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Internet of Things (IOT) Related Products

1146 Products
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Centurion G-Speak Ultra 4G GSM Controller Module V3 Intercom, Supply Voltage:11-24VDC, Memory Capacity:1500 Access Numbers, 5000 Event Logs, 20 Access Profiles, 4XConfigurable Input/output Channels, IP40 [CEN GSPU4GCMV3]
Centurion G-Speak Ultra 4G GSM Controller Module V3 Intercom, Supply Voltage:11-24VDC, Memory Capacity:1500 Access Numbers, 5000 Event Logs, 20 Access Profiles, 4XConfigurable Input/output Channels, IP40
3 260.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
Slim Smart Home 1080P HD Security Camera Supports Motion Dection & Alarm, Two-way Audio, Local&cloud Storage. REQUIRES S-CAM PSU-NOT INCLUDED [SONOFF S-CAM]
Slim Smart Home 1080P HD Security Camera Supports Motion Dection & Alarm, Two-way Audio, Local&cloud Storage. REQUIRES S-CAM PSU-NOT INCLUDED
585.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
M26 Complete Cam 6MP, B079 (Day) [MX-M26A-6D079]
M26 Complete Cam 6MP, B079 (Day)
31 585.90 ZAR
for 1 Each
USB TO Serial (TTL Level) Converter (Allows Simple Connection of TTL Interface Devices to USB), USB TO TTL 6 Pin : TTL-232 5V FTDI, 1,8M [XFF FTDI CABLE 5V]
USB TO Serial (TTL Level) Converter (Allows Simple Connection of TTL Interface Devices to USB), USB TO TTL 6 Pin : TTL-232 5V FTDI, 1,8M
320.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Genuine Arduino Starter Kit walks you through the basics of using the Arduino in a Hands-on Way [ARD ARDUINO STARTER KIT ORIGINAL]
Genuine Arduino Starter Kit walks you through the basics of using the Arduino in a Hands-on Way
2 150.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Arduino Industrial 101 Development Board [ARD ARDUINO INDUSTRIAL 101]
Arduino Industrial 101 Development Board
752.55 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000107 - Arduino Board to convert a USB Connection into 5V TX and RX [ARD USB 2 SERIAL/RS232 CONVERTER]
A000107 - Arduino Board to convert a USB Connection into 5V TX and RX
200.74 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000066 Arduino UNO Microcontroller Board Based on the ATMEGA328 [ARD UNO REV3]
A000066 Arduino UNO Microcontroller Board Based on the ATMEGA328
524.64 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000062-The Arduino Due is a Microcontroller Board based on the Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 CPU [ARD DUE 32BIT ARM PLATFORM]
A000062-The Arduino Due is a Microcontroller Board based on the Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 CPU
1 070.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
This Board Brings All The Power Of The Well-Known ESP32-S3 With The Full Support Of The Arduino Ecosystem, Allowing Makers To Explore The World Of Arduino And Micropython Without Any Blocker [ARDUINO ESP32 NANO ORIGINAL]
This Board Brings All The Power Of The Well-Known ESP32-S3 With The Full Support Of The Arduino Ecosystem, Allowing Makers To Explore The World Of Arduino And Micropython Without Any Blocker
470.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
The Arduino MKR WAN 1310 Board Provides A Practical And Cost Effective Solution To Add LORA Connectivity To Projects Requiring Low Power [ARDUINO MKR WAN 1310 BOARD]
The Arduino MKR WAN 1310 Board Provides A Practical And Cost Effective Solution To Add LORA Connectivity To Projects Requiring Low Power
1 075.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000069 - Arduino ADK rev3 is a Microcontroller Board based on the ATMEGA2560 [ARD MEGA ADK REV 3]
A000069 - Arduino ADK rev3 is a Microcontroller Board based on the ATMEGA2560
803.85 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000074 - A Single board that integrates the Arduino ATMEGA328 UNO Microcontroller with the ETH Shield. Supplied WITH the PoE Module [ARD ETHERNET WITH POE REV 3]
A000074 - A Single board that integrates the Arduino ATMEGA328 UNO Microcontroller with the ETH Shield. Supplied WITH the PoE Module
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A000092 Arduino ISP ATtiny44 In-System Programmer for Sketches or Bootloader [ARD ISP]
A000092 Arduino ISP ATtiny44 In-System Programmer for Sketches or Bootloader
232.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000103 New Arduino M0 Development Board s based On A 32-Bit Arm Cortex® M0+ Core and features the ATSAMD21G18 MCU enabling you to introduce Iot (Internet Of Things) into your projects [ARD ARDUINO M0]
A000103 New Arduino M0 Development Board s based On A 32-Bit Arm Cortex® M0+ Core and features the ATSAMD21G18 MCU enabling you to introduce Iot (Internet Of Things) into your projects
398.46 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000103 Arduino M0 Pro Development Board (Formerly Zero PRO) is based On A 32-Bit Arm Cortex® M0+ Core and features the ATSAMD21G18 MCU with Embedded Debugger (EDBG) AT32UC3A4256 [ARD ARDUINO M0 PRO]
A000103 Arduino M0 Pro Development Board (Formerly Zero PRO) is based On A 32-Bit Arm Cortex® M0+ Core and features the ATSAMD21G18 MCU with Embedded Debugger (EDBG) AT32UC3A4256
731.35 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000007 - Arduino Zigbee Shield for Arduino board. The Zigbee Module is the new Maxstream series 2 Xbee [ARD SHIELD - XBEE]
A000007 - Arduino Zigbee Shield for Arduino board. The Zigbee Module is the new Maxstream series 2 Xbee
779.78 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000021 - The Xbee Shield allows an Arduino Board to communicate Wirelessly using Zigbee [ARD SHIELD - XBEE W/O RF MODULE]
A000021 - The Xbee Shield allows an Arduino Board to communicate Wirelessly using Zigbee
262.28 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000065 - Arduino Wireless SD Shield - to Prototype Wireless Applications - with Xbee(TM) compatible socket [ARD SHIELD - W/LESS +SD SOC]
A000065 - Arduino Wireless SD Shield - to Prototype Wireless Applications - with Xbee(TM) compatible socket
287.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Genuine Leonardo Based On Atmega32u4- with POE with Embedded W5500 TCP/IP Ethernet Controller and 20 Digital Input and Outputs [ARD LEONARDO ETHERNET WITH POE]
Genuine Leonardo Based On Atmega32u4- with POE with Embedded W5500 TCP/IP Ethernet Controller and 20 Digital Input and Outputs
1 025.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
A000082 - Arduino Prototyping Shield rev3 makes it easy for you to design Custom Circuits for your next project [ARD SHIELD - PROTO PCB REV3 UNO]
A000082 - Arduino Prototyping Shield rev3 makes it easy for you to design Custom Circuits for your next project
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Arduino 1.7" TFT SPI LCD Module with micro-SD with color up to 18-bits per pixel and 160x128 resolution [ARD 1.7IN SPI LCD MODULE WITH SD]
Arduino 1.7" TFT SPI LCD Module with micro-SD with color up to 18-bits per pixel and 160x128 resolution
363.16 ZAR
for 1 Each
M000008 Blue Enclosure for Arduino YUN Development Board [ARD BOX FOR YUN]
M000008 Blue Enclosure for Arduino YUN Development Board
151.32 ZAR
for 1 Each
TSX00005 - The MKR2UNO Adapter allows you to turn your Arduino UNO form factor based project into a MKR based one without too much effort! You can so upgrade your project with a powerful board with integrated LiPo battery charger. [ARD ARDUINO MKR2UNO]
TSX00005 - The MKR2UNO Adapter allows you to turn your Arduino UNO form factor based project into a MKR based one without too much effort! You can so upgrade your project with a powerful board with integrated LiPo battery charger.
275.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
ABX00017 - MKR WAN 1300 is a powerful board that combines the functionality of the MKR Zero and LoRa connectivity. It is the ideal solution for makers wanting to design IoT projects with minimal previous experience in networking having a low power device. [ARD ARDUINO MKR WAN 1300 LORA]
ABX00017 - MKR WAN 1300 is a powerful board that combines the functionality of the MKR Zero and LoRa connectivity. It is the ideal solution for makers wanting to design IoT projects with minimal previous experience in networking having a low power device.
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Arduino Nano 33 IoT with Headers [ARDUINO NANO 33 IOT WITH HEADER]
Arduino Nano 33 IoT with Headers
650.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
5V Arduino Nano Every Board 45x18mm [ARDUINO NANO EVERY]
5V Arduino Nano Every Board 45x18mm
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This board boasts the RA4M1 Microprocessor from Renesas, delivering increased processing power, expanded memory, and additional peripherals. and the best part? it stays true to the reliable uno form factor and operates at a practical 5 v voltage [ARDUINO UNO REV 4 MINIMA]
This board boasts the RA4M1 Microprocessor from Renesas, delivering increased processing power, expanded memory, and additional peripherals. and the best part? it stays true to the reliable uno form factor and operates at a practical 5 v voltage
429.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
The Arduino UNO R4 WiFi Merges the Renesas RA4M1 Microprocessor with the ESPRESSIF ESP32-S3, Creating an all-in-one tool for makers with enhanced processing power and a diverse array of new peripherals. With its built-in WI-FI® and Bluetooth® capabilities [ARDUINO UNO REV 4 WIFI]
The Arduino UNO R4 WiFi Merges the Renesas RA4M1 Microprocessor with the ESPRESSIF ESP32-S3, Creating an all-in-one tool for makers with enhanced processing power and a diverse array of new peripherals. With its built-in WI-FI® and Bluetooth® capabilities
652.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense REV2 Combines A Tiny Form Factor, Different Environment Sensors And The Possibility To Run AI using TINYML and Tensorflow™ Lite [ARD NANO 33 BLE SENSE REV2]
The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense REV2 Combines A Tiny Form Factor, Different Environment Sensors And The Possibility To Run AI using TINYML and Tensorflow™ Lite
1 012.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22102 :: RFduino is a Arduino Compatible Module based on Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy BLE RF Module with Built-In ARM Cortex M0 Microconroller in DIP [RFDUINO BLE 4.0 DIP MODULE ARDUI]
RFD22102 :: RFduino is a Arduino Compatible Module based on Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy BLE RF Module with Built-In ARM Cortex M0 Microconroller in DIP
499.34 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22301 :: RFduino is a Arduino Compatible Module based on Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy BLE RF Module with Built-In ARM Cortex M0 Microconroller in SMT [RFDUINO BLE 4.0 SMT MODULE ARDUI]
RFD22301 :: RFduino is a Arduino Compatible Module based on Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy BLE RF Module with Built-In ARM Cortex M0 Microconroller in SMT
292.55 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22121 :: RFduino USB Shield for Programming required to load Code onto the RFduino [RFDUINO USB SHIELD]
RFD22121 :: RFduino USB Shield for Programming required to load Code onto the RFduino
498.84 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22124 :: RFduino PCB USB Shield for Programming required to load Code onto the RFduino [RFDUINO PCB USB SHIELD]
RFD22124 :: RFduino PCB USB Shield for Programming required to load Code onto the RFduino
477.15 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22128 :: CR2032 Coin Battery Shield for RFduino and directly powers the RFduino without any regulation [RFDUINO CR2032 SHIELD]
RFD22128 :: CR2032 Coin Battery Shield for RFduino and directly powers the RFduino without any regulation
325.32 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22126 :: RFduino Dual AAA Battery Shield with Step-up Switching Regulator providing a 3.3V stable voltage [RFDUINO DUAL AAA SHIELD]
RFD22126 :: RFduino Dual AAA Battery Shield with Step-up Switching Regulator providing a 3.3V stable voltage
412.08 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22130 :: RFduino MicroSD Card Shield to Read and Write to microSD Cards [RFDUINO MICROSD SHIELD]
RFD22130 :: RFduino MicroSD Card Shield to Read and Write to microSD Cards
302.63 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22125 :: RFduino Proto Shield for General Purpose Prototyping [RFDUINO PROTO SHIELD]
RFD22125 :: RFduino Proto Shield for General Purpose Prototyping
194.70 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22131 :: RFduino 2 Relay Shield to control Higher Voltage and Current Loads [RFDUINO RELAY SHIELD]
RFD22131 :: RFduino 2 Relay Shield to control Higher Voltage and Current Loads
542.21 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22122 :: RFduino RGB LED Shield with 2 Push Buttons used with the RFduino Colorwheel iOS app or RFduino LedButton iOS app [RFDUINO RGB SHIELD]
RFD22122 :: RFduino RGB LED Shield with 2 Push Buttons used with the RFduino Colorwheel iOS app or RFduino LedButton iOS app
260.16 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22123 :: RFduino Servo Shield to drive 4 Servos with 5~6VDC power and Compatible with the RFduino Servo iOS app to Wirelessly Control Servos [RFDUINO SERVO SHIELD]
RFD22123 :: RFduino Servo Shield to drive 4 Servos with 5~6VDC power and Compatible with the RFduino Servo iOS app to Wirelessly Control Servos
325.32 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD22127 :: RFduino Single AAA Battery Shield with Step-up Switching Regulator providing a 3.3V stable voltage [RFDUINO SINGLE AAA SHIELD]
RFD22127 :: RFduino Single AAA Battery Shield with Step-up Switching Regulator providing a 3.3V stable voltage
411.57 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD90103 :: RFduino 12pc Development Experimenters Kit contains 2 x RFduinos + various Shields [RFDUINO EXPIREMENTERS DEV KIT]
RFD90103 :: RFduino 12pc Development Experimenters Kit contains 2 x RFduinos + various Shields
3 993.73 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD90105 :: RFduino 30pc Master Development Kit contains 10 x RFduinos + various Shields [RFDUINO MASTER DEV KIT]
RFD90105 :: RFduino 30pc Master Development Kit contains 10 x RFduinos + various Shields
6 999.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD90104 :: RFduino 16pc Multi Project Development Kit contains 5 x RFduinos + 2 x USB Shield + various Shields [RFDUINO MULTI PROJECT DEV KIT]
RFD90104 :: RFduino 16pc Multi Project Development Kit contains 5 x RFduinos + 2 x USB Shield + various Shields
5 886.18 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD90102 :: RFduino 7pc Project Development Kit contains 2 x RFduinos + 1 x USB Shield + various Shields [RFDUINO PROJECT DEV KIT]
RFD90102 :: RFduino 7pc Project Development Kit contains 2 x RFduinos + 1 x USB Shield + various Shields
2 311.90 ZAR
for 1 Each
RFD90101 :: RFduino 2pc Project Development Kit contains 1 x RFduinos + 1 x USB Shield [RFDUINO TEASER KIT]
RFD90101 :: RFduino 2pc Project Development Kit contains 1 x RFduinos + 1 x USB Shield
840.31 ZAR
for 1 Each
PCB Board 10x10cm Double Sided [PCB FG DS P1010]
PCB Board 10x10cm Double Sided
16.04 ZAR
for 1 Each
PCB Board 10x20cm Double Sided [PCB FG DS P1020]
PCB Board 10x20cm Double Sided
32.09 ZAR
for 1 Each
PCB Board 15x15cm Double Sided [PCB FG DS P1515]
PCB Board 15x15cm Double Sided
36.80 ZAR
for 1 Each
PCB Board 20x30cm Double Sided [PCB FG DS P2030]
PCB Board 20x30cm Double Sided
97.75 ZAR
for 1 Each
PCB Board 30x20cm Double Sided [PCB FG DS P3020]
PCB Board 30x20cm Double Sided
97.75 ZAR
for 1 Each
PCB Board 30x40cm Double Sided [PCB FG DS P3040]
PCB Board 30x40cm Double Sided
193.20 ZAR
for 1 Each
PCB Board 10x20cm Single Sided [PCB FG SS P1020]
PCB Board 10x20cm Single Sided
26.08 ZAR
for 1 Each
PCB Single Sided FG 36x36cm [PCB FG SS P36CM]
PCB Single Sided FG 36x36cm
170.20 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0236 CheapDuino is Arduino Compatible which integrates a ATmega8 Microcontroller as Arduino NG Processor and is 20x20mm small [DFR CHEAPDUINO-ATMEGA8]
DFR0236 CheapDuino is Arduino Compatible which integrates a ATmega8 Microcontroller as Arduino NG Processor and is 20x20mm small
415.00 ZAR
for 5 Each
DFR0015 Xbee Shield For Arduino [DFR ARDUINO XBEE SHIELD]
DFR0015 Xbee Shield For Arduino
186.62 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0221 ARDUINO Leonardo with XBEE Socket based on Atmega32u4 chip [DFR LEONARDO WITH XBEE SOCKET]
DFR0221 ARDUINO Leonardo with XBEE Socket based on Atmega32u4 chip
330.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0069 Compatible with Arduino Fio Microcontroller Board based on the ATmega328P [DFR FIO (FUNNEL I/O)DF]
DFR0069 Compatible with Arduino Fio Microcontroller Board based on the ATmega328P
298.60 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0524 Mini-HDMI OLED Display. -1920 x 1080 HDMI Hi-Definition output - Capacitive Touch Panel Screen [DFR MINI-HDMI 5,5IN OLED DISPLAY]
DFR0524 Mini-HDMI OLED Display. -1920 x 1080 HDMI Hi-Definition output - Capacitive Touch Panel Screen
2 748.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0265 I/O Expansion Shield for ARDUINO(V7) [DFR V7.1 I/O EXPANSION SHIELD]
DFR0265 I/O Expansion Shield for ARDUINO(V7)
285.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0004 Romeo-all in one Controller (Arduino Compatible Atmega 328) [DFR ARDUINO ROMEO 328]
DFR0004 Romeo-all in one Controller (Arduino Compatible Atmega 328)
595.19 ZAR
for 1 Each
DRI0023 Dual Bipolar Stepper Motor Shield for Arduino with A4988 and Controls 2 Motors and 4 Digital I/O's [DFR DUAL STEPPER MOTOR SHIELD]
DRI0023 Dual Bipolar Stepper Motor Shield for Arduino with A4988 and Controls 2 Motors and 4 Digital I/O's
300.56 ZAR
for 1 Each
DRI0018 Dual DC Motor Driver 2×15A @ 13.8V [DFR DUAL DC MOTOR DRIVER 2X15A]
DRI0018 Dual DC Motor Driver 2×15A @ 13.8V
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DFR0308 Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency Decoder Shield is an Audio Code System that sends commands to your Arduino via Audio signal. [DFR DTMF DECODER SHIELD]
DFR0308 Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency Decoder Shield is an Audio Code System that sends commands to your Arduino via Audio signal.
