance: 1mm-8mmDigital Outputs HIGH when objects detectedOn-board indicator LED to show the resultsOn-board potentiometer to adjust the sensitivityOn-board LM393 chipApplication IdeaRainfall detectingLiquid leakageTank overflow detector