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Internet of Things (IOT) Related Products

1146 Products
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DEV-13262 ARDUINO CAN-BUS Shield - uses MCP2515 CAN controller with MCP2551 CAN transceiver - Ideal for Automotive CAN application - Requires OBD-II cable [SPF CAN-BUS SHIELD]
DEV-13262 ARDUINO CAN-BUS Shield - uses MCP2515 CAN controller with MCP2551 CAN transceiver - Ideal for Automotive CAN application - Requires OBD-II cable
520.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-10182 High Current Dual Motor Driver Shield with 16V max Voltage, 14A Continuous and 30A max Current [SPF MONSTER MOTOR SHIELD]
DEV-10182 High Current Dual Motor Driver Shield with 16V max Voltage, 14A Continuous and 30A max Current
958.33 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-09717 FTDI Cable with USB to Serial (TTL level) Converter where VCC pins of FTDI cable are configured to operate at 5V with 3.3V I/O [SPF FTDI CABLE 5V VCC-3.3V I/O]
DEV-09717 FTDI Cable with USB to Serial (TTL level) Converter where VCC pins of FTDI cable are configured to operate at 5V with 3.3V I/O
349.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-09716 Basic Breakout Board for the FTDI FT232RL USB to Serial IC [SPF FTDI BASIC BREAKOUT - 5V]
DEV-09716 Basic Breakout Board for the FTDI FT232RL USB to Serial IC
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-09718 The FTDI Cable is a USB to Serial (TTL level) Converter which connects TTL Interface devices to USB [SPF FTDI CABLE 5V]
DEV-09718 The FTDI Cable is a USB to Serial (TTL level) Converter which connects TTL Interface devices to USB
427.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
NEW-WRL-12938 Evaluation Board for SI4703 FM Tuner Chip- FM Radio, RDS and RBDS Detector/Processor [SPF EVALU BOARD-SI4703 FM TUNER]
NEW-WRL-12938 Evaluation Board for SI4703 FM Tuner Chip- FM Radio, RDS and RBDS Detector/Processor
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WIG-09555O BD-II Serial UART Board
890.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-12587 Pro Micro - 3.3V/8MHz with an ATmega32U4 on board. The USB transceiver inside the 32U4 allows us to add USB connectivity on-board. [SPF PRO MICRO - 3,3V/8MHZ]
DEV-12587 Pro Micro - 3.3V/8MHz with an ATmega32U4 on board. The USB transceiver inside the 32U4 allows us to add USB connectivity on-board.
365.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-11113 Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz .This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset. [SPF ARD PRO MINI 328-5V/16MHZ]
DEV-11113 Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz .This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset.
259.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-11114 Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 3.3V/8MHz. This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset. [SPF PRO MINI 328-3,3V/8MHZ]
DEV-11114 Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 3.3V/8MHz. This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset.
259.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-10915 Compatible with Arduino Pro 328 - 5V/16MHz. This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset. This is a 5V Compatible with Arduino running the 16MHz bootloader. [SPF PRO 328 - 5V/16MHZ]
DEV-10915 Compatible with Arduino Pro 328 - 5V/16MHz. This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset. This is a 5V Compatible with Arduino running the 16MHz bootloader.
232.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-10116 Compatible with Arduino Funnel I/O (Fio) is a board designed and based on the original design from LilyPad. Funnel is a toolkit to sketch your idea physically. [SPF FIO (FUNNEL I/O)]
DEV-10116 Compatible with Arduino Funnel I/O (Fio) is a board designed and based on the original design from LilyPad. Funnel is a toolkit to sketch your idea physically.
359.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-11520 Fio v3 - powered by the ATmega32U4 is small and LiPo-ready, it's a very capable XBee-ready development board. [SPF FIO V3 ATMEGA32U4]
DEV-11520 Fio v3 - powered by the ATmega32U4 is small and LiPo-ready, it's a very capable XBee-ready development board.
