Catalog > Consumer Electronics > Batteries and Battery Accessories > Battery Accessories Cable Pack for FL5.2 Battery for FL5.2 Battery Cable Pack KDK FL5.2 CABLE PACK Kodak Cable Pack for FL5.2 Battery (Includes: 1 x 2m Positive & Negative Cable, 1 x 3m RJ45 Communication Cable) 1,365.72 ZAR inc for 1 Each 1 in Stock Add Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Overview FL5.2 battery cable accessory kit for use with the FL5.2 model. Each battery unit includes the interlink battery solar cables for parallel connection to another battery, whereas this pack is for connecting to the charger.You require one cable pack per system, with a maximum of 4 batteries when used with a 5kW or smaller system, one cable pack is required per battery when used on a larger than 5kW.