272.37 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0327 Arduino Expansion Shield for Raspberry Pi B+ [DFR RASPBERRY PI B+ EXPNS SHIELD]
DFR0327 Arduino Expansion Shield for Raspberry Pi B+
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DFR0125 DFRDUINO Ethernet Shield (support Mega and Micro SD) [DFR DFRDUINO ETHERNET SHIELD]
DFR0125 DFRDUINO Ethernet Shield (support Mega and Micro SD)
325.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0358 Raspberry Pi B+ and 2 Model B Expansion Shield which Integrates RTC, Audio I/O USB Hub, Bluetooth, Wifi and Sata Interface [DFR RASP PI B+/2 EXP SHIELD X300]
DFR0358 Raspberry Pi B+ and 2 Model B Expansion Shield which Integrates RTC, Audio I/O USB Hub, Bluetooth, Wifi and Sata Interface
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DFR0357 Raspberry Pi B+ and 2 Model B Expansion Shield which Integrates RTC, Audio I/O USB Hub, Wifi and VGA Output : HDMI to VGA Converter supporting up to UXGA (1600×1200) and 1080P with 10-Bit DAC [DFR RASP PI B+/2 EXP SHIELD X200]
DFR0357 Raspberry Pi B+ and 2 Model B Expansion Shield which Integrates RTC, Audio I/O USB Hub, Wifi and VGA Output : HDMI to VGA Converter supporting up to UXGA (1600×1200) and 1080P with 10-Bit DAC
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TEL0005 APC220 Radio Communication Module for solution to Wireless Data Communications [DFR APC220 RADIO COMMS MODULE]
TEL0005 APC220 Radio Communication Module for solution to Wireless Data Communications
786.84 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0026 ARDUINO Compatible Analog Ambient Light Sensor [DFR AMBIENT LIGHT SENSOR ARDUINO]
DFR0026 ARDUINO Compatible Analog Ambient Light Sensor
70.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0052 Analog Piezo Disc Vibration Sensor buffers a Piezoelectric Transducer that responds to strain changes [DFR PIEZO DISC VIBRATION SENSOR]
DFR0052 Analog Piezo Disc Vibration Sensor buffers a Piezoelectric Transducer that responds to strain changes
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DFR0058 Compatible with Arduino Analog Rotation Sensor V2 [DFR ROTATION SENSOR V2]
DFR0058 Compatible with Arduino Analog Rotation Sensor V2
126.10 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN0114 Compatible with Arduino Soil Moisture Sensor - Immersion Gold [DFR SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR]
SEN0114 Compatible with Arduino Soil Moisture Sensor - Immersion Gold
69.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN0161 Arduino Compatible Analog pH Meter Kit for Water Testing with 0~14pH measuring range, 0~60°C measuring temperature and ± 0.1pH (25°C) accuracy [DFR ANALOGUE PH METER KIT]
SEN0161 Arduino Compatible Analog pH Meter Kit for Water Testing with 0~14pH measuring range, 0~60°C measuring temperature and ± 0.1pH (25°C) accuracy
710.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Alpha/Delta Aluminium Alloy Case 11.5x7.8x1.8cm, 188g {FIT0631} [DFR LATTE PANDA ALUM CASE]
Alpha/Delta Aluminium Alloy Case 11.5x7.8x1.8cm, 188g {FIT0631}
999.35 ZAR
for 1 Each
Infrared Positioning Camera Controlled with Arduino, AVR via I2C interface [DFR POSITIONING IR CAMERA]
Infrared Positioning Camera Controlled with Arduino, AVR via I2C interface
405.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0050 Compatible with Arduino Xbee Adaptor for Wireless Data [DFR XBEE ADAPTOR]
DFR0050 Compatible with Arduino Xbee Adaptor for Wireless Data
325.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0090 Compatible with Arduino 8 digit serial 3 wire LED Display module [DFR 8 DIG LED DISPLAY]
DFR0090 Compatible with Arduino 8 digit serial 3 wire LED Display module
220.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0094 Compatible with Arduino digital IR Receiver Module [DFR DIGITAL IR RECEIVER MODULE]
DFR0094 Compatible with Arduino digital IR Receiver Module
104.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0095 Digital IR Transmitter Module Compatible with Arduino [DFR DIGITAL IR TRANSMITTER MODUL]
DFR0095 Digital IR Transmitter Module Compatible with Arduino
104.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
DRI0047-20AMP Bi-Directional Electronic Speed Control (ESC) for Brushed Motors - Used on RC and Drone [DFR 20A BI/DIR BRUSHED MOTOR ESC]
DRI0047-20AMP Bi-Directional Electronic Speed Control (ESC) for Brushed Motors - Used on RC and Drone
394.45 ZAR
for 1 Each
DRI0048-40AMP Bi-Directional Electronic Speed Control (ESC) For Brushed Motors - Used on RC and Drone [DFR 40A BI/DIR BRUSHED MOTOR ESC]
DRI0048-40AMP Bi-Directional Electronic Speed Control (ESC) For Brushed Motors - Used on RC and Drone
430.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MindPlus Coding Kit for Arduino [DFR ARDUINO MINDPLUS CODING KIT]
MindPlus Coding Kit for Arduino
2 449.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
FIT0011 Digital Sensor Cable for ARDUINO (10PACK) 30CM [DFR DIGITAL SENSOR CABLE]
FIT0011 Digital Sensor Cable for ARDUINO (10PACK) 30CM
90.79 ZAR
for 1 Each
FIT0031 Compatible with Arduino Analog Sensor Cables (10 Pack) [DFR ANLOGUE SENSOR CABLEX10]
FIT0031 Compatible with Arduino Analog Sensor Cables (10 Pack)
139.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
FIT0334 300mm Servo Y extension Cable [DFR SERVO Y EXTENSN CABLE 300MM]
FIT0334 300mm Servo Y extension Cable
22.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
FIT0335 500mm Servo Y extension Cable [DFR SERVO Y EXTENSN CABLE 500MM]
FIT0335 500mm Servo Y extension Cable
30.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
FIT0363 180mm 10p FPC Programming Cable [DFR 10P FPC PROGRAM CABLE 180MM]
FIT0363 180mm 10p FPC Programming Cable
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Button Cell Battery Holder with 4.5v Batteries in White [DFR 3 X LR44/V357 BATTS IN HOLDR]
Button Cell Battery Holder with 4.5v Batteries in White
23.95 ZAR
for 1 Each
Development Board WIN10 Pro Activated, CORE:1.1-3.4GHz Dual-Core , 8GB LPDDR3 , USB3.0x3,USB Type-CX1 , HDMI O/P , 2 x M.2 PCIe (Support B&M Key and A&E Key), WiFi 802.11 AC, 2.4G & 5G, 115x78x14mm [DFR LATTE PANDA ALPHA 864S]
Development Board WIN10 Pro Activated, CORE:1.1-3.4GHz Dual-Core , 8GB LPDDR3 , USB3.0x3,USB Type-CX1 , HDMI O/P , 2 x M.2 PCIe (Support B&M Key and A&E Key), WiFi 802.11 AC, 2.4G & 5G, 115x78x14mm
8 165.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Gravity Analog Electrical Conductivity Meter with Temperature Compensation [DFR ANALOG CONDUCTIVIT SENSOR V2]
Gravity Analog Electrical Conductivity Meter with Temperature Compensation
1 840.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
FireBeetle ESP8266 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi) [DFR FIREBEETLE ESP8266 IOT MICRO]
FireBeetle ESP8266 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi)
230.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0478 FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth) [DFR FIREBEETLE ESP-WROOM-32 MCU]
DFR0478 FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth)
299.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
DFR0339 Beetle BLE - The smallest Arduino bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) [DFR BEETLE BLUETOOTH BLE 4.0 MOD]
DFR0339 Beetle BLE - The smallest Arduino bluetooth 4.0 (BLE)
290.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Acrylic Case for LattePanda - Cooling Fan Compatible! [DFR LATTE PANDA ACRYLIC CASE]
Acrylic Case for LattePanda - Cooling Fan Compatible!
135.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
TF Mini Plus(ToF) Laser Range Sensor (12m) [DFR TFMINI PLUS-MICRO LIDAR 12M]
TF Mini Plus(ToF) Laser Range Sensor (12m)
1 299.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Gravity: Analog TDS Sensor/Meter for Arduino [DFR ANALOG TDS SENSOR/METER]
Gravity: Analog TDS Sensor/Meter for Arduino
295.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
micro:bit - an Educational & Creative Tool for Kids [DFR MICRO:BIT-PROGRAMMABLE BOARD]
micro:bit - an Educational & Creative Tool for Kids
343.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Beetle - The Smallest Arduino [DFR BEETLE - THE SMALLEST ARDUIN]
Beetle - The Smallest Arduino
250.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Boson Starter Kit for micro:bit. Does not include the Micro: Bit Programmable Board [DFR BOSON MICRO:BIT STARTER KIT]
Boson Starter Kit for micro:bit. Does not include the Micro: Bit Programmable Board
1 499.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
FireBeetle 2 ESP32-E IoT Microcontroller with Header (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth) [DFR FIREBEETLE ESP32-E IOT MICRO]
FireBeetle 2 ESP32-E IoT Microcontroller with Header (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth)
295.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
LattePanda V1 - The Smallest Windows 10 Single Board Computer with Win10 Enterprise License (4GB/64GB) [DFR LATTE PANDA V1-WIN10 ENT LIC]
LattePanda V1 - The Smallest Windows 10 Single Board Computer with Win10 Enterprise License (4GB/64GB)
6 150.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS011MC Rover 5 Chassis DC Motor Controller Board 4 Channel @ 4.5A each with Encoder Support [DGU 4CH 4,5A MOTOR CONTROL BOARD]
RS011MC Rover 5 Chassis DC Motor Controller Board 4 Channel @ 4.5A each with Encoder Support
362.15 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS019 Micro "Magician" V2 Robot Controller Arduino Compatible [DGU MICRO MAGICIAN CONT BOARD V2]
RS019 Micro "Magician" V2 Robot Controller Arduino Compatible
485.22 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS012A Heavy Duty Servo Shield for Spider Controller [DGU SPIDER CONTROLLER SERVO SHLD]
RS012A Heavy Duty Servo Shield for Spider Controller
94.83 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS012 ARDUINO Compatible Multi Mini Servo Controller upto 48 Servos and 3A max total [DGU SPIDER CONTROLLER 3A]
RS012 ARDUINO Compatible Multi Mini Servo Controller upto 48 Servos and 3A max total
983.55 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS027 Arduino Mini Motor Driver Control Board [DGU MINI DRIVER ROBOT CONTROLLER]
RS027 Arduino Mini Motor Driver Control Board
195.71 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS011-2/2 DAGU Rover 5 - Tank Tracked Robot Chassis with Adjustable Clearance - 2 Wheel Drive with 2 Encoders [DGU ROVER 5 CHASSIS 2X2 TRACKED]
RS011-2/2 DAGU Rover 5 - Tank Tracked Robot Chassis with Adjustable Clearance - 2 Wheel Drive with 2 Encoders
973.46 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS011-4/4 DAGU Rover 5 - Tank Tracked Robot Chassis with Adjustable Clearance - 4 Wheel Drive with 4 Encoders [DGU ROVER 5 CHASSIS 4X4 TRACKED]
RS011-4/4 DAGU Rover 5 - Tank Tracked Robot Chassis with Adjustable Clearance - 4 Wheel Drive with 4 Encoders
1 295.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS013 Quadbot Spider Chassis with Servos [DGU QUAD BOT CHASSIS]
RS013 Quadbot Spider Chassis with Servos
731.86 ZAR
for 1 Each
DG012-BV Basic aluminium Multi-Chassis 4WD Robot Kit with four 48:1 DC Gearboxes [DGU ALUM MULTI-CHASSIS 4WD KIT]
DG012-BV Basic aluminium Multi-Chassis 4WD Robot Kit with four 48:1 DC Gearboxes
Call for Price  
RS014 2-in-1 Miniature Robot Kit Arduino Compatible [DGU MINI BOT 2 IN 1 KIT]
RS014 2-in-1 Miniature Robot Kit Arduino Compatible
925.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Aluminum Gripper with 2 Servos and 13cm Arm [DGU ROBOT CLAW 13CM]
Aluminum Gripper with 2 Servos and 13cm Arm
788.98 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS034 Simple Motor and Encoder Kit with 2 Motors 2 Wheels and 2 Encoder Kit [DGU MOTORS+ENCODER KIT+WHEELS]
RS034 Simple Motor and Encoder Kit with 2 Motors 2 Wheels and 2 Encoder Kit
460.98 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS033 Magnetic Sensor/Quadrature Encoder fits near the back wheel and allows measurement of Speed and Distance [DGU QUADRATURE ENCODER]
RS033 Magnetic Sensor/Quadrature Encoder fits near the back wheel and allows measurement of Speed and Distance
89.78 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS003A Wild Thumper motor with 75:1 Gearbox 10,000 RPM [DGU WILD THUMPER MOTOR 75:1]
RS003A Wild Thumper motor with 75:1 Gearbox 10,000 RPM
210.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Wild Thumper Metal Gear Motor + Encoder with 75:1 Gearbox [DGU WILD THUMPER MOTOR 75:1+ENCO]
Wild Thumper Metal Gear Motor + Encoder with 75:1 Gearbox
330.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS-003B Wild Thumper Metal Gear Motor with 34:1 gearbox, 6VDC/285rpm, Stall current 5.5A. max, 10,000rpm [DGU WILD THUMPER MOTOR 34:1]
RS-003B Wild Thumper Metal Gear Motor with 34:1 gearbox, 6VDC/285rpm, Stall current 5.5A. max, 10,000rpm
210.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Wild Thumper Metal Gear Motor + Encoder with 34:1 Gearbox 6VDC/285rpm, Stall current 5.5A, max 10000rpm [DGU WILD THUMPER MOTOR 34:1+ENCO]
Wild Thumper Metal Gear Motor + Encoder with 34:1 Gearbox 6VDC/285rpm, Stall current 5.5A, max 10000rpm
330.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DGS12G Little Black Duck - 12g, 2Kg/cm Miniature Servo [DGU LBD SERVO 2KG.CM@4,8V]
DGS12G Little Black Duck - 12g, 2Kg/cm Miniature Servo
126.10 ZAR
for 1 Each
DG011W Little Black Duck - 2 Miniature Servos + 2 Wheels with fasterners [DGU LBD SERVOS W/WHEELS (X2)]
DG011W Little Black Duck - 2 Miniature Servos + 2 Wheels with fasterners
221.93 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS003D Nickel Plated Brass fittings to fit wheels on 4mm Shaft (4 pieces) [DGU WHEEL FITTINGS FOR 4MM SHAFT]
RS003D Nickel Plated Brass fittings to fit wheels on 4mm Shaft (4 pieces)
68.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
OW004 Omni Wheel 40mm with Hub [DGU OMNI WHEEL 1 WITH HUB]
OW004 Omni Wheel 40mm with Hub
146.27 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS022 Miniature Magnetic Servo Clutch for Servo Gear Protection [DGU MINI SERVO MAGNETIC CLUTCH]
RS022 Miniature Magnetic Servo Clutch for Servo Gear Protection
62.04 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS002A Infrared Compound Eye used by a Robot to Track Movement within 200mm. [DGU INFRARED COMPOUND EYE]
RS002A Infrared Compound Eye used by a Robot to Track Movement within 200mm.
139.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS028 Bevel Gear Set (90deg) for Drive Shafts 2~4mm [DGU BEVEL GEAR SET]
RS028 Bevel Gear Set (90deg) for Drive Shafts 2~4mm
63.05 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS030 Simple Encoder Kit with 8pole Magnets + 2 Hall Effect Sensors [DGU SIMPLE ENCODER KIT]
RS030 Simple Encoder Kit with 8pole Magnets + 2 Hall Effect Sensors
175.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MC006 Reusable Prototyping Polymorph Plastic low melting temperature of about 60°C [DGU POLYMORPH PLASTIC 1KG]
MC006 Reusable Prototyping Polymorph Plastic low melting temperature of about 60°C
485.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MC004A Solar Panel 1,5V 350mA 135x65mm [DGU SOLAR CELL 1,5V 350MA]
MC004A Solar Panel 1,5V 350mA 135x65mm
125.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
S4A EDU Mini Driver MkII ATmega Arduino Compatible [DGU S4A EDU MINI DRIVER MKII]
S4A EDU Mini Driver MkII ATmega Arduino Compatible
352.06 ZAR
for 1 Each
7inch Latte Panda IPS LCD Display 1024x600 Pixels, WSVGA, Aspect Ratio:128:75 {FIT0477} [DFR LATTE PANDA 7IN LCD DISPLAY]
7inch Latte Panda IPS LCD Display 1024x600 Pixels, WSVGA, Aspect Ratio:128:75 {FIT0477}
977.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
3.3-5V Arduino Compatible Analog pH Meter Kit for Water Testing. Measuring Range :0-14PH--Measuring Temperature: 0-60 °C==Accuracy: ± 0.1PH (25 °C) [DFR ANALOGUE PH METER KIT V2]
3.3-5V Arduino Compatible Analog pH Meter Kit for Water Testing. Measuring Range :0-14PH--Measuring Temperature: 0-60 °C==Accuracy: ± 0.1PH (25 °C)
1 050.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Gravity: Analog pH Sensor / Meter Pro Kit V2 [DFR ANALOGUE PH METER PRO KIT V2]
Gravity: Analog pH Sensor / Meter Pro Kit V2
1 635.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Titan Case Alpha/delta 120x87x26mm, ABS, Polycarbonate {FIT0550} [DFR LATTE PANDA TITAN CASE]
Titan Case Alpha/delta 120x87x26mm, ABS, Polycarbonate {FIT0550}
373.75 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Electric Imp WiFi Enabled Development Platform [SPF ELECTRIC IMP WIFI DEV P/FORM]
SparkFun Electric Imp WiFi Enabled Development Platform
405.20 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Electric Imp Shield [SPF ELECTRIC IMP SHIELD]
SparkFun Electric Imp Shield
247.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Sunny Buddy - MPPT Solar Charger [SPF SUNNY BUDDY MPPT SOLAR CHG]
SparkFun Sunny Buddy - MPPT Solar Charger
Call for Price  
SparkFun Fingerprint Scanner - TTL (GT-521F32) [SPF FINGERPRINT SCANNER GT521F32]
SparkFun Fingerprint Scanner - TTL (GT-521F32)
724.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Fingerprint Scanner - TTL (GT-521F52) [SPF FINGERPRINT SCANNER GT521F52]
SparkFun Fingerprint Scanner - TTL (GT-521F52)
1 320.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sparkfun Qwiic 4W Cable - 100mm [SPF QWIIC 4W CABLE 100MM]
Sparkfun Qwiic 4W Cable - 100mm
39.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
KIT-13154 SparkFun Inventor's Kit (for Arduino Uno) - V3.2 [SPF SPARKFUN INVENT UNO KIT V3.2]
KIT-13154 SparkFun Inventor's Kit (for Arduino Uno) - V3.2
1 563.60 ZAR
for 1 Each
RTL-10769 OBD-II (CAN, JBUS) Car Diagnostics Kit with OBD-II cable allowing you to Interface with your car's OBD-II Bus [SPF CAR DIAGNOSTICS KIT]
RTL-10769 OBD-II (CAN, JBUS) Car Diagnostics Kit with OBD-II cable allowing you to Interface with your car's OBD-II Bus
1 420.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
KIT-11394 FG085 Frequency Generator Kit with Sine Square Triangle and Staircase upto 200KHz [SPF FREQUENCY GENERATOR KIT 085]
KIT-11394 FG085 Frequency Generator Kit with Sine Square Triangle and Staircase upto 200KHz
1 320.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
KIT-11561 Raspberry Pi Expansion Board Robot Controller [SPF RASPIBOT BOARD KIT]
KIT-11561 Raspberry Pi Expansion Board Robot Controller
382.33 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-12921 LilyPad XBee Breakout Board for the popular XBee Modules that can be sewn into your e-textile projects [SPF LILYPAD XBEE]
DEV-12921 LilyPad XBee Breakout Board for the popular XBee Modules that can be sewn into your e-textile projects
248.16 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-12847 Arduino XBEE Shield works with all XBEE Modules series 1 & 2 Standard and PRO [SPF XBEE SHIELD]
WRL-12847 Arduino XBEE Shield works with all XBEE Modules series 1 & 2 Standard and PRO
379.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-11168 AVR ISP Shield - PTH Kit - Gives your Arduino a 28-pin ZIF socket ICs which is wired to work directly with the ArduinoISP code. [SPF AVR ISP SHIELD (PROGRAMMER)]
DEV-11168 AVR ISP Shield - PTH Kit - Gives your Arduino a 28-pin ZIF socket ICs which is wired to work directly with the ArduinoISP code.
267.33 ZAR
for 1 Each
COM-13316 EasyVR Shield 3.0 Voice Recognition Shield for Arduino Boards integrating an EasyVR Module [SPF VOICE RECOGNITION SHIELD V3]
COM-13316 EasyVR Shield 3.0 Voice Recognition Shield for Arduino Boards integrating an EasyVR Module
1 225.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
COM-10878 EL Escudo Dos is an Arduino shield for controlling up to eight strands of Electroluminescent (EL) Wire. [SPF EL ESCUDO DOS]
COM-10878 EL Escudo Dos is an Arduino shield for controlling up to eight strands of Electroluminescent (EL) Wire.
322.81 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-13262 ARDUINO CAN-BUS Shield - uses MCP2515 CAN controller with MCP2551 CAN transceiver - Ideal for Automotive CAN application - Requires OBD-II cable [SPF CAN-BUS SHIELD]
DEV-13262 ARDUINO CAN-BUS Shield - uses MCP2515 CAN controller with MCP2551 CAN transceiver - Ideal for Automotive CAN application - Requires OBD-II cable
520.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-10182 High Current Dual Motor Driver Shield with 16V max Voltage, 14A Continuous and 30A max Current [SPF MONSTER MOTOR SHIELD]
DEV-10182 High Current Dual Motor Driver Shield with 16V max Voltage, 14A Continuous and 30A max Current
958.33 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-09717 FTDI Cable with USB to Serial (TTL level) Converter where VCC pins of FTDI cable are configured to operate at 5V with 3.3V I/O [SPF FTDI CABLE 5V VCC-3.3V I/O]
DEV-09717 FTDI Cable with USB to Serial (TTL level) Converter where VCC pins of FTDI cable are configured to operate at 5V with 3.3V I/O
349.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-09716 Basic Breakout Board for the FTDI FT232RL USB to Serial IC [SPF FTDI BASIC BREAKOUT - 5V]
DEV-09716 Basic Breakout Board for the FTDI FT232RL USB to Serial IC
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-09718 The FTDI Cable is a USB to Serial (TTL level) Converter which connects TTL Interface devices to USB [SPF FTDI CABLE 5V]
DEV-09718 The FTDI Cable is a USB to Serial (TTL level) Converter which connects TTL Interface devices to USB
427.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
NEW-WRL-12938 Evaluation Board for SI4703 FM Tuner Chip- FM Radio, RDS and RBDS Detector/Processor [SPF EVALU BOARD-SI4703 FM TUNER]
NEW-WRL-12938 Evaluation Board for SI4703 FM Tuner Chip- FM Radio, RDS and RBDS Detector/Processor
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WIG-09555O BD-II Serial UART Board
890.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-12587 Pro Micro - 3.3V/8MHz with an ATmega32U4 on board. The USB transceiver inside the 32U4 allows us to add USB connectivity on-board. [SPF PRO MICRO - 3,3V/8MHZ]
DEV-12587 Pro Micro - 3.3V/8MHz with an ATmega32U4 on board. The USB transceiver inside the 32U4 allows us to add USB connectivity on-board.
365.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-11113 Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz .This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset. [SPF ARD PRO MINI 328-5V/16MHZ]
DEV-11113 Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz .This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset.
259.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-11114 Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 3.3V/8MHz. This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset. [SPF PRO MINI 328-3,3V/8MHZ]
DEV-11114 Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 3.3V/8MHz. This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset.
259.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-10915 Compatible with Arduino Pro 328 - 5V/16MHz. This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset. This is a 5V Compatible with Arduino running the 16MHz bootloader. [SPF PRO 328 - 5V/16MHZ]
DEV-10915 Compatible with Arduino Pro 328 - 5V/16MHz. This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset. This is a 5V Compatible with Arduino running the 16MHz bootloader.
232.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-10116 Compatible with Arduino Funnel I/O (Fio) is a board designed and based on the original design from LilyPad. Funnel is a toolkit to sketch your idea physically. [SPF FIO (FUNNEL I/O)]
DEV-10116 Compatible with Arduino Funnel I/O (Fio) is a board designed and based on the original design from LilyPad. Funnel is a toolkit to sketch your idea physically.
359.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-11520 Fio v3 - powered by the ATmega32U4 is small and LiPo-ready, it's a very capable XBee-ready development board. [SPF FIO V3 ATMEGA32U4]
DEV-11520 Fio v3 - powered by the ATmega32U4 is small and LiPo-ready, it's a very capable XBee-ready development board.
438.82 ZAR
for 1 Each
Logomatic V2 Serial SD Datalogger incorporates the LPC2148 chip with MicroUSB and MicroSD support, Battery Charging and FAT32 formatting [SPF LOGM V2 SERIAL SD DATALOGGR]
Logomatic V2 Serial SD Datalogger incorporates the LPC2148 chip with MicroUSB and MicroSD support, Battery Charging and FAT32 formatting
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DEV-09530 Open Source serial Data Logger supports FAT16 and FAT32 microSD cards tested up to 16GB - Configurable baud rates (2400 to 115200bps) [SPF OPENLOG DATALOGGER]
DEV-09530 Open Source serial Data Logger supports FAT16 and FAT32 microSD cards tested up to 16GB - Configurable baud rates (2400 to 115200bps)
401.49 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Micro:Climate Kit for Micro:Bit -V3.0 [SPF CLIMATE KIT FOR MICRO:BIT]
SparkFun Micro:Climate Kit for Micro:Bit -V3.0
2 650.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
GPS-10920 Venus GPS Logger with SMA Connector and improved Sensitivity and Faster 20Hz update rate [SPF VENUS638FLPX GPS LOGGER-SMA]
GPS-10920 Venus GPS Logger with SMA Connector and improved Sensitivity and Faster 20Hz update rate
904.87 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-11773 Raspberry Pi I/O Expansion Board (connect to GPIO Header) [SPF GERTBOARD]
DEV-11773 Raspberry Pi I/O Expansion Board (connect to GPIO Header)
1 059.21 ZAR
for 1 Each
WIG-09306  ATMEGA328 AVR Oscilloscope Clock : O-Clock Converts X-Y Analog Oscilloscope into Analog Clock or Terminal and be used alone as a Function Generator [SPF AVR OSCILLOSC O-CLOCK]
WIG-09306 ATMEGA328 AVR Oscilloscope Clock : O-Clock Converts X-Y Analog Oscilloscope into Analog Clock or Terminal and be used alone as a Function Generator
401.35 ZAR
for 1 Each
GPS-12751 EM-506 48 channel GPS Receiver Module based on SiRF STARIII with Built in Patch Antenna [SPF GPS RECEIVER MODULE 48CH]
GPS-12751 EM-506 48 channel GPS Receiver Module based on SiRF STARIII with Built in Patch Antenna
822.15 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-10822 RN-XV WiFly Module - Wire Antenna - and incorporates 802.11 b/g radio, 32 bit processor, TCP/IP stack, real-time clock, crypto accelerator, power management unit. [SPF WIFLY MODULE-WIRE ANTENNA]
WRL-10822 RN-XV WiFly Module - Wire Antenna - and incorporates 802.11 b/g radio, 32 bit processor, TCP/IP stack, real-time clock, crypto accelerator, power management unit.
782.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-10421 XBee Pro 63mW Wire Antenna - Series 2B (ZigBee Mesh) allow you to create complex mesh networks based on the XBee ZB ZigBee mesh firmware. [SPF XBEE PRO 63MW WIRE ANTENNA]
WRL-10421 XBee Pro 63mW Wire Antenna - Series 2B (ZigBee Mesh) allow you to create complex mesh networks based on the XBee ZB ZigBee mesh firmware.
906.89 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-12577 BlueSMiRF Silver Bluetooth Modem RN-42 with Serial Communication 2400 to 115200bps and Serial RX/TX pipe [SPF BLUETOOTH MODEM SMIRF SILVER]
WRL-12577 BlueSMiRF Silver Bluetooth Modem RN-42 with Serial Communication 2400 to 115200bps and Serial RX/TX pipe
465.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-09954 WiFly Shield for ARDUINO to 802.11b/g Wireless with RN-131C and the SC16IS750 [SPF WIFLY SHIELD WITH RN-131C]
WRL-09954 WiFly Shield for ARDUINO to 802.11b/g Wireless with RN-131C and the SC16IS750
887.72 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-10665 WIXEL provides 2,4GHZ Wireless Communication, 32KB Flash Memory & 4K RAM using CC2511F32 Microcontroller [SPF WIXEL FOR 2,4GHZ COMMS]
WRL-10665 WIXEL provides 2,4GHZ Wireless Communication, 32KB Flash Memory & 4K RAM using CC2511F32 Microcontroller
398.46 ZAR
for 1 Each
PGM-09825 Pocket AVR Programmer uses an SMD 5x2 header. Low cost, easy to use, works well with AVRDude and for ATmega168 and ATmega328. [SPF POCKET AVR PROGRAMMER]
PGM-09825 Pocket AVR Programmer uses an SMD 5x2 header. Low cost, easy to use, works well with AVRDude and for ATmega168 and ATmega328.
400.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
PGM-11801 AVR USB Programmer for MCUs ATtiny45 and 85 Chips Arduino IDE [SPF NEW-TINY AVR PROGRAMMER]
PGM-11801 AVR USB Programmer for MCUs ATtiny45 and 85 Chips Arduino IDE
380.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-12924 Microview USB Programmer is chip-sized Arduino Compatible Module [SPF MICROVIEW USB PROGRAMMER]
DEV-12924 Microview USB Programmer is chip-sized Arduino Compatible Module
252.20 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-12923 MicroView - OLED Arduino Module with ATmega328P, 5V & 3.3V LDO and a 64x48 Pixel OLED Display [SPF MICROVIEW OLED MODULE-ARDUIN]
DEV-12923 MicroView - OLED Arduino Module with ATmega328P, 5V & 3.3V LDO and a 64x48 Pixel OLED Display
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WRL-12574 Bluetooth SMD Module RN-42 (V6.15) Class 2 device (range is 1.5~1.8m) and Pin Compatable to RN41 [SPF BLUETOOTH SMD MODULE RN-42]
WRL-12574 Bluetooth SMD Module RN-42 (V6.15) Class 2 device (range is 1.5~1.8m) and Pin Compatable to RN41
460.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-13225 RS232 Serial Programming base unit for Xbee Modules including series 1 and 2.5 std and pro version [SPF XBEE EXPLORER SERIAL]
WRL-13225 RS232 Serial Programming base unit for Xbee Modules including series 1 and 2.5 std and pro version
453.95 ZAR
for 1 Each
BOB-12731 FT232RL USB to Serial Breakout Board for FTDI's popular USB to UART IC with Internal Oscillator and EEPROM [SPF FT232RL USB TO SERIAL BOARD]
BOB-12731 FT232RL USB to Serial Breakout Board for FTDI's popular USB to UART IC with Internal Oscillator and EEPROM
320.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
BOB-09110 Breakout board for SPF Thumb Joystick [SPF THUMB JOYSTICK BREAKOUT]
BOB-09110 Breakout board for SPF Thumb Joystick
39.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ROB-09238 Bipolar Stepper Motor NEMA16 12V with a 4-wire Cable attached [SPF STEPPER MOTOR NEMA16 12V]
ROB-09238 Bipolar Stepper Motor NEMA16 12V with a 4-wire Cable attached
302.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout - TMP102 [SPF TMP102 DIG TEMP SENSOR B/OUT]
SparkFun Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout - TMP102
100.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
PRT-08293 LiPoly Fast Charger - 5V Input - Based on Microchip MCP73843-410 charges single cell lithium polymer batteries with a max rate of 1A. [SPF LIPOLY FAST CHARGER 5V INPUT]
PRT-08293 LiPoly Fast Charger - 5V Input - Based on Microchip MCP73843-410 charges single cell lithium polymer batteries with a max rate of 1A.
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PRT-10161 USB LiPoly Charger - Single Cell - designed to charge single-cell Li-Ion or Li-Polymer batteries very fast. [SPF LIPOLY CHARGER USB-ONE CELL]
PRT-10161 USB LiPoly Charger - Single Cell - designed to charge single-cell Li-Ion or Li-Polymer batteries very fast.
360.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-09028 Voltage and Current Sense Breakout Board 90A [SPF VOLTAGE & CURRENT SENSE 90A]
SEN-09028 Voltage and Current Sense Breakout Board 90A
433.77 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-10644 Voltage and Current Sense Breakout Board 180A [SPF VOLTAGE & CURRENT SENSE 180A]
SEN-10644 Voltage and Current Sense Breakout Board 180A
450.92 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-12617 RedBot Wheel Encoder to Track number of Wheel Revolutions [SPF REDBOT SENSOR WHEEL ENCODER]
SEN-12617 RedBot Wheel Encoder to Track number of Wheel Revolutions
157.37 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-08777 Lilypad Temperature Sensor using MCP9700 with Output 0.5V@0°C, 0.75V@25°C, and 10mV/°C [SPF LILYPAD TEMP SENSOR MCP9700]
DEV-08777 Lilypad Temperature Sensor using MCP9700 with Output 0.5V@0°C, 0.75V@25°C, and 10mV/°C
75.66 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-12909 Pressure Sensor Breakout Board using MS5803-14BA with both an I2C and SPI Interface [SPF PRESSURE SENSOR MS5803-14BA]
SEN-12909 Pressure Sensor Breakout Board using MS5803-14BA with both an I2C and SPI Interface
1 135.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
BOB-08891 Gas Sensor Breakout Board for the MQ-3, MQ-4 and MQ-6 Gas Sensors [SPF GAS SENSOR BREAKOUT BOARD]
BOB-08891 Gas Sensor Breakout Board for the MQ-3, MQ-4 and MQ-6 Gas Sensors
15.13 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-12642 Sound Detector is an Audio Sensing Board using the LMV324 with Simultaneous and Independent 3 different Outputs [SPF SOUND DETECTOR- 3 OUTPUTS]
SEN-12642 Sound Detector is an Audio Sensing Board using the LMV324 with Simultaneous and Independent 3 different Outputs
240.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-10264 Simple Flex Sensor 2.2" in length, as the sensor is flexed, the resistance across the sensor increases. Connector is 0.1" spaced and bread board friendly. [SPF FLEX SENSOR 2,2 INCH]
SEN-10264 Simple Flex Sensor 2.2" in length, as the sensor is flexed, the resistance across the sensor increases. Connector is 0.1" spaced and bread board friendly.
240.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-08606 Flex Sensor 4.5" in length, as the sensor is flexed, the resistance across the sensor increases. Connector is 0.1" spaced and bread board friendly. [SPF FLEX SENSOR 4,5 INCH]
SEN-08606 Flex Sensor 4.5" in length, as the sensor is flexed, the resistance across the sensor increases. Connector is 0.1" spaced and bread board friendly.
457.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-09045 3-Axis Accelerometer - High Resolution (13-bit) measurement up to ±16G. Measures the static acceleration of gravity in tilt-sensing applications. [SPF 3 AXIS ACCELEROMTR ADXL345]
SEN-09045 3-Axis Accelerometer - High Resolution (13-bit) measurement up to ±16G. Measures the static acceleration of gravity in tilt-sensing applications.
206.37 ZAR
for 1 Each
COM-09605 3-Axis Analog Accelerometer - Low Power MMA7361LR1 - 2 measuring ranges - ±1.5g or ±6g. 1-pole low pass filter, temp compensation, self test. [SPF 3 AXIS ACCELEROMTR MMA7361L]
COM-09605 3-Axis Analog Accelerometer - Low Power MMA7361LR1 - 2 measuring ranges - ±1.5g or ±6g. 1-pole low pass filter, temp compensation, self test.
93.79 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-10724 Sensor Stick with 9 Degrees of Freedom - ITG-3200 MEMS Triple Axis Gyro + ADXL345 Accelerometer + HMC5883L Magnetometer [SPF 9 DEGREES OF FREEDOM - SENSO]
SEN-10724 Sensor Stick with 9 Degrees of Freedom - ITG-3200 MEMS Triple Axis Gyro + ADXL345 Accelerometer + HMC5883L Magnetometer
741.45 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-10736 Razor IMU with 9 Degrees of Freedom - ITG-3200 triple-axis digital-output Gyroscope + ADXL345 13-bit resolution, ±16g, triple-axis Accelerometer + HMC5883L triple-axis, digital Magnetometer [SPF 9 DEGREES OF FREEDOM - RAZOR]
SEN-10736 Razor IMU with 9 Degrees of Freedom - ITG-3200 triple-axis digital-output Gyroscope + ADXL345 13-bit resolution, ±16g, triple-axis Accelerometer + HMC5883L triple-axis, digital Magnetometer
1 044.07 ZAR
for 1 Each
SEN-13007 5V TTL Serial Fingerprint Scanner GT511C1R with 20 Finger Capacity and 360° Fingerprint Recognition - requires cable: SPF FINGERPRINT JUMPER 6W CABLE [SPF FINGERPRINT SCANNER GT511C1R]
SEN-13007 5V TTL Serial Fingerprint Scanner GT511C1R with 20 Finger Capacity and 360° Fingerprint Recognition - requires cable: SPF FINGERPRINT JUMPER 6W CABLE
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SEN-12650 Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor using AD8232 used to Measure Electrical Activity of the Heart [SPF HEART RATE MONITOR - AD8232]
SEN-12650 Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor using AD8232 used to Measure Electrical Activity of the Heart
415.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
COM-09426 Resistive Analogue Thumb Slide Joystick [SPF THUMB SLIDE JOYSTICK]
COM-09426 Resistive Analogue Thumb Slide Joystick
69.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SPF Thumb Joystick
55.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
PRT-10359 4 Wire Assembly Jumper Cable with 4pin JST SH Plug and loose Mating Socket [SPF FINGERPRINT JUMPER 4W CABLE]
PRT-10359 4 Wire Assembly Jumper Cable with 4pin JST SH Plug and loose Mating Socket
34.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
PRT-12042 12mm Z-Axis Conductive Tape for Flex circuits and PCB's in 2.75m [SPF Z-AXIS CONDUCTIVE TAPE 2.74M]
PRT-12042 12mm Z-Axis Conductive Tape for Flex circuits and PCB's in 2.75m
189.65 ZAR
for 1 Each
PRT-11980 Black Raspberry Pi Enclosure with Vents 9.5x6.2x2.7cm [SPF RASPBERRY PI ENCLOSURE BLACK]
PRT-11980 Black Raspberry Pi Enclosure with Vents 9.5x6.2x2.7cm
127.33 ZAR
for 1 Each
PRT-12841 Compatible with Arduino Yun Plastic Enclosure 80x65x30mm in Black [SPF YUN ENCLOSURE BLACK]
PRT-12841 Compatible with Arduino Yun Plastic Enclosure 80x65x30mm in Black
161.90 ZAR
for 1 Each
ROB-10398 12V Vacuum Pump with vacuum range 0~16" Hg [SPF VACUUM PUMP 12V 16IN HG]
ROB-10398 12V Vacuum Pump with vacuum range 0~16" Hg
446.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
PRT-10592 SMD Coin Cell Battery Holder - 12mm [SPF COIN CELL BATT HOLDER-SMD]
PRT-10592 SMD Coin Cell Battery Holder - 12mm
16.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Inventor's Kit - v4.1 [SPF SPARKFUN INVENTORS KIT V4.1]
SparkFun Inventor's Kit - v4.1
1 850.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Distance Sensor Breakout - 4 Meter, VL53L1X (Qwiic) [SPF DISTANCE SENSOR 4MT VL53L1X]
SparkFun Distance Sensor Breakout - 4 Meter, VL53L1X (Qwiic)
510.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
NEW-SEN-15901 Weather Meter Kit Measures Wind Speed, Wind Direction and Rainfall [SPF WEATHER METER]
NEW-SEN-15901 Weather Meter Kit Measures Wind Speed, Wind Direction and Rainfall
1 830.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Current Sensor Breakout - ACS723 [SPF ACS723 CURRENT SENSOR B/OUT]
SparkFun Current Sensor Breakout - ACS723
189.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun XBee 3 Wireless Kit [SPF XBEE 3 WIRELESS KIT]
SparkFun XBee 3 Wireless Kit
1 950.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-09476 WIZnet Serial-to-Ethernet Gateway - WIZ110SR using WIZnet W5100 embedded Ethernet Controller chip and an 8051 complaint MCU [SPF WIZNET SERIAL-TO-ETH GATEWAY]
DEV-09476 WIZnet Serial-to-Ethernet Gateway - WIZ110SR using WIZnet W5100 embedded Ethernet Controller chip and an 8051 complaint MCU
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WRL-13632 Simblee BLE Breakout Board is Programmable allowing to add mobile app functionality via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, or Bluetooth 4.0) [SPF SIMBLEE BLE BRKOUT -RFD77101]
WRL-13632 Simblee BLE Breakout Board is Programmable allowing to add mobile app functionality via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, or Bluetooth 4.0)
473.11 ZAR
for 1 Each
DEV-12651 Digital Sandbox (DS) is a learning platform that engages both the Software and Hardware worlds [SPF DIGITAL SANDBOX]
DEV-12651 Digital Sandbox (DS) is a learning platform that engages both the Software and Hardware worlds
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BOB-09946 Breakout Board using LTC3588 Piezoelectric Energy Harvester can be used for Harvesting Piezoelectric Energy and Solar Energy [SPF ENERGY HARVESTER BREAKOUT]
BOB-09946 Breakout Board using LTC3588 Piezoelectric Energy Harvester can be used for Harvesting Piezoelectric Energy and Solar Energy
428.73 ZAR
for 1 Each
Breakout Board for Digi XBEE Modules. Breaks Out 20 Pins of XBEE to 0.1" (2.54mm) Stanadard Spaced Dual Row [SPF BREAKOUT FOR XBEE MODULE]
Breakout Board for Digi XBEE Modules. Breaks Out 20 Pins of XBEE to 0.1" (2.54mm) Stanadard Spaced Dual Row
29.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Miniature Force Sensitive Resistor 1M OHM to 2.5K OHM on Full Pressure [SPF FORCE SENSITIVE RESISTOR 4MM]
Miniature Force Sensitive Resistor 1M OHM to 2.5K OHM on Full Pressure
165.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WIG-12000 Audio Development Platform to add Music/Sound to projects with 16-bit Stereo 44.1KHZ [SPF WAV TRIGGER AUDIO DEV BOARD]
WIG-12000 Audio Development Platform to add Music/Sound to projects with 16-bit Stereo 44.1KHZ
850.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WRL-08687 USB to Serial unit for Programming XBee [SPF XBEE EXPLORER USB]
WRL-08687 USB to Serial unit for Programming XBee
475.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Bus Pirate - v3.6A [SPF BUS PIRATE V3.6A]
Bus Pirate - v3.6A
795.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Bus Pirate Cable
122.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SMD Coin Cell Battery Holder - 20mm [SPF COIN CELL BATT HOLDER-SMD 20]
SMD Coin Cell Battery Holder - 20mm
13.11 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Wake on Shake [SPF WAKE ON SHAKE]
SparkFun Wake on Shake
460.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver [SPF BLUETOOTH MATE SILVER]
SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver
615.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SparkFun Air Quality Breakout - CCS811 [SPF AIR QUALITY BREAKOUT-CCS811]
SparkFun Air Quality Breakout - CCS811
520.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
2GB RAM LattePanda Windows 10 mini PC with 32GB eMMC memory [LATTE PANDA 2GB/32GB WITH WIN 10]
2GB RAM LattePanda Windows 10 mini PC with 32GB eMMC memory
4 174.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
4GB RAM LattePanda with 64GB internal memory (Unactivated) [LATTE PANDA 4GB/64GB UNACTIVATE]
4GB RAM LattePanda with 64GB internal memory (Unactivated)
5 050.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mini PC with on-board WiFi, Arduino headers, Ubuntu and Android OS with HDMI [ITE PCDUINO V2]
Mini PC with on-board WiFi, Arduino headers, Ubuntu and Android OS with HDMI
874.10 ZAR
for 1 Each
pcDuino V3 A20 Single Board Computer which runs OS such as Ubuntu Linux and Android supporting Arduino Programming [ITE PCDUINO 3B]
pcDuino V3 A20 Single Board Computer which runs OS such as Ubuntu Linux and Android supporting Arduino Programming
1 180.27 ZAR
for 1 Each
ITE PcDuino V3 Nano
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ITE 5M Pixel CSI Camera for pcDuino3 [ITE PCDUINO V3 CAMERA MODULE 5MP]
ITE 5M Pixel CSI Camera for pcDuino3
378.29 ZAR
for 1 Each
Translation Board to bridge Arduino Shield to pcDuino with Level Shifter [ITE T-BOARD-ARDUINO TO PCDUINO]
Translation Board to bridge Arduino Shield to pcDuino with Level Shifter
92.55 ZAR
for 1 Each
Web Cam 3-axis Servo Kit for Real Time Video for pcDuino [ITE WEB CAM 3-AXIS SERVO KIT]
Web Cam 3-axis Servo Kit for Real Time Video for pcDuino
429.73 ZAR
for 1 Each
Proto Shield to use Arduino Shields on pcDuino allows you to connect out all the pins of pcDuino so that exsisting shields for Arduino can be used on pcDuino [ITE PROTO SHIELD FOR PCDUINO]
Proto Shield to use Arduino Shields on pcDuino allows you to connect out all the pins of pcDuino so that exsisting shields for Arduino can be used on pcDuino
83.73 ZAR
for 1 Each
MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor - I2C [BMT MAX44009 I2C AMB LIGHT SENSO]
MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor - I2C
395.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Capacitive Touch Shield for Arduino has 9 touch pads with headers for the remaining 3 electrode connections and a total of 12 touch sensitive buttons [ITE TOUCH SHIELD 9KEY]
Capacitive Touch Shield for Arduino has 9 touch pads with headers for the remaining 3 electrode connections and a total of 12 touch sensitive buttons
190.66 ZAR
for 1 Each
Servo Trigger 5mA 5.5VDC Max [SPF SERVO TRIGGER]
Servo Trigger 5mA 5.5VDC Max
430.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
XBEE Shield for Arduino Wireless Communication using BEE Compatible Modules like Zigbee, Bluetooth or Maxstream XBEE [ITE XBEE SHIELD]
XBEE Shield for Arduino Wireless Communication using BEE Compatible Modules like Zigbee, Bluetooth or Maxstream XBEE
198.73 ZAR
for 1 Each
Dual Coil Version DC/DC Constanat Output Auto Buck/Boost Module with HI Value Caps. Stabilised Output. XL6009 Chip. Ideal For VehicleS. I/P 5-32V. O/P 1,25-32V Adjustable- 4A Max. [BMT DC/DC BUCK-BOOST 1.25-35V 4A]
Dual Coil Version DC/DC Constanat Output Auto Buck/Boost Module with HI Value Caps. Stabilised Output. XL6009 Chip. Ideal For VehicleS. I/P 5-32V. O/P 1,25-32V Adjustable- 4A Max.
40.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3 Stage/ Function: CC LED Driver, Buck Module and LIPO Charger I/P 4-38V O/P 1.25-36V 5A ADJ. Constant Current & Voltage. Do Not Combine I/P and O/P Ground [BMT DC/DC BUCK/LIPO CHG 1.25-36V]
3 Stage/ Function: CC LED Driver, Buck Module and LIPO Charger I/P 4-38V O/P 1.25-36V 5A ADJ. Constant Current & Voltage. Do Not Combine I/P and O/P Ground
55.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
USB V5.00 Bluetooth Adapter For Connection To All Bluetooth Enabled Devices. Not Applicable for PS4/X-Box, Mac, IOS, Linux, TV, Car Audio. [BMT USB BLUETOOTH DONGLE V5.0]
USB V5.00 Bluetooth Adapter For Connection To All Bluetooth Enabled Devices. Not Applicable for PS4/X-Box, Mac, IOS, Linux, TV, Car Audio.
79.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mini USB Bluetooth V4.0 Adapter/Dongle-High Speed up to 3MBPS. Supports Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ VISTA/ XP/ 2000/ 98/ ME [BMT USB BLUETOOTH DONGLE]
Mini USB Bluetooth V4.0 Adapter/Dongle-High Speed up to 3MBPS. Supports Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ VISTA/ XP/ 2000/ 98/ ME
70.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Adjustable AC-DC Speed/dimmer Controller. Input:220VAC. Ouput: 10-210VDC Linear Under Load. Current: 10A [BMT AC-DC SPEED/DIMM CONTROL 10A]
Adjustable AC-DC Speed/dimmer Controller. Input:220VAC. Ouput: 10-210VDC Linear Under Load. Current: 10A
160.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
XBEE-UART to RS232 Interface Card for the Powerline Communications modem [ITE XBEE SOCKET UART TO RS232]
XBEE-UART to RS232 Interface Card for the Powerline Communications modem
156.35 ZAR
for 1 Each
XBEE-UART to RS485 Interface Card for the Powerline Communication board [ITE XBEE SOCKET UART TO RS485]
XBEE-UART to RS485 Interface Card for the Powerline Communication board
156.35 ZAR
for 1 Each
End plate of Clear Enclosure for pcDuino v2 [ITE END PLATE PCDUINO V1/V2 ENCL]
End plate of Clear Enclosure for pcDuino v2
4.04 ZAR
for 1 Each
Clear Enclosure for pcDuino V3 [ITE CLR ENCL- PCDUINO V3]
Clear Enclosure for pcDuino V3
99.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Bluetooth Add on Module, for ML Series MPPT Solar Controller. [SOLAR BLUETOOTH MODULE SR-BT-1]
Bluetooth Add on Module, for ML Series MPPT Solar Controller.
425.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
ITE Acrylic Clear Enclosure for pcDuino3 Nano [ITE CLR ENCL- PCDUINO V3 NANO]
ITE Acrylic Clear Enclosure for pcDuino3 Nano
99.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ITE JPEG Color Camera 2MP Pixel UART Interface (TTL) - Custom Feature [ITE JPEG COLOR CAM TTL I/FAC 2MP]
ITE JPEG Color Camera 2MP Pixel UART Interface (TTL) - Custom Feature
987.59 ZAR
for 1 Each
W5500 Ethernet with POE IoT Board (Arduino Compatible) [DFR W5500 ETHERNET WITH POE]
W5500 Ethernet with POE IoT Board (Arduino Compatible)
1 185.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Victron VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart Dongle [VICT VE.DIRECT BT SMART DONGLE]
Victron VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart Dongle
776.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
Victron 5Inch Touch Screen, Resolution: 800x480, IP54 - DISPLAY Acccessory for CERBO GX [VICT GX-TOUCH 50]
Victron 5Inch Touch Screen, Resolution: 800x480, IP54 - DISPLAY Acccessory for CERBO GX
3 627.10 ZAR
for 1 Each
Victron Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter 12/24 100A , I/P Volatge Range:10→30VDC, Max Charge Current:12V@100A→24V@50A, Operating Temp Range:-25 +60°C, 4,1kg, 288x162x95mm [VICT BUCK-BOOST 12/24 100A]
Victron Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter 12/24 100A , I/P Volatge Range:10→30VDC, Max Charge Current:12V@100A→24V@50A, Operating Temp Range:-25 +60°C, 4,1kg, 288x162x95mm
18 559.85 ZAR
for 1 Each
Development Board STM32 Nucleo-64, MCU 32-Bit LQFP48,ARM Cortex-M0+, ST-LINK/V2-1 on USB Micro-B, 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator, 48MHz HSE, Arduino® Uno V3 Expansion Connector, ST Morpho Extension Pin Headers for Full Access to all STM32 I/Os [NUCLEO-C031C6]
Development Board STM32 Nucleo-64, MCU 32-Bit LQFP48,ARM Cortex-M0+, ST-LINK/V2-1 on USB Micro-B, 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator, 48MHz HSE, Arduino® Uno V3 Expansion Connector, ST Morpho Extension Pin Headers for Full Access to all STM32 I/Os
356.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Pocket-Sized Codeable Computer Board 25 LED Display, ARM Cortex-M4 CPU 512KB Flash, Bluetooth, Includes: 1xBattery Holder 2xAAA Batteries 1xBBC Micro Bit 1xUSB Cable, 52x42x11.7mm [BBC MICRO:BIT V2.2 GO]
Pocket-Sized Codeable Computer Board 25 LED Display, ARM Cortex-M4 CPU 512KB Flash, Bluetooth, Includes: 1xBattery Holder 2xAAA Batteries 1xBBC Micro Bit 1xUSB Cable, 52x42x11.7mm
406.21 ZAR
for 1 Each
Comes Fully Equipped with a Range of Built-In Features, Including a Potentiometer, LDR, Buzzer, Push Buttons, Dual Motor Drivers, Four LEDS, AN RGB LED, and Two IR Sensors. A Unique Advantage to Learn Application Areas such as Robotics & Programming [MAGICBIT TINY STEM LEARNING KIT]
Comes Fully Equipped with a Range of Built-In Features, Including a Potentiometer, LDR, Buzzer, Push Buttons, Dual Motor Drivers, Four LEDS, AN RGB LED, and Two IR Sensors. A Unique Advantage to Learn Application Areas such as Robotics & Programming
920.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
5.5 Inch Capacitive Touch AMOLED Display, 1080×1920, HDMI, Toughened Glass Cover. Supports: Raspbian, 5-Points Touch, Ubuntu / Kali / Win10 Iot, Single Point Touch, Retropie-all Driver Free [WVS 5.5IN CTOUCH DISPL 1080X1920]
5.5 Inch Capacitive Touch AMOLED Display, 1080×1920, HDMI, Toughened Glass Cover. Supports: Raspbian, 5-Points Touch, Ubuntu / Kali / Win10 Iot, Single Point Touch, Retropie-all Driver Free
2 290.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
10.1Inch Resistive Touch Screen LCD.1024X600. HDMI, IPS, Supports: Raspberry PI / PC, Raspbian / Ubuntu / Kali / Retropie [WVS 10.1IN RTOUCH DISPL 1024X600]
10.1Inch Resistive Touch Screen LCD.1024X600. HDMI, IPS, Supports: Raspberry PI / PC, Raspbian / Ubuntu / Kali / Retropie
1 650.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
5Inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD (H), 800×480, HDMI. Supports: Raspbian, 5-Points Touch, Ubuntu / Kali / WIN10 IoT, Single Point Touch, Retropie-all Driver Free [WVS 5IN CAP TOUCH DISPL 800X480]
5Inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD (H), 800×480, HDMI. Supports: Raspbian, 5-Points Touch, Ubuntu / Kali / WIN10 IoT, Single Point Touch, Retropie-all Driver Free
1 095.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
7Inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD (H) with Case, 1024×600, HDMI, IPS. SUPPORTS: RASPBIAN, 5-Points Touch, Ubuntu / Kali / Win10 IoT, Single Point Touch, Retropie-all Driver Free [WVS 7IN  CTOUCH DISPL+C 1024X600]
7Inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD (H) with Case, 1024×600, HDMI, IPS. SUPPORTS: RASPBIAN, 5-Points Touch, Ubuntu / Kali / Win10 IoT, Single Point Touch, Retropie-all Driver Free
1 400.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
7Inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD (C), 1024×600, HDMI, IPS, Low Power. Supports: Raspbian, 5-Points Touch, Ubuntu / Kali / Win10 IoT, Single Point Touch, Retropie-all Driver Free [WVS 7IN CAP TOUCH DISPL 1024X600]
7Inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD (C), 1024×600, HDMI, IPS, Low Power. Supports: Raspbian, 5-Points Touch, Ubuntu / Kali / Win10 IoT, Single Point Touch, Retropie-all Driver Free
1 020.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Bicolor Case for 7Inch LCD. Only for use with 7Inch HDMI LCD Type B AND Type C [WVS 7IN LCD TYPE B&C ENCL STAND]
Bicolor Case for 7Inch LCD. Only for use with 7Inch HDMI LCD Type B AND Type C
149.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
MCU Board with Onboard 1.28INCH Capacitive Touch Display, Li-Ion Battery Recharge Manager, 6-Axis Sensor (3-Axis Accelerometer And 3-Axis Gyroscope), and so on, Which makes it easy for you to develop and integrate it into products quickly [WVS ESP32-S3-TOUCH-LCD-1.28+GYRO]
MCU Board with Onboard 1.28INCH Capacitive Touch Display, Li-Ion Battery Recharge Manager, 6-Axis Sensor (3-Axis Accelerometer And 3-Axis Gyroscope), and so on, Which makes it easy for you to develop and integrate it into products quickly
494.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
0.96IN OLED Graphic Display 128X64 White on Black SPI (7Pin) [BMT SPI 0.96IN OLED 128X64-WH 7P]
0.96IN OLED Graphic Display 128X64 White on Black SPI (7Pin)
98.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
7Inch Resistive Touch Screen LCD, 1024×600, HDMI, IPS. Supports: Raspbian / Ubuntu / Kali / Retropie [WVS 7IN R TOUCH DISPLAY 1024X600]
7Inch Resistive Touch Screen LCD, 1024×600, HDMI, IPS. Supports: Raspbian / Ubuntu / Kali / Retropie
1 130.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32-S3 4.3Inch Capacitive Touch Display Development Board, 800×480, 5-Point Touch, 32-Bit Lx7 Dual-core Processor [WVS ESP32-S3 4.3INCH DEV BOARD]
ESP32-S3 4.3Inch Capacitive Touch Display Development Board, 800×480, 5-Point Touch, 32-Bit Lx7 Dual-core Processor
900.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32 Servo Driver Expansion Board with Built-in WiFi and Bluetooth. Control up to 253 SC, ST Series Serial Bus Servos. At the same time (Adequate Power Supply Required). Wide Range Voltage Input 6-12V (The input voltage and the servo voltage must match) [WVS ESP32 SERVO DRIVER EXP BOARD]
ESP32 Servo Driver Expansion Board with Built-in WiFi and Bluetooth. Control up to 253 SC, ST Series Serial Bus Servos. At the same time (Adequate Power Supply Required). Wide Range Voltage Input 6-12V (The input voltage and the servo voltage must match)
318.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32-S3 A7670E 4G Development Board, LTE - CAT t-1 / 2G / Wifi / Bluetooth / Telephone Call / Sms / Gnss Positioning Support [WVS ESP32-S3-A7670E-4G DEV BOARD]
ESP32-S3 A7670E 4G Development Board, LTE - CAT t-1 / 2G / Wifi / Bluetooth / Telephone Call / Sms / Gnss Positioning Support
1 090.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32-S2 MCU WiFi Development Board, 2.4 GHz, WiFi, with LCD. 240 MHZ XTENSA Single-core 32-Bit LX7 Microcontroller. C/C++, Micropython, Circuitpython Support [WVS ESP32-S2 MCU WIFI BOARD+LCD]
ESP32-S2 MCU WiFi Development Board, 2.4 GHz, WiFi, with LCD. 240 MHZ XTENSA Single-core 32-Bit LX7 Microcontroller. C/C++, Micropython, Circuitpython Support
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32-S3 Microcontroller, 2.4 Ghz Wi-fi Development Board, Dual-core Processor With Frequency Up To 240 MHZ [WVS ESP32-S3 MCU WI-FI DEV BOARD]
ESP32-S3 Microcontroller, 2.4 Ghz Wi-fi Development Board, Dual-core Processor With Frequency Up To 240 MHZ
235.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
FT232 USB to UART (TTL) Communication Module, USB-C Connector. Compatible with 3.3V/5V Logic Level. Supports Mac OS, Linux, Android, Wince, Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11... [WVS FT232RL USB TO SERIAL BOARD]
FT232 USB to UART (TTL) Communication Module, USB-C Connector. Compatible with 3.3V/5V Logic Level. Supports Mac OS, Linux, Android, Wince, Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11...
142.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS232 To RS485/422 Active Digital Isolated Converter [WVS RS-232 TO RS422/RS485 CONV]
RS232 To RS485/422 Active Digital Isolated Converter
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sim7028 Nb-IOT Hat For Raspberry Pi, Supports Global Band Nb-iot Communication, Small In Size And Low Power Consumption [WVS SIM7028 IOT HAT FOR RASP PI]
Sim7028 Nb-IOT Hat For Raspberry Pi, Supports Global Band Nb-iot Communication, Small In Size And Low Power Consumption
450.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Jetracer Professional Version Ros Ai Kit A, Dual Controllers Ai Robot, Lidar Mapping, Vision Processing, Comes With Nvidia Jetson Nano Developer Kit (B01) [WVS JETRACER ROS AI KIT A]
Jetracer Professional Version Ros Ai Kit A, Dual Controllers Ai Robot, Lidar Mapping, Vision Processing, Comes With Nvidia Jetson Nano Developer Kit (B01)
17 112.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The RS485 Board (3.3V) Is a Breakout Communication Board used for Adding the RS485 Transceiver to your Application Board. [WVS RS485 3,3V BREAKOUT MODULE]
The RS485 Board (3.3V) Is a Breakout Communication Board used for Adding the RS485 Transceiver to your Application Board.
69.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Power Over Ethernet Hat (F) For Raspberry Pi 5, High Power, Onboard Cooling Fan, With Metal Heatsink, Supports 802.3Af/at Network Standard [WVS POE HAT RASPBERRY PI 5+FAN]
Power Over Ethernet Hat (F) For Raspberry Pi 5, High Power, Onboard Cooling Fan, With Metal Heatsink, Supports 802.3Af/at Network Standard
465.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
This Solar Power Management Module is Designed for a 6V to 24V Solar Panel. It can charge the 3.7V Rechargeable LI Battery Through Solar Panel or USB Connection, and Provides 5V/1A or 3.3V/1A Regulated Output. Rechargeable Battery Not Included [WVS SOLAR POWER MANAGEMNT MODULE]
This Solar Power Management Module is Designed for a 6V to 24V Solar Panel. It can charge the 3.7V Rechargeable LI Battery Through Solar Panel or USB Connection, and Provides 5V/1A or 3.3V/1A Regulated Output. Rechargeable Battery Not Included
169.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The CP2102 USB UART Board with Micro USB Interface is a Breakout Board that features the Single-Chip USB to UART Bridge CP2102 Onboard. [WVS CP2102 MICRO USB TO UART BRD]
The CP2102 USB UART Board with Micro USB Interface is a Breakout Board that features the Single-Chip USB to UART Bridge CP2102 Onboard.
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SX1262 Module 866MHZ, Transmit Current:133ma, Buffer:1000 Bytes, Interface:UART, Range:5km Open Area, Antenna:aux 5dBi, Air Speed:2.4KBS, Working Voltage:5V, Receive Sensitivity:147dBm@0.3Kbps (On Air) [WVS LORA SX1262 866MHZ FOR PI]
SX1262 Module 866MHZ, Transmit Current:133ma, Buffer:1000 Bytes, Interface:UART, Range:5km Open Area, Antenna:aux 5dBi, Air Speed:2.4KBS, Working Voltage:5V, Receive Sensitivity:147dBm@0.3Kbps (On Air)
592.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
Jetank AI Kit, AI Tracked Mobile Robot, AI Vision Robot, Based On Waveshare Jetson NANO DEV Kit [WVS JETANK AI JETSON NANO KIT B]
Jetank AI Kit, AI Tracked Mobile Robot, AI Vision Robot, Based On Waveshare Jetson NANO DEV Kit
11 500.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The Sense Hat (B) Is Specially Designed For Raspberry Pi, Integrates Multi Powerful Sensors Such As Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, Barometer, Temperature And Humidity Sensor, etc. It Is Communicates Via I2C Interface [WVS SENSE HAT B FOR RASPBERRY PI]
The Sense Hat (B) Is Specially Designed For Raspberry Pi, Integrates Multi Powerful Sensors Such As Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, Barometer, Temperature And Humidity Sensor, etc. It Is Communicates Via I2C Interface
525.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
LiPower Shield 3.7V 5V [SPF LIPOWER SHIELD 3,7V TO 5V]
LiPower Shield 3.7V 5V
494.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Coin Acceptor - Speed Programmable • Accepts a Single Coin from 22-28mm in Diameter and 1.7 - 2.2mm in Thickness. 12VDC [ALX SINGLE COIN ACCEPTOR 22-28MM]
Coin Acceptor - Speed Programmable • Accepts a Single Coin from 22-28mm in Diameter and 1.7 - 2.2mm in Thickness. 12VDC
310.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Coin Acceptor - Programmable (6 Coin Types)• Accepts Coins from 17-30.5mm in Diameter and 1.25-3.2mm in Thickness [ALX 6 COIN ACCEPTOR - PROGRMBLE]
Coin Acceptor - Programmable (6 Coin Types)• Accepts Coins from 17-30.5mm in Diameter and 1.25-3.2mm in Thickness
1 225.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Ultrasonic Wind Speed and Direction Sensor. Using the transmitted acoustic pulse, the phase difference of the receiver is measured to calculate the Wind Speed And Direction. The Wind Speed and Direction Data are Measured and Output at A 0 to 5VDC Signal [ALX ULTRASONIC WIND SENSO 0-5VDC]
Ultrasonic Wind Speed and Direction Sensor. Using the transmitted acoustic pulse, the phase difference of the receiver is measured to calculate the Wind Speed And Direction. The Wind Speed and Direction Data are Measured and Output at A 0 to 5VDC Signal
3 749.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Ultrasonic Wind Speed and Direction Sensor. Using the transmitted acoustic pulse, the phase difference of the receiver is measured to calculate the wind speed and direction. The wind speed and direction Data are measured and Output at a 4 to 20mA Signal [ALX ULTRASONIC WIND SENSO 4-20MA]
Ultrasonic Wind Speed and Direction Sensor. Using the transmitted acoustic pulse, the phase difference of the receiver is measured to calculate the wind speed and direction. The wind speed and direction Data are measured and Output at a 4 to 20mA Signal
3 749.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor. Using the transmitted acoustic pulse, the phase difference of the receiver is measured to calculate the wind speed and direction. The wind speed and direction data are measured and output via an RS485 signal [ALX ULTRASONIC WIND SENSOR RS485]
Ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor. Using the transmitted acoustic pulse, the phase difference of the receiver is measured to calculate the wind speed and direction. The wind speed and direction data are measured and output via an RS485 signal
4 255.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MPLAB® PICkit™ 5 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer {PG164150} [PICKIT5]
MPLAB® PICkit™ 5 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer {PG164150}
2 365.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
TP-LINK Tapo Smart Light Switch 868MHz, 2 GANG 1WAY, Max Load: 600W LED, 600W CFL, 50W Fan, 1000W FTL, 2xAAA Batteries Included, 250VAC~ 50/60 Hz 4A (Each Gang), Standy Power Consumption:65uA, Tapo H100 HUB Is Required, 87.1×86×41mm [TP-LINK TAPO S220]
TP-LINK Tapo Smart Light Switch 868MHz, 2 GANG 1WAY, Max Load: 600W LED, 600W CFL, 50W Fan, 1000W FTL, 2xAAA Batteries Included, 250VAC~ 50/60 Hz 4A (Each Gang), Standy Power Consumption:65uA, Tapo H100 HUB Is Required, 87.1×86×41mm
477.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
TP-LINK Tapo Smart Remote Dimmer Switch 868MHZ, 1xCR2032 Battery Included, Tapo H100 HUB Is Required, Mounting Options: Freestanding~Wall Mount, Operating Temp:0 ºC~ 40ºC (32°F–104°F), Plate Size: 86x86x23.7mm [TP-LINK TAPO S200D]
TP-LINK Tapo Smart Remote Dimmer Switch 868MHZ, 1xCR2032 Battery Included, Tapo H100 HUB Is Required, Mounting Options: Freestanding~Wall Mount, Operating Temp:0 ºC~ 40ºC (32°F–104°F), Plate Size: 86x86x23.7mm
320.85 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP8266-ESP01 WiFi Download Module. Uses CH340C USB to Serial Port Chip. Supports Arduino IDE, ESP8266 Flasher and Espressif Flash-Download Tools [BDD ESP-01 USB PROGRAM ADAPTER-2]
ESP8266-ESP01 WiFi Download Module. Uses CH340C USB to Serial Port Chip. Supports Arduino IDE, ESP8266 Flasher and Espressif Flash-Download Tools
62.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MQ8 Gas Sensor On PCB. Suitable For Sensing Hydrogen Gas Concentrations in the Air--100-1000PPM. 5VDC [HKD MQ8 GAS SENSOR MODULE]
MQ8 Gas Sensor On PCB. Suitable For Sensing Hydrogen Gas Concentrations in the Air--100-1000PPM. 5VDC
43.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
857.45 ZAR
for 1 Each
Power Supply for SONOFF WI-FI Wireless IP Camera. Input 220VAC. Output 5V,1.2A [SONOFF CAMERA PSU 5V 1,2A 1,3MM]
Power Supply for SONOFF WI-FI Wireless IP Camera. Input 220VAC. Output 5V,1.2A
80.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF S26 TPN WiFi Plug with Standard 3-Pin Brazilian and New SA Socket - 16A [SONOFF S26TPN R2 SMART SOCKET-BR]
SONOFF S26 TPN WiFi Plug with Standard 3-Pin Brazilian and New SA Socket - 16A
270.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Smart Dimmer Switch, WiFi & 433MHZ Remote Control [SONOFF D1 SMART DIMMER SWITCH]
Smart Dimmer Switch, WiFi & 433MHZ Remote Control
300.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff Micro - 5V Wireless USB Smart Adaptor [SONOFF MICRO USB SMART ADAPTOR]
Sonoff Micro - 5V Wireless USB Smart Adaptor
125.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mini Dry Contact Device with Matter. Dry Contact (Voltage-Free Contact) Acts Purely as a Bridge For Signal Transmission Between Two Points, Typically in the form of an open or Closed Circuit. Input Voltage 100 to 240VAC or 12 to 48VDC [SONOFF MINI D SMART SWITCH]
Mini Dry Contact Device with Matter. Dry Contact (Voltage-Free Contact) Acts Purely as a Bridge For Signal Transmission Between Two Points, Typically in the form of an open or Closed Circuit. Input Voltage 100 to 240VAC or 12 to 48VDC
276.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A ZIGBEE 1 Gang Smart Wall Light Which Can Easily Be Connected Whether A Neutral Wire Is Available Or Not. Please Note That The Supported SONOFF ZIGBEE HUB is needed. ZIGBEE End Device (No Neutral Wiring Used) OR ZIGBEE Router (Neutral Wiring Used) [SONOFF ZBM5-1C-120W ZIGBE SWITCH]
A ZIGBEE 1 Gang Smart Wall Light Which Can Easily Be Connected Whether A Neutral Wire Is Available Or Not. Please Note That The Supported SONOFF ZIGBEE HUB is needed. ZIGBEE End Device (No Neutral Wiring Used) OR ZIGBEE Router (Neutral Wiring Used)
550.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
GK-200MP2-B - Wi-Fi Wireless IP Security Camera. Includes 5V 1.2A Power Supply. [SONOFF WI-FI W/LES IP CAMERA+PSU]
GK-200MP2-B - Wi-Fi Wireless IP Security Camera. Includes 5V 1.2A Power Supply.
Call for Price  
A ZIGBEE 2 Gang Smart Wall Light Which Can Easily Be Connected Whether A Neutral Wire Is Available or Not. Please Note That The Supported Sonoff Zigbee Hub Is Needed. Zigbee End Device (No Neutral Wiring Used) or ZIGBEE Router (Neutral Wiring Used) [SONOFF ZBM5-2C-120W ZIGBE SWITCH]
A ZIGBEE 2 Gang Smart Wall Light Which Can Easily Be Connected Whether A Neutral Wire Is Available or Not. Please Note That The Supported Sonoff Zigbee Hub Is Needed. Zigbee End Device (No Neutral Wiring Used) or ZIGBEE Router (Neutral Wiring Used)
580.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF 4CHR3 4-GANG WI-FI DIY Smart Switch (Does Not Have RF Control). Can be mounted on a DIN Rail. [SONOFF 4CH R3 WIFI SWITCH]
SONOFF 4CHR3 4-GANG WI-FI DIY Smart Switch (Does Not Have RF Control). Can be mounted on a DIN Rail.
494.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
A ZIGBEE 3 Gang Smart Wall Light Which Can Easily Be Connected Whether A Neutral Wire Is Available Or Not. Please Note That The Supported SONOFF ZIGBEE HUB Is Needed. ZIGBEE End Device (No Neutral Wiring Used) or ZIGBEE Router (Neutral Wiring Used) [SONOFF ZBM5-3C-120W ZIGBE SWITCH]
A ZIGBEE 3 Gang Smart Wall Light Which Can Easily Be Connected Whether A Neutral Wire Is Available Or Not. Please Note That The Supported SONOFF ZIGBEE HUB Is Needed. ZIGBEE End Device (No Neutral Wiring Used) or ZIGBEE Router (Neutral Wiring Used)
609.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff 4CH PRO R3 4-Gang Wi-Fi Smart Switch with RF Control. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail [SONOFF 4CH PRO R3 WIFI/RF SWITCH]
Sonoff 4CH PRO R3 4-Gang Wi-Fi Smart Switch with RF Control. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail
635.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF DW2 - Wi-Fi Wireless Door/Window Sensor [SONOFF DW2 WI-FI DOOR/WIN SENSOR]
SONOFF DW2 - Wi-Fi Wireless Door/Window Sensor
120.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff iHost Smart Home HUB Local Control Unit For Your Smart Home. 4GB. [SONOFF AIBRIDGE IHOST RV1126 4GB]
Sonoff iHost Smart Home HUB Local Control Unit For Your Smart Home. 4GB.
2 140.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
An Ultra-Compact Zigbee 3.0 Smart Switch, Designed For Easy Installation In EU-Type, 86-Type, Or 120-Type Mounting Boxes. With A 10A Maximum Load Capacity, It's Compatible With Various External Switch Types. A ZIGBEE HUB And A Neutral Wire Is Required. [SONOFF ZBMINIR2 ZIGBEE SWITCH]
An Ultra-Compact Zigbee 3.0 Smart Switch, Designed For Easy Installation In EU-Type, 86-Type, Or 120-Type Mounting Boxes. With A 10A Maximum Load Capacity, It's Compatible With Various External Switch Types. A ZIGBEE HUB And A Neutral Wire Is Required.
215.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch with RF Receiver for Smart Home that can connect to appliance of different types and brands [SONOFF RFR2-RF/WIFI SMART SWITCH]
Sonoff - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch with RF Receiver for Smart Home that can connect to appliance of different types and brands
210.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Basic R2 WIFI Smart Switch for MQTT Coap Smart Home. Switches 90-250VAC at 10AMP [SONOFF BASICR2 WIFI SMART SWITCH]
Basic R2 WIFI Smart Switch for MQTT Coap Smart Home. Switches 90-250VAC at 10AMP
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff SV Safe Voltage WiFi Wireless Switch Smart Home Module [SONOFF SV WIFI AC&DC SWITCH]
Sonoff SV Safe Voltage WiFi Wireless Switch Smart Home Module
149.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
4 Button 433MHz Remote Control. Uses CR2032 Battery. Not supplied with battery. [SONOFF 4 BUTTON REMOTE CONTR]
4 Button 433MHz Remote Control. Uses CR2032 Battery. Not supplied with battery.
75.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
One Way Smart Touch Wall Switch With LED Lights Which Will Produce Sound,light And Vibration Effects When It Is Turned ON/OFF. With the eWeLink App, You Can Remote Control ON/OFF, Switch The Ambient Lighting Modes, Set Timer And Smart Scene On The Phone. [SONOFF T5 LIGHT SWITCH T5-1C-120]
One Way Smart Touch Wall Switch With LED Lights Which Will Produce Sound,light And Vibration Effects When It Is Turned ON/OFF. With the eWeLink App, You Can Remote Control ON/OFF, Switch The Ambient Lighting Modes, Set Timer And Smart Scene On The Phone.
540.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Cartoon Style Cover for SONOFF T5 LIGHT SWITCH T5-4C-120 [SONOFF T5-4C-120 CARTOON COVER]
Cartoon Style Cover for SONOFF T5 LIGHT SWITCH T5-4C-120
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Powerful Smart Home HUB That Facilitates Seamless Communication Between ZIGBEE Devices And Wi-Fi Devices, Allowing You To Create An Integrated, Automated Home. With The Ability To Connect Up To 128 Sub-Devices And A Range Of 80 Meters [SONOFF ZIGBEE BRIDGE PRO]
A Powerful Smart Home HUB That Facilitates Seamless Communication Between ZIGBEE Devices And Wi-Fi Devices, Allowing You To Create An Integrated, Automated Home. With The Ability To Connect Up To 128 Sub-Devices And A Range Of 80 Meters
475.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff Dual R3 WiFi Smart Switch [SONOFF DUALR3 WIFI SMART SWITCH]
Sonoff Dual R3 WiFi Smart Switch
260.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF ZIGBEE Door/Window Sensor. This Sensor Notifies You In Real-time Via Your Preferred Smart Device Whenever A Door Or Window Is Opened Or Closed, Offering Peace Of Mind Whether You’re At Home Or Away. NB – A ZIGBEE HUB Is Required [SONOFF DOOR/WINDW SENSOR SNZB04P]
SONOFF ZIGBEE Door/Window Sensor. This Sensor Notifies You In Real-time Via Your Preferred Smart Device Whenever A Door Or Window Is Opened Or Closed, Offering Peace Of Mind Whether You’re At Home Or Away. NB – A ZIGBEE HUB Is Required
245.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF ZIGBEE Smart Switch (No Neutral Required) Allows One To Remote Control, Schedule ON/OFF And Set Smart Scenes To Trigger Other Devices, ETC. By Connecting ZIGBEE HUB. [SONOFF ZBMINIL2 SMART SWITCH]
SONOFF ZIGBEE Smart Switch (No Neutral Required) Allows One To Remote Control, Schedule ON/OFF And Set Smart Scenes To Trigger Other Devices, ETC. By Connecting ZIGBEE HUB.
300.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF SNZB-01P Is A Compact ZIGBEE Wireless Smart Switch That Can Even Fit In Your Pocket, Offering Preset Actions For Single Press, Double Press, And Long Press To Control Multiple Devices. Battery Included. Please Note: This Requires A ZIGBEE Bridge [SONOFF SNZB-01P W/LESS SWITCH]
SONOFF SNZB-01P Is A Compact ZIGBEE Wireless Smart Switch That Can Even Fit In Your Pocket, Offering Preset Actions For Single Press, Double Press, And Long Press To Control Multiple Devices. Battery Included. Please Note: This Requires A ZIGBEE Bridge
205.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A DIN-Rail Compatible, Smart Stackable Relay with Power Meter and Overload Protection, with up to 20A per Channel Max. Capacity. It can save consumption to a memory card (not an accessory). The SPM-Main and the SPM-4 Relay need to be used together [SONOFF SPM-MAIN POWER METER]
A DIN-Rail Compatible, Smart Stackable Relay with Power Meter and Overload Protection, with up to 20A per Channel Max. Capacity. It can save consumption to a memory card (not an accessory). The SPM-Main and the SPM-4 Relay need to be used together
830.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Automate And Control Your Watering System With Ease. Easy And Quick To Install, Simply Connect The ZIGBEE Smart Water Valve Between The Faucet And The Hose To Quickly Upgrade Your Irrigation System. Please Note: This Requires A ZIGBEE Bridge / Hub [SONOFF SWV-BSP (EU) WATER VALVE]
Automate And Control Your Watering System With Ease. Easy And Quick To Install, Simply Connect The ZIGBEE Smart Water Valve Between The Faucet And The Hose To Quickly Upgrade Your Irrigation System. Please Note: This Requires A ZIGBEE Bridge / Hub
570.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A White Smart Control Panel. Your Smart Lights, Switches, Heaters, Coolers, Curtains, and all your smart devices can be controlleD. It can quickly add zigbee devices on the screen in batches. Standard ZIGBEE 3.0 Protocol makes the connection more stable [SONOFF NS PANEL PRO-US 120PW]
A White Smart Control Panel. Your Smart Lights, Switches, Heaters, Coolers, Curtains, and all your smart devices can be controlleD. It can quickly add zigbee devices on the screen in batches. Standard ZIGBEE 3.0 Protocol makes the connection more stable
2 275.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Uses 5.8GHz Microwave Radar To Detect Both Moving And Stationary Persons, Automatically Turning On Lights When On Approach And Keeping Them On Until You Leave. Built-In Light Detector Ensures Lights Are Only Activated In Darkness. Requires A ZIGBEE Hub [SONOFF SNZB-06P PRESENCE SENSOR]
Uses 5.8GHz Microwave Radar To Detect Both Moving And Stationary Persons, Automatically Turning On Lights When On Approach And Keeping Them On Until You Leave. Built-In Light Detector Ensures Lights Are Only Activated In Darkness. Requires A ZIGBEE Hub
295.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF Motion Sensor BASE
55.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Temperature And Humidity Sensor With Low Power Consumption. Equipped with ZIGBEE 3.0 Protocol, Supporting Various Gateways, Including SONOFF ZIGBEE 3.0 Gateways Like SONOFF IHOST, NSPANEL PRO, ZB Bridge Pro, and ZBDONGLE-E, Alexa with Built-in ZIGBEE Hub [SONOFF SNZB-02P TEMP/HUMD SENSOR]
Temperature And Humidity Sensor With Low Power Consumption. Equipped with ZIGBEE 3.0 Protocol, Supporting Various Gateways, Including SONOFF ZIGBEE 3.0 Gateways Like SONOFF IHOST, NSPANEL PRO, ZB Bridge Pro, and ZBDONGLE-E, Alexa with Built-in ZIGBEE Hub
230.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The Ultimate Solution For Transforming Ordinary USB-Powered Devices Into Smart, ZIGBEE-Enabled Appliances. With This Compact And Easy-To-Install Device, You Can Remotely Control & Automate Your Usb Gadgets Via A ZIGBEE HUB, Enhancing Your Smart Home Setup [SONOFF ZIGBEE ZBMICRO]
The Ultimate Solution For Transforming Ordinary USB-Powered Devices Into Smart, ZIGBEE-Enabled Appliances. With This Compact And Easy-To-Install Device, You Can Remotely Control & Automate Your Usb Gadgets Via A ZIGBEE HUB, Enhancing Your Smart Home Setup
320.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The Sonoff M5 Matter Smart Wall Switch 1CH Series Offers A Sophisticated Solution For Modern Home Automation. Designed With Matter Compatibility, These Switches Effortlessly Integrate Into Matter-Enabled Ecosystems [SONOFF M5-1C-120W MATTER SWITCH]
The Sonoff M5 Matter Smart Wall Switch 1CH Series Offers A Sophisticated Solution For Modern Home Automation. Designed With Matter Compatibility, These Switches Effortlessly Integrate Into Matter-Enabled Ecosystems
355.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Works with SONOFF TH10/TH16 to monitor your plants’ soil moisture. DIY your sprinkler to water automatically according to the setting moisture value. [SONOFF MS01 SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR]
Works with SONOFF TH10/TH16 to monitor your plants’ soil moisture. DIY your sprinkler to water automatically according to the setting moisture value.
259.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RF Bridge can convert most 433MHz Remotes Into WiFi. Learn up to sixty four 433MHz Codes [SONOFF RF BRIDGE R2 433]
RF Bridge can convert most 433MHz Remotes Into WiFi. Learn up to sixty four 433MHz Codes
280.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The SONOFF M5 Matter Smart Wall Switch 2CH Series Offers A Sophisticated Solution For Modern Home Automation. Designed With Matter Compatibility, These Switches Effortlessly Integrate Into Matter-Enabled Ecosystems [SONOFF M5-2C-120W MATTER SWITCH]
The SONOFF M5 Matter Smart Wall Switch 2CH Series Offers A Sophisticated Solution For Modern Home Automation. Designed With Matter Compatibility, These Switches Effortlessly Integrate Into Matter-Enabled Ecosystems
365.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The SONOFF M5 Matter Smart Wall Switch 3CH Series Offers A Sophisticated Solution For Modern Home Automation. Designed With Matter Compatibility, These Switches Effortlessly Integrate Into Matter - Enabled Ecosystems [SONOFF M5-3C-120W MATTER SWITCH]
The SONOFF M5 Matter Smart Wall Switch 3CH Series Offers A Sophisticated Solution For Modern Home Automation. Designed With Matter Compatibility, These Switches Effortlessly Integrate Into Matter - Enabled Ecosystems
375.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF S60 TPF (EU) SCHUKO WiFi Plug With Standard Type F (EU) SOCKET - 16A. Has Built In Power Monitoring And Overload Protection. [SONOFF S60TPF SMART SOCKET-EU]
SONOFF S60 TPF (EU) SCHUKO WiFi Plug With Standard Type F (EU) SOCKET - 16A. Has Built In Power Monitoring And Overload Protection.
264.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff NSPANEL is a Smart Wall Display Switch (120mm x 74mm x 42mm Deep). NSPANEL Centrally Integrates HMI Control, Smart Temperature Control and Smart Wall Switch Control, Turning your home into a convenient and smart place. [SONOFF NS PANEL-US]
Sonoff NSPANEL is a Smart Wall Display Switch (120mm x 74mm x 42mm Deep). NSPANEL Centrally Integrates HMI Control, Smart Temperature Control and Smart Wall Switch Control, Turning your home into a convenient and smart place.
1 075.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Base for the SONOFF RM433 R2 Remote Controller. Remote Not Included. [SONOFF RM433 R2 REMOTE BASE]
Base for the SONOFF RM433 R2 Remote Controller. Remote Not Included.
38.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Foca Pro: USB to Serial UART Converter with XBee Interface Socket [SME FOCA PRO USB-SERIAL UART]
Foca Pro: USB to Serial UART Converter with XBee Interface Socket
180.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
THR316-Temperature and Humidity Monitoring WiFi Smart Switch (100 – 240V 50/60HZ, 16A Max). Has AN RJ11 Jack for Sensor Input. Temp and Humidity Sensors not Included. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail [SONOFF THR316 TEMP AND HUMIDITY]
THR316-Temperature and Humidity Monitoring WiFi Smart Switch (100 – 240V 50/60HZ, 16A Max). Has AN RJ11 Jack for Sensor Input. Temp and Humidity Sensors not Included. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail
310.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Smart CW (Cold White / Warm White) LED Bulb with WiFi + Bluetooth Capability. It offers remote control and scheduling from APP, Dimmer / Brightness Control and White Light Color Temperature Setting Options. Compatible with eWeLink Platform and APP [SONOFF E27 WIF/BT BULB ADJ WHITE]
A Smart CW (Cold White / Warm White) LED Bulb with WiFi + Bluetooth Capability. It offers remote control and scheduling from APP, Dimmer / Brightness Control and White Light Color Temperature Setting Options. Compatible with eWeLink Platform and APP
149.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Smart RGBWC LED Bulb with WiFi + Bluetooth Capability. It offers Remote Control and Scheduling from APP, Dimmer / Brightness Control And Coloured / White Light Color Temperature Setting Options. Compatible with Ewelink Platform and Ewelink APP. [SONOFF E27 WIFI/BT BULB RGBCW]
A Smart RGBWC LED Bulb with WiFi + Bluetooth Capability. It offers Remote Control and Scheduling from APP, Dimmer / Brightness Control And Coloured / White Light Color Temperature Setting Options. Compatible with Ewelink Platform and Ewelink APP.
145.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF M5 Light Switch M5-1C-120 is a single gang mechanical smart switch supporting a local physical button, APP and Voice Control. The switch can also be controlled using the eWeLink APP. [SONOFF M5 LIGHT SWITCH M5-1C-120]
SONOFF M5 Light Switch M5-1C-120 is a single gang mechanical smart switch supporting a local physical button, APP and Voice Control. The switch can also be controlled using the eWeLink APP.
325.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF M5 Light Switch M5-2C-120 is a Two Gang Mechanical Smart Switch supporting a local physical button, APP and Voice Control. The switch can also be controlled using the eWeLink APP. [SONOFF M5 LIGHT SWITCH M5-2C-120]
SONOFF M5 Light Switch M5-2C-120 is a Two Gang Mechanical Smart Switch supporting a local physical button, APP and Voice Control. The switch can also be controlled using the eWeLink APP.
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF M5 Light Switch M5-3C-120 is a Three Gang Mechanical Smart Switch supporting a local physical button, APP and Voice Control. The switch can also be controlled using the eWeLink APP. [SONOFF M5 LIGHT SWITCH M5-3C-120]
SONOFF M5 Light Switch M5-3C-120 is a Three Gang Mechanical Smart Switch supporting a local physical button, APP and Voice Control. The switch can also be controlled using the eWeLink APP.
350.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF SwitchMan R5 Scene Controller
205.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A DIN-Rail Compatible, Stackable Relay with up to 20A Per Channel Max. Capacity. One SONOFF SPM-Main Power Meter can be connected to 32 SPM-4RELAYS. The SPM-MAIN communicates with the SPM-4RELAYS through RS-485. SPM MAIN UNIT is sold separately. [SONOFF SPM-4 RELAY]
A DIN-Rail Compatible, Stackable Relay with up to 20A Per Channel Max. Capacity. One SONOFF SPM-Main Power Meter can be connected to 32 SPM-4RELAYS. The SPM-MAIN communicates with the SPM-4RELAYS through RS-485. SPM MAIN UNIT is sold separately.
1 250.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF ZIGBEE Water Leak Sensor SNZB-05P Including Detection Cable. Please Note The SNZB-05P Requires The SONOFF ZIGBEE BRIDGE PRO For Operation. [SONOFF WATER LEAK SENSOR + CABLE]
SONOFF ZIGBEE Water Leak Sensor SNZB-05P Including Detection Cable. Please Note The SNZB-05P Requires The SONOFF ZIGBEE BRIDGE PRO For Operation.
345.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Compact And Discreet Wi-Fi Camera Designed For Indoor Use. Its Slim 3.5cm Design Makes It Easy To Place Anywhere, Taking Up Minimal Space. The Device Supports Live Streaming And Remote Control Through The eWeLink APP [SONOFF CAM-S2]
A Compact And Discreet Wi-Fi Camera Designed For Indoor Use. Its Slim 3.5cm Design Makes It Easy To Place Anywhere, Taking Up Minimal Space. The Device Supports Live Streaming And Remote Control Through The eWeLink APP
580.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Gboard Pro Arduino Mainboard with SIM900 GPS/GPRS Module & Xbee Socket [SME GBOARD PRO]
Gboard Pro Arduino Mainboard with SIM900 GPS/GPRS Module & Xbee Socket
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THR320-Temperature and Humidity Monitoring WiFi Smart Switch (100 – 240V 50/60HZ, 20A Max). Has an RJ9 Jack for Sensor Input. Temp and Humidity Sensors not included. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail [SONOFF THR320 TEMP AND HUMIDITY]
THR320-Temperature and Humidity Monitoring WiFi Smart Switch (100 – 240V 50/60HZ, 20A Max). Has an RJ9 Jack for Sensor Input. Temp and Humidity Sensors not included. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail
345.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Weatherproof Box R2. Spashproof & Dustproof. Material: PC V0. Dimension: 152.5*100*48mm. Compatible with SONOFF Devices, LIKE BASICR2/RFR2/THR Temp and Humiidty Series/ Energy Monitor Power 316/320 Series/ M5 Series/TX Series/ NSPANEL Series [SONOFF W/PROOF ENCLOSURE R2]
Weatherproof Box R2. Spashproof & Dustproof. Material: PC V0. Dimension: 152.5*100*48mm. Compatible with SONOFF Devices, LIKE BASICR2/RFR2/THR Temp and Humiidty Series/ Energy Monitor Power 316/320 Series/ M5 Series/TX Series/ NSPANEL Series
130.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
THR320-Temperature and Humidity Monitoring WiFi Smart Switch with LCD Display (100 – 240V 50/60HZ, 20A MAX). Has an RJ9 Jack for Sensor Input. Can Be Mounted on a DIN Rail. Temp and Humidity Sensors not Included [SONOFF THR320D TEMP AND HUMIDITY]
THR320-Temperature and Humidity Monitoring WiFi Smart Switch with LCD Display (100 – 240V 50/60HZ, 20A MAX). Has an RJ9 Jack for Sensor Input. Can Be Mounted on a DIN Rail. Temp and Humidity Sensors not Included
370.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Powct Ring Smart Power Meter With Split Core 100A CT [SONOFF ENERGY MONITOR POWCT]
Powct Ring Smart Power Meter With Split Core 100A CT
680.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
5V USB Power Adapter (TYPE-E/F) For S-CAM
75.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WTS01 Waterproof Temperature Sensor with RJ9 Connector for use with SONOFF THR Series WiFi Temperature and Humidity Monitors. Replaces SONOFF TH Temperature Sensor DS18B20 RJ11 [SONOFF TH TEMP SENS WTS01 RJ9]
WTS01 Waterproof Temperature Sensor with RJ9 Connector for use with SONOFF THR Series WiFi Temperature and Humidity Monitors. Replaces SONOFF TH Temperature Sensor DS18B20 RJ11
100.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WiFi Smart Switch (16A) with LCD for Energy Monitoring. Track Power, Current, Voltage, and cumulative power consumption of your appliances in Real-Time on the LCD Screen. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail [SONOFF ENERGY MONITOR POWR316D]
WiFi Smart Switch (16A) with LCD for Energy Monitoring. Track Power, Current, Voltage, and cumulative power consumption of your appliances in Real-Time on the LCD Screen. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail
350.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF Aibridge iHost RV1109 2GB
1 750.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WiFi Smart Switch (20A) with LCD for Energy Monitoring. Track Power, Current, Voltage, and cumulative power consumption of your appliances in Real-Time on the LCD Screen. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail [SONOFF ENERGY MONITOR POWR320D]
WiFi Smart Switch (20A) with LCD for Energy Monitoring. Track Power, Current, Voltage, and cumulative power consumption of your appliances in Real-Time on the LCD Screen. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail
390.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Simplifies Smart Home Integration with Its Matter Bridge Capabilities, Connecting ZIGBEE Sub-Devices Seamlessly to Alexa, Google Home, Apple Home, and Smartthings. It Supports up to 256 SONOFF ZIGBEE Devices and Offers Wired Ethernet Connectivity [SONOFF ZIGBEE BRIDGE ULTRA]
Simplifies Smart Home Integration with Its Matter Bridge Capabilities, Connecting ZIGBEE Sub-Devices Seamlessly to Alexa, Google Home, Apple Home, and Smartthings. It Supports up to 256 SONOFF ZIGBEE Devices and Offers Wired Ethernet Connectivity
1 350.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff RL560 Sensor Extension Cable with RJ11 Connector. Connect to extend the length of TH Series Sensors [SONOFF RL560 TH SENSOR EXT CABLE]
Sonoff RL560 Sensor Extension Cable with RJ11 Connector. Connect to extend the length of TH Series Sensors
50.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The CC2531 USB Dongle is a Fully Operational USB device which provides a PC Interface to IEEE802.15.4 / ZIGBEE Applications, comes with a CC2531ZNP-PROD Firmware, the Dongle can be plugged directly into your PC/RASPBERRY etc used as a ZIGBEE Packet Sniffe [SONOFF ZIGBEE CC2531 USB DONGLE]
The CC2531 USB Dongle is a Fully Operational USB device which provides a PC Interface to IEEE802.15.4 / ZIGBEE Applications, comes with a CC2531ZNP-PROD Firmware, the Dongle can be plugged directly into your PC/RASPBERRY etc used as a ZIGBEE Packet Sniffe
140.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Temperature and Humidity Sensor with RJ11 Connector for use with Sonoff THR SERIES WiFi Temp and Humidity Monitors [SONOFF TH TEMP HUM SENSOR THS01]
Temperature and Humidity Sensor with RJ11 Connector for use with Sonoff THR SERIES WiFi Temp and Humidity Monitors
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
245.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF ZIGBEE Motion Sensor. Its Main Purpose Is To Detect Motion For Lighting And Trigger Alarms. Note: SNZB-03 Needs To Be Used With Zigbee HUB. Connection To A ZIGBEE HUB Allows You To Activate Not Only ZIGBEE Devices But Also Wi-Fi Devices. [SONOFF SNZB-03 MOTION SENSOR]
SONOFF ZIGBEE Motion Sensor. Its Main Purpose Is To Detect Motion For Lighting And Trigger Alarms. Note: SNZB-03 Needs To Be Used With Zigbee HUB. Connection To A ZIGBEE HUB Allows You To Activate Not Only ZIGBEE Devices But Also Wi-Fi Devices.
175.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Developement Board STM32 Nucleo-64 , MCU 32-Bit LQFP64, ARM® Cortex®-M4 , USB Type-C®, Micro-B, or Mini-B connector for the ST-LINK , 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator , 24MHz or 48MHz HSE , External SMPS to generate Vcore logic supply , MIPI® Debug Connector [NUCLEO-F401RE]
Developement Board STM32 Nucleo-64 , MCU 32-Bit LQFP64, ARM® Cortex®-M4 , USB Type-C®, Micro-B, or Mini-B connector for the ST-LINK , 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator , 24MHz or 48MHz HSE , External SMPS to generate Vcore logic supply , MIPI® Debug Connector
569.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
The Sonoff AL010 2.5mm Audio Jack to RJ9 4P4C Adapter is used to connect AM2301/SI7021 Temperature and Humidity Sensor, DS18B20 Temperature Sensor and MS01 Soil Moisture Sensor (Which have a 2.5mm audio plug) to the new thr range of smart switches. [SONOFF AL010 JACK TO RJ9 ADAPTER]
The Sonoff AL010 2.5mm Audio Jack to RJ9 4P4C Adapter is used to connect AM2301/SI7021 Temperature and Humidity Sensor, DS18B20 Temperature Sensor and MS01 Soil Moisture Sensor (Which have a 2.5mm audio plug) to the new thr range of smart switches.
46.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Nextion Intelligent Series 7.0” Capacitive HMI Touchscreen with Enclosure [NEXTION NX8048P070-011CY-7IN ENC]
A Nextion Intelligent Series 7.0” Capacitive HMI Touchscreen with Enclosure
2 400.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
XBee Shield to interface an XBee with your Arduino Pro or USB 55mm x 59mm [SME XBEE SHIELD]
XBee Shield to interface an XBee with your Arduino Pro or USB 55mm x 59mm
121.05 ZAR
for 1 Each
3G Shield based on SIM5216A or SIM5216E Module used for 3G Communication and Compatible with Arduino [SME 3G SHIELD USING SIM5216E]
3G Shield based on SIM5216A or SIM5216E Module used for 3G Communication and Compatible with Arduino
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GPS Shield based on RoyalTek REB-4216 GPS module with SD card Socket and footprints Compatible with Arduino/MEGA Boards [SME GPS SHIELD WITH SD SOCKET]
GPS Shield based on RoyalTek REB-4216 GPS module with SD card Socket and footprints Compatible with Arduino/MEGA Boards
540.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Compatible with Arduino Power Shield 5V/350mA with two AAA batteries and with high-efficiency DC-DC boost circuit [SME POWER SHIELD 5V/350MA]
Compatible with Arduino Power Shield 5V/350mA with two AAA batteries and with high-efficiency DC-DC boost circuit
198.73 ZAR
for 1 Each
Compatible with Arduino Sensor Shield to connect various types of Electronic Brick Modules 61x55.46x1.6mm [SME SENSOR SHIELD ARD COMPATIBLE]
Compatible with Arduino Sensor Shield to connect various types of Electronic Brick Modules 61x55.46x1.6mm
125.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
5 button Joystick Shield Kit for ARDUINO [SME JOYSTICK SHIELD]
5 button Joystick Shield Kit for ARDUINO
141.23 ZAR
for 1 Each
Raspberry PI LCD1602 ADD-ON Display Module V2 [SME RASPBERRY PI LCD1602 V2]
Raspberry PI LCD1602 ADD-ON Display Module V2
199.73 ZAR
for 1 Each
Raspberry Pi 0.96inch 128X64mm OLED Add-on using SSD1306 Controller [SME RASP PI .96IN OLED ADD-ON]
Raspberry Pi 0.96inch 128X64mm OLED Add-on using SSD1306 Controller
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Adapter Board Kit for Raspberry Pi Board to SIM900 Module [SME RASPBERRY GSM/GPRS ADPT KIT]
Adapter Board Kit for Raspberry Pi Board to SIM900 Module
105.93 ZAR
for 1 Each
Adapter Board Kit for Raspberry Pi Board to LCD Screen Module [SME RASPBERRY PI LCD ADAPTER KIT]
Adapter Board Kit for Raspberry Pi Board to LCD Screen Module
69.61 ZAR
for 1 Each
Raspberry Pi 20 pin Connector Screw Terminals Prototype Board [SME RASPBERRY PI PROTO SCREW]
Raspberry Pi 20 pin Connector Screw Terminals Prototype Board
125.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Chroma Servo Board for Raspberry Pi Connects to a Raspberry Pi and allows you to control up to 8 RC Servos via the Serialport in the GPIO Port of the Raspberry Pi [SME RASPBERY PI CHROMA SERVO BRD]
Chroma Servo Board for Raspberry Pi Connects to a Raspberry Pi and allows you to control up to 8 RC Servos via the Serialport in the GPIO Port of the Raspberry Pi
484.21 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sensor Breakout Board to test Current Loop 4~20mA with 5~24V DC-DC Power Boost Convertor @150mA [SME 4-20MA SENSOR BRICK]
Sensor Breakout Board to test Current Loop 4~20mA with 5~24V DC-DC Power Boost Convertor @150mA
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Electronic Brick - Tilt Sensor/Switch Brick - Compatible with the mainstream 2.54 and 4-Pin Grove interfaces [SME TILT SENSOR]
Electronic Brick - Tilt Sensor/Switch Brick - Compatible with the mainstream 2.54 and 4-Pin Grove interfaces
28.24 ZAR
for 1 Each
150Mbps USB Wireless Card Module with HLF-W5 RTL8188CTV chip, 11n/b/g and supportes 64/128 bits WEP Encryption [SME 150MB-11N/G/B WIFI CARD MODU]
150Mbps USB Wireless Card Module with HLF-W5 RTL8188CTV chip, 11n/b/g and supportes 64/128 bits WEP Encryption
136.18 ZAR
for 1 Each
Arduino Relay Board with 4 channels Isolated Relays, XBee Socket and an ATMega328 [SME RBOARD-ATMEGA328 +4CH RELAYS]
Arduino Relay Board with 4 channels Isolated Relays, XBee Socket and an ATMega328
368.21 ZAR
for 1 Each
Foca - USB to Serial Adapter with BEE (20pin 2.0mm) socket [SME FOCA-USB TO SERIAL ADAPTER]
Foca - USB to Serial Adapter with BEE (20pin 2.0mm) socket
175.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Adjustable Aluminium Bracket for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module [SME ULTRASONIC SENSOR BRACK NEW]
Adjustable Aluminium Bracket for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module
136.18 ZAR
for 1 Each
20cm Universal Converter Cable 4-Pin Grove to 3-Pin Female connector [SME 3P TO GROVE 4P CONV CAB 20CM]
20cm Universal Converter Cable 4-Pin Grove to 3-Pin Female connector
24.16 ZAR
for 1 Each
20cm Converter Cable 4-Pin Grove to 4-Pin Grove [SME 4P/4P FEM GROVE CABLE-20CM]
20cm Converter Cable 4-Pin Grove to 4-Pin Grove
44.23 ZAR
for 1 Each
5V 100mA 0.5W Polycrystalline PET Solar Cell 50x100x3mm [SME SOLAR CELL 5V 100MA]
5V 100mA 0.5W Polycrystalline PET Solar Cell 50x100x3mm
69.61 ZAR
for 1 Each
Big Easy Driver is a stepper motor driver board for bi-polar stepper motors up to 2A/phase [SME BIG EASY STEPPER DRIVER]
Big Easy Driver is a stepper motor driver board for bi-polar stepper motors up to 2A/phase
241.71 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mini 2Way Smart Switch. Made to Fit Behind Most Light Switches [SONOFF MINIR2 WIFI SMART SWITCH]
Mini 2Way Smart Switch. Made to Fit Behind Most Light Switches
149.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF 4X2 Luxury Black Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Single Switch. It can also be controlled via 433MHZ RF or WiFi through iOS/Android APP- Ewelink. US Version [SONOFF T3 WIF+RF TOUCH US 1W BLK]
SONOFF 4X2 Luxury Black Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Single Switch. It can also be controlled via 433MHZ RF or WiFi through iOS/Android APP- Ewelink. US Version
365.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF 4X2 Luxury Black Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Double Switch. IT CAN ALSO BE CONTROLLED VIA 433MHZ RF or WiFi through IOS/Android APP- Ewelink. US Version [SONOFF T3 WIF+RF TOUCH US 2W BLK]
SONOFF 4X2 Luxury Black Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Double Switch. IT CAN ALSO BE CONTROLLED VIA 433MHZ RF or WiFi through IOS/Android APP- Ewelink. US Version
395.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF 4X2 Luxury Black Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Triple Switch. It can also be controlled via 433MHZ RF or WiFi through IOS/Android APP- Ewelink. US Version [SONOFF T3 WIF+RF TOUCH US 3W BLK]
SONOFF 4X2 Luxury Black Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Triple Switch. It can also be controlled via 433MHZ RF or WiFi through IOS/Android APP- Ewelink. US Version
435.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
S-mate can connect the ordinary 1/2/3-Button Wall Switch which acts as a Remote Controller. After pairing with Mini R3, Mini R3 Can be controlled locally by S-mate through Ewelink-remote Signal. S-mate is battery-powered, so it does not require a neutral [SONOFF S-MATE SWITCH MATE]
S-mate can connect the ordinary 1/2/3-Button Wall Switch which acts as a Remote Controller. After pairing with Mini R3, Mini R3 Can be controlled locally by S-mate through Ewelink-remote Signal. S-mate is battery-powered, so it does not require a neutral
175.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF Wi-Fi Ceiling Fan and Light Controller. IFAN04-H [SONOFF FAN CONTROL IFAN04-H]
SONOFF Wi-Fi Ceiling Fan and Light Controller. IFAN04-H
475.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Non-Waterproof 5M Smart LED Light Strip to be used indoors only. Can be used for both additional Lighting and Décor. With 16 million colour options to choose from the Ewelink APP you can go from Red to any colour [SONOFF L2 LITE SMARTLED STRIP 5M]
A Non-Waterproof 5M Smart LED Light Strip to be used indoors only. Can be used for both additional Lighting and Décor. With 16 million colour options to choose from the Ewelink APP you can go from Red to any colour
350.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RM4333MHz Remote Control. Suitable for SONOFF BASICRF, BASICRFR3, SLAMPHER, IFAN03, IFAN04-H, D1, 4CHPROR2, TX Series, 433 RF Bridge. Holder Sold Separately (SME SONOFF RM433 REMOTE BASE) [SONOFF RM433 R2 REMOTE CONTROLLR]
RM4333MHz Remote Control. Suitable for SONOFF BASICRF, BASICRFR3, SLAMPHER, IFAN03, IFAN04-H, D1, 4CHPROR2, TX Series, 433 RF Bridge. Holder Sold Separately (SME SONOFF RM433 REMOTE BASE)
140.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF 4X2 White Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Single Switch. Can Be Controlled Via 433MHZ RF or WiFi Through EweLink APP. US Version. THE COLOR OF The Glass Panel Is Slightly Different From SONOFF T2 WIF+RF TOUCH US 1W WH, Leaning More Toward Snow White. [SONOFF T2 WIF+RF TOUCH US 1W SWH]
SONOFF 4X2 White Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Single Switch. Can Be Controlled Via 433MHZ RF or WiFi Through EweLink APP. US Version. THE COLOR OF The Glass Panel Is Slightly Different From SONOFF T2 WIF+RF TOUCH US 1W WH, Leaning More Toward Snow White.
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF 4X2 White Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Double Switch. Can be Controlled via 433MHZ RF or WiFi Through Ewelink App. US Version. The Color Of The Glass Panel Is Slightly Different From SONOFF T2 WIF+RF touch US 1W WH, Leaning More Toward Snow White. [SONOFF T2 WIF+RF TOUCH US 2W SWH]
SONOFF 4X2 White Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Double Switch. Can be Controlled via 433MHZ RF or WiFi Through Ewelink App. US Version. The Color Of The Glass Panel Is Slightly Different From SONOFF T2 WIF+RF touch US 1W WH, Leaning More Toward Snow White.
370.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SONOFF 4X2 White Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Triple Switch. Can Be Controlled Via 433MHZ RF or WiFi Through Ewelink APP. US Version. The Color Of The Glass Panel Is Slightly Different From SONOFF T3 WIF+RF TOUCH US 1W WH, Leaning More Toward Snow White. [SONOFF T2 WIF+RF TOUCH US 3W SWH]
SONOFF 4X2 White Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Triple Switch. Can Be Controlled Via 433MHZ RF or WiFi Through Ewelink APP. US Version. The Color Of The Glass Panel Is Slightly Different From SONOFF T3 WIF+RF TOUCH US 1W WH, Leaning More Toward Snow White.
405.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Two Way Smart Touch Wall Switch With LED Lights Which Will Produce Sound, Light And Vibration Effects When It Is Turned ON/OFF. With The Ewelink APP, You Can Remote Control ON/OFF, Switch The Ambient Lighting Modes, Set Timer And Smart Scene On The Phone. [SONOFF T5 LIGHT SWITCH T5-2C-120]
Two Way Smart Touch Wall Switch With LED Lights Which Will Produce Sound, Light And Vibration Effects When It Is Turned ON/OFF. With The Ewelink APP, You Can Remote Control ON/OFF, Switch The Ambient Lighting Modes, Set Timer And Smart Scene On The Phone.
565.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Three Way Smart Touch Wall Switch With LED Lights Which Will Produce Sound,light And Vibration Effects When It Is Turned ON/OFF. With The EWELINK APP, You Can Remote Control ON/OFF, Switch The Ambient Lighting Modes, Set Timer and Smart Scene on the Phone [SONOFF T5 LIGHT SWITCH T5-3C-120]
Three Way Smart Touch Wall Switch With LED Lights Which Will Produce Sound,light And Vibration Effects When It Is Turned ON/OFF. With The EWELINK APP, You Can Remote Control ON/OFF, Switch The Ambient Lighting Modes, Set Timer and Smart Scene on the Phone
585.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Four Way Smart Touch Wall Switch With LED Lights Which Will Produce Sound, Light And Vibration Effects When It Is Turned ON/OFF. With The EweLink App, You Can Remote Control ON/OFF, Switch The Ambient Lighting Modes, Set Timer And Smart Scene On The Phone [SONOFF T5 LIGHT SWITCH T5-4C-120]
Four Way Smart Touch Wall Switch With LED Lights Which Will Produce Sound, Light And Vibration Effects When It Is Turned ON/OFF. With The EweLink App, You Can Remote Control ON/OFF, Switch The Ambient Lighting Modes, Set Timer And Smart Scene On The Phone
605.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Star Style Cover for SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-1C-120 [SONOFF T5-1C-120 STAR COVER]
Star Style Cover for SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-1C-120
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Star Style Cover For SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-2C-120 [SONOFF T5-2C-120 STAR COVER]
Star Style Cover For SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-2C-120
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Star Style Cover For SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-3C-120 [SONOFF T5-3C-120 STAR COVER]
Star Style Cover For SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-3C-120
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Star Style Cover for SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-4C-120 [SONOFF T5-4C-120 STAR COVER]
Star Style Cover for SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-4C-120
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Cartoon Style Cover for SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-1C-120 [SONOFF T5-1C-120 CARTOON COVER]
Cartoon Style Cover for SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-1C-120
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Cartoon Style Cover For SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-2C-120 [SONOFF T5-2C-120 CARTOON COVER]
Cartoon Style Cover For SONOFF T5 Light Switch T5-2C-120
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Cartoon Style Cover For Sonoff T5 Light Switch T5-3C-120 [SONOFF T5-3C-120 CARTOON COVER]
Cartoon Style Cover For Sonoff T5 Light Switch T5-3C-120
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Matter-Certified Device. It Can Work With Other Brands Of Matter End Devices And Integrate Into Matter-enabled Platforms, Such As Alexa, Apple Home, Google Home, etc. Controlling All Smart Devices Through One APP Is No Longer A Fantasy. [SONOFF MINI R4M SMART SWITCH]
A Matter-Certified Device. It Can Work With Other Brands Of Matter End Devices And Integrate Into Matter-enabled Platforms, Such As Alexa, Apple Home, Google Home, etc. Controlling All Smart Devices Through One APP Is No Longer A Fantasy.
285.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Smart Switch With The Gateway Function Of “EweLink-Remote”. You Can Add “Ewelink-remote” Sub-devices, Use S-mate2 Or R5 To Pair With BASICR4, And Then Set The Scene, You Can Reach The Two-Way Control And Local Control. [SONOFF BASICR4 WIFI SMART SWITCH]
A Smart Switch With The Gateway Function Of “EweLink-Remote”. You Can Add “Ewelink-remote” Sub-devices, Use S-mate2 Or R5 To Pair With BASICR4, And Then Set The Scene, You Can Reach The Two-Way Control And Local Control.
139.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
1215KB Embedded Display SRAM LCD Display Controller SSD1963 chip [SME SSD1963 CHIP FOR 4,3IN LCD]
1215KB Embedded Display SRAM LCD Display Controller SSD1963 chip
110.40 ZAR
for 1 Each
40 Pin Connector to use on 4.3inch LCD Display with Flexible PCB [SME 40P FLEXIBLE CON FOR 4,3 LCD]
40 Pin Connector to use on 4.3inch LCD Display with Flexible PCB
23.21 ZAR
for 1 Each
44 Pin Connector to use on 2.4inch LCD Display with Flexible PCB [SME 44P FLEXIBLE CON FOR 2,4 LCD]
44 Pin Connector to use on 2.4inch LCD Display with Flexible PCB
20.68 ZAR
for 1 Each
Micro Miniature Ultra Low Power WIFI Module. Antenna not Included. Can be used with AZL ENCL WIFI Antenna 2,4GHZ 3DB or 4DB [SME ULTRA LOW POWER WIFI MODULE]
Micro Miniature Ultra Low Power WIFI Module. Antenna not Included. Can be used with AZL ENCL WIFI Antenna 2,4GHZ 3DB or 4DB
69.61 ZAR
for 1 Each
One Channel Inching /Self-Locking WiFi Wireless Switch. USB 5V OR DC 7V-32V Power Supply. Please note that this device does not work with a 433MHz Remote. [BDD SONOFF 1 CH WIFI W/L 12V/5V]
One Channel Inching /Self-Locking WiFi Wireless Switch. USB 5V OR DC 7V-32V Power Supply. Please note that this device does not work with a 433MHz Remote.
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Open-Source PLC Arduino Compatible [CONTROLLINO MINI]
Open-Source PLC Arduino Compatible
4 280.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Open-Source PLC Arduino Compatible [CONTROLLINO MEGA]
Open-Source PLC Arduino Compatible
9 456.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Open-Source PLC Arduino Compatible [CONTROLLINO MAXI]
Open-Source PLC Arduino Compatible
7 440.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Open-Source PLC-Arduino Compatible. ATMEGA2560 16MHZ. Max I/P Current: 20A [CONTROLLINO MAXI AUTOMATION]
Open-Source PLC-Arduino Compatible. ATMEGA2560 16MHZ. Max I/P Current: 20A
7 150.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Basic WIFI Smart Switch for Smart Home. Switches Relay 110-250VAC at Max 10AMP, TUYA SMART APP, Works with Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Supports IFTTT [SMART SWITCH BASIC WIFI TUYA 10A]
Basic WIFI Smart Switch for Smart Home. Switches Relay 110-250VAC at Max 10AMP, TUYA SMART APP, Works with Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Supports IFTTT
126.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff DW1/DW2 Door Sensor 433.92MHz. Uses M27 (1x12v) Battery not included. Works with the Sonoff RF Bridge 433, Providing an alarm message push to your phone. [SONOFF DW2 RF DOOR/WIN SENSOR]
Sonoff DW1/DW2 Door Sensor 433.92MHz. Uses M27 (1x12v) Battery not included. Works with the Sonoff RF Bridge 433, Providing an alarm message push to your phone.
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
High Power WiFi Smart Switch with Energy Monitoring. Can be used for Geyser Control, as loads of upto 25A Can Be connected. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail. [SONOFF ENERGY MONITOR POW R3]
High Power WiFi Smart Switch with Energy Monitoring. Can be used for Geyser Control, as loads of upto 25A Can Be connected. Can be mounted on a DIN Rail.
770.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
SME SONOFF RF+WIFI Smart Wall Touch Switch series are RF+WIFI control luxury smart light switch. [SONOFF RF+WIFI TOUCH 2W-EU]
SME SONOFF RF+WIFI Smart Wall Touch Switch series are RF+WIFI control luxury smart light switch.
510.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Waterproof (IP65) 5M Smart LED Light Strip to be used indoors only. Includes Controller and PSU. With 16 million colour options to choose from the Ewelink APP. [SONOFF L2 SMART LED STRIP 5M]
A Waterproof (IP65) 5M Smart LED Light Strip to be used indoors only. Includes Controller and PSU. With 16 million colour options to choose from the Ewelink APP.
640.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
4X2 Luxury Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Single Switch. It Can Also Be Controlled Via RF Or WIFI Through IOS/Android App- Ewelink. US Version [SONOFF WIFI+RF TOUCHSW US 1W]
4X2 Luxury Glass Panel Touch Wall Light Single Switch. It Can Also Be Controlled Via RF Or WIFI Through IOS/Android App- Ewelink. US Version
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SONOFF PIR3-RF – 433MHz RF PIR Motion Sensor
182.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
B02-F-A60 220V E27 Dimmable WIFI Led Filament Bulb- Pure White- 7W- 806 Lumen. CCT 2200K-6500K [SONOFF E27 WIFI FIL BULB P/WHITE]
B02-F-A60 220V E27 Dimmable WIFI Led Filament Bulb- Pure White- 7W- 806 Lumen. CCT 2200K-6500K
165.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Wall Switch-Panel Stick-On 433MHZ RF 2 Gang. Requires 2X CR2032 Batteries not included [SONOFF T2EU-RF STICKON SWITCH 2W]
Wall Switch-Panel Stick-On 433MHZ RF 2 Gang. Requires 2X CR2032 Batteries not included
110.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Wall Switch-Panel Stick-On 433MHZ RF 1 Gang. Requires 2X CR2032 Batteries not included [SONOFF T2EU-RF STICKON SWITCH 1W]
Wall Switch-Panel Stick-On 433MHZ RF 1 Gang. Requires 2X CR2032 Batteries not included
100.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Wall Switch-Panel Stick-On 433MHZ RF 3 Gang. Requires 2X CR2032 Batteries not included [SONOFF T2EU-RF STICKON SWITCH 3W]
Wall Switch-Panel Stick-On 433MHZ RF 3 Gang. Requires 2X CR2032 Batteries not included
120.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Smart Switch with the Gateway Function of Ewelink-Remote. After pairing with MiniR4, Both R5 and S-Mate can act as Remote Controllers to control MiniR4 Locally through the Ewelink-remote Signal. Maximum Load Current is 10A FOR Sonoff Mini R4 Smart Switch. [SONOFF MINI R4 SMART SWITCH]
Smart Switch with the Gateway Function of Ewelink-Remote. After pairing with MiniR4, Both R5 and S-Mate can act as Remote Controllers to control MiniR4 Locally through the Ewelink-remote Signal. Maximum Load Current is 10A FOR Sonoff Mini R4 Smart Switch.
205.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff DR - Sonoff DIN Rail Tray [SONOFF DINRAIL TRAY]
Sonoff DR - Sonoff DIN Rail Tray
45.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sonoff L3 Pro RGBIC LED Strip Lights can Display multiple Colours Simultaneously. RGB Light Can Only Display One Colour At A Time. Has 4 Music Modes & 21 Preset Lighting Effects. Requires a Sonoff S-Cam PSU 5V USB Type E/F Power Adapter – Not Supplied [SONOFF L3 PRO SMART LED STRIP 5M]
Sonoff L3 Pro RGBIC LED Strip Lights can Display multiple Colours Simultaneously. RGB Light Can Only Display One Colour At A Time. Has 4 Music Modes & 21 Preset Lighting Effects. Requires a Sonoff S-Cam PSU 5V USB Type E/F Power Adapter – Not Supplied
550.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A 5M RGB Smart LED Light Strip That Has 4 Music Modes And 21 Preset Lighting Effects To Meet Your Different Scene Needs. It requires a Sonoff S-CAM PSU 5V USB Type E/F Power Adapter (Not Included) [SONOFF L3 RGB SMART LED STRIP 5M]
A 5M RGB Smart LED Light Strip That Has 4 Music Modes And 21 Preset Lighting Effects To Meet Your Different Scene Needs. It requires a Sonoff S-CAM PSU 5V USB Type E/F Power Adapter (Not Included)
379.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE001N This Starter Pack is based on the popular 28 pin Project Board (AXE020) which is compatible with any PICAXE 28 pin microcontrollers [PICAXE-28 STARTER PACK-NO CABLE]
AXE001N This Starter Pack is based on the popular 28 pin Project Board (AXE020) which is compatible with any PICAXE 28 pin microcontrollers
630.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE002N This Starter Pack is a bundle including the pre assembled Standard Project Board (CHI030A), a battery box, and a CD ROM with all software and documentation [PICAXE-18 STARTER PACK-NO CABLE]
AXE002N This Starter Pack is a bundle including the pre assembled Standard Project Board (CHI030A), a battery box, and a CD ROM with all software and documentation
414.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE003N This Starter Pack is a self-assembly kit, based on the PICAXE-08M2 Microcontroller [PICAXE-08 STARTER PACK-NO CABLE]
AXE003N This Starter Pack is a self-assembly kit, based on the PICAXE-08M2 Microcontroller
193.68 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE004N This Starter Pack is a self-assembly kit, based on the PICAXE 14M2 Microcontroller [PICAXE-14 STARTER PACK-NO CABLE]
AXE004N This Starter Pack is a self-assembly kit, based on the PICAXE 14M2 Microcontroller
221.93 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE005N This Starter Pack is a self-assembly kit, based on the PICAXE 20M2 Microcontroller [PICAXE-20 STARTER PACK-NO CABLE]
AXE005N This Starter Pack is a self-assembly kit, based on the PICAXE 20M2 Microcontroller
266.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE091U PICAXE Experimenter Kit comes with a PICAXE-18M2, the open design let's you use any of the PICAXE chips, sold seperately [PICAXE-DEVELOPMENT STARTER (USB)]
AXE091U PICAXE Experimenter Kit comes with a PICAXE-18M2, the open design let's you use any of the PICAXE chips, sold seperately
1 828.73 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE029 Breadboard Cable Adapter [PICAXE-BREADBOARD ADAPTER]
AXE029 Breadboard Cable Adapter
105.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE007M2 The smallest PICAXE Microcontroller supporting up to 6 inputs/outputs with 3 analogue/touch sensor channels. [PICAXE-08M2 IC]
AXE007M2 The smallest PICAXE Microcontroller supporting up to 6 inputs/outputs with 3 analogue/touch sensor channels.
63.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE010X2 An enhanced X2 PICAXE Microcontroller supports up to 22 inputs/outputs with 16 analogue/touch sensor channels with an operating speed up to 16MHz using an internal oscillator and up to 64MHz using an external resonator or crystal [PICAXE-28X2 IC]
AXE010X2 An enhanced X2 PICAXE Microcontroller supports up to 22 inputs/outputs with 16 analogue/touch sensor channels with an operating speed up to 16MHz using an internal oscillator and up to 64MHz using an external resonator or crystal
195.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE012M2 A compact PICAXE Microcontroller chip supporting up to 18 inputs/outputs with 11 analogue/touch sensor channels [PICAXE-20M2 IC]
AXE012M2 A compact PICAXE Microcontroller chip supporting up to 18 inputs/outputs with 11 analogue/touch sensor channels
85.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE015M2 A compact PICAXE-18M2+ microcontroller chip supporting up to 16 inputs/outputs with 10 analogue/touch sensor channels. [PICAXE-18M2 IC]
AXE015M2 A compact PICAXE-18M2+ microcontroller chip supporting up to 16 inputs/outputs with 10 analogue/touch sensor channels.
97.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE017M2 A compact but powerful, PICAXE microcontroller chip supporting up to 12 inputs/outputs with 7 analogue/touch sensor channels. [PICAXE-14M2 IC]
AXE017M2 A compact but powerful, PICAXE microcontroller chip supporting up to 12 inputs/outputs with 7 analogue/touch sensor channels.
91.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE021 Turn your AXE021 PICAXE 08 Proto Board into a modular design using 4x10 & 2x16 dual female PCB headers you can make a breadboard area or socket for modular units [PICAXE-08 PROTO BOARD KIT]
AXE021 Turn your AXE021 PICAXE 08 Proto Board into a modular design using 4x10 & 2x16 dual female PCB headers you can make a breadboard area or socket for modular units
72.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE117 A small self assembly Board to allow rapid prototyping of PICAXE-14M2 circuits [PICAXE-14 PROJECT BOARD KIT]
AXE117 A small self assembly Board to allow rapid prototyping of PICAXE-14M2 circuits
120.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE118 A self assembly board to allow rapid prototyping of PICAXE-20M2 and PICAXE-20X2 circuits [PICAXE-20 PROJECT BOARD KIT]
AXE118 A self assembly board to allow rapid prototyping of PICAXE-20M2 and PICAXE-20X2 circuits
148.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE020 A project board for 28 pin PICAXE microcontroller supporting 8 digital inputs, 8 darlington driver outputs and 4 analogue channels [PICAXE-28 PIN PROJECT BOARD]
AXE020 A project board for 28 pin PICAXE microcontroller supporting 8 digital inputs, 8 darlington driver outputs and 4 analogue channels
401.49 ZAR
for 1 Each
CHI030 A small self assembly board to allow rapid prototyping of PICAXE-18M2 circuits [PICAXE-STANDARD 18 PROJECT BOARD]
CHI030 A small self assembly board to allow rapid prototyping of PICAXE-18M2 circuits
200.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE133 Serial LCD Module Kit includes a 16x2 LCD together with a small 'serial interface' PCB fitted with a PICAXE-18M2 chip [PICAXE-SERIAL LCD MODULE]
AXE133 Serial LCD Module Kit includes a 16x2 LCD together with a small 'serial interface' PCB fitted with a PICAXE-18M2 chip
282.45 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE133Y Serial OLED Module Kit includes a 16x2 OLED (yellow on black) together with a small 'serial interface' PCB fitted with a PICAXE-18M2 chip [PICAXE-SERIAL OLED MODULE]
AXE133Y Serial OLED Module Kit includes a 16x2 OLED (yellow on black) together with a small 'serial interface' PCB fitted with a PICAXE-18M2 chip
469.07 ZAR
for 1 Each
Instant Robot Shield to rapidly create a Robot based upon a PICAXE-28X2 or Arduino Controller [PICAXE INSTANT ROBOT SHIELD]
Instant Robot Shield to rapidly create a Robot based upon a PICAXE-28X2 or Arduino Controller
595.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
BOT120 The PICAXE Microbot system can be fully customised by the end user, with the capacity to customise via different input sensors and output devices [PICAXE-20X2 MICROBOT]
BOT120 The PICAXE Microbot system can be fully customised by the end user, with the capacity to customise via different input sensors and output devices
1 230.71 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE027 USB to 3.5mm jack plug cable, 1.8m long based on an FTDI converter chip and is a 5V logic level device [PICAXE-USB DOWNLOAD CABLE]
AXE027 USB to 3.5mm jack plug cable, 1.8m long based on an FTDI converter chip and is a 5V logic level device
515.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
AXE055 The T4 Control Training Board comes assembled, and is supplied with both analogue and digital inputs, as well as a range of output devices [PICAXE-18X T4 TRAINER BOARD]
AXE055 The T4 Control Training Board comes assembled, and is supplied with both analogue and digital inputs, as well as a range of output devices
1 250.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Picaxe-08 Motor Driver Board with 4 Digital or 2 Reversible Power Outputs and 1 or 2 Digital Input Controls [PICAXE-08 MOTOR DRIVER BOARD]
Picaxe-08 Motor Driver Board with 4 Digital or 2 Reversible Power Outputs and 1 or 2 Digital Input Controls
385.35 ZAR
for 1 Each
Picaxe-08 Servo Driver Board allows the PICAXE-08M2 chip to Control up to 3 Radio Control Style Servos for Robot Models [PICAXE-08 SERVO DRIVER BOARD]
Picaxe-08 Servo Driver Board allows the PICAXE-08M2 chip to Control up to 3 Radio Control Style Servos for Robot Models
226.98 ZAR
for 1 Each
PICAXE-28X2 Shield Base
485.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
BC04-B Master Slave Selectable Bluetooth Module Shield 5V/3.3V with Switch [ACM BLUETOOTH STACKABLE SHIELD]
BC04-B Master Slave Selectable Bluetooth Module Shield 5V/3.3V with Switch
271.35 ZAR
for 1 Each
EDL Compatible with Arduino Adapter Shield V3 (TFT01 ITDB02 Compatible) for Arduino UNO [ACM UNO ADAPTOR SHIELD FOR LCD]
EDL Compatible with Arduino Adapter Shield V3 (TFT01 ITDB02 Compatible) for Arduino UNO
119.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Audio Jack Board for TC35 Development Module [ACM GSM TC35 AUDIO JACK BOARD]
Audio Jack Board for TC35 Development Module
58.51 ZAR
for 1 Each
WI04 Ethernet Wifi Serial