438.82 ZAR
for 1 Each
Logomatic V2 Serial SD Datalogger incorporates the LPC2148 chip with MicroUSB and MicroSD support, Battery Charging and FAT32 formatting [SPF LOGM V2 SERIAL SD DATALOGGR]
Logomatic V2 Serial SD Datalogger incorporates the LPC2148 chip with MicroUSB and MicroSD support, Battery Charging and FAT32 formatting
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DEV-09530 Open Source serial Data Logger supports FAT16 and FAT32 microSD cards tested up to 16GB - Configurable baud rates (2400 to 115200bps) [SPF OPENLOG DATALOGGER]
DEV-09530 Open Source serial Data Logger supports FAT16 and FAT32 microSD cards tested up to 16GB - Configurable baud rates (2400 to 115200bps)
401.49 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Micro:Climate Kit for Micro:Bit -V3.0 [SPF CLIMATE KIT FOR MICRO:BIT]
SparkFun Micro:Climate Kit for Micro:Bit -V3.0
2 650.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
GPS-10920 Venus GPS Logger with SMA Connector and improved Sensitivity and Faster 20Hz update rate [SPF VENUS638FLPX GPS LOGGER-SMA]
GPS-10920 Venus GPS Logger with SMA Connector and improved Sensitivity and Faster 20Hz update rate
904.87 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-11773 Raspberry Pi I/O Expansion Board (connect to GPIO Header) [SPF GERTBOARD]
DEV-11773 Raspberry Pi I/O Expansion Board (connect to GPIO Header)
1 059.21 ZAR
for 1 Each
WIG-09306  ATMEGA328 AVR Oscilloscope Clock : O-Clock Converts X-Y Analog Oscilloscope into Analog Clock or Terminal and be used alone as a Function Generator [SPF AVR OSCILLOSC O-CLOCK]
WIG-09306 ATMEGA328 AVR Oscilloscope Clock : O-Clock Converts X-Y Analog Oscilloscope into Analog Clock or Terminal and be used alone as a Function Generator
401.35 ZAR
for 1 Each
GPS-12751 EM-506 48 channel GPS Receiver Module based on SiRF STARIII with Built in Patch Antenna [SPF GPS RECEIVER MODULE 48CH]
GPS-12751 EM-506 48 channel GPS Receiver Module based on SiRF STARIII with Built in Patch Antenna
822.15 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-10822 RN-XV WiFly Module - Wire Antenna - and incorporates 802.11 b/g radio, 32 bit processor, TCP/IP stack, real-time clock, crypto accelerator, power management unit. [SPF WIFLY MODULE-WIRE ANTENNA]
WRL-10822 RN-XV WiFly Module - Wire Antenna - and incorporates 802.11 b/g radio, 32 bit processor, TCP/IP stack, real-time clock, crypto accelerator, power management unit.
782.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-10421 XBee Pro 63mW Wire Antenna - Series 2B (ZigBee Mesh) allow you to create complex mesh networks based on the XBee ZB ZigBee mesh firmware. [SPF XBEE PRO 63MW WIRE ANTENNA]
WRL-10421 XBee Pro 63mW Wire Antenna - Series 2B (ZigBee Mesh) allow you to create complex mesh networks based on the XBee ZB ZigBee mesh firmware.
906.89 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-12577 BlueSMiRF Silver Bluetooth Modem RN-42 with Serial Communication 2400 to 115200bps and Serial RX/TX pipe [SPF BLUETOOTH MODEM SMIRF SILVER]
WRL-12577 BlueSMiRF Silver Bluetooth Modem RN-42 with Serial Communication 2400 to 115200bps and Serial RX/TX pipe
465.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-09954 WiFly Shield for ARDUINO to 802.11b/g Wireless with RN-131C and the SC16IS750 [SPF WIFLY SHIELD WITH RN-131C]
WRL-09954 WiFly Shield for ARDUINO to 802.11b/g Wireless with RN-131C and the SC16IS750
887.72 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-10665 WIXEL provides 2,4GHZ Wireless Communication, 32KB Flash Memory & 4K RAM using CC2511F32 Microcontroller [SPF WIXEL FOR 2,4GHZ COMMS]
WRL-10665 WIXEL provides 2,4GHZ Wireless Communication, 32KB Flash Memory & 4K RAM using CC2511F32 Microcontroller
398.46 ZAR
for 1 Each

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