Catalog > Consumer Electronics > Electrical Catalog > Consumer Electronics > Electrical > Clearline Electronic Protection Multitector with Lead Lead Multitector CRL 12-00711 CLEARLINE MULTITECTOR W/LEAD Discontinued Specifications, Prices & Availability may change without notice. Images are for illustration purposes only. E&OE Overview Protects fast ethernet LAN equipment such as hubs, switches and network interface cards from induced lightning and electrostatic discharge. Features Plug-and-Play concept High surge capability Fire hazard protection All 4 data lines protected (RJ45) Earth Connected Indicator Supports the compliment of 100Base-T configurations: -Tx, 100Base-T4 and 100Base-VG. Backwards compatible to 10Base-T The unit simply gets plugged into the wall socket and the equipment is connected via the IEC lead. Clearline protects your equipment against lightning and surges without additional earthing. The protection is capable of blocking severe lightning and power surges. The unit incorporates a fast overload device which will be activated in extreme conditions. Clearline's unique built-in thermal protection technology has been included to eliminate fire hazards. Another feature is the indication that will notify the user when power and earth is connected. Dimensions: 101 × 60 × 50 mm Downloads Datasheet - CRL 12-00711 PDF File 1.41 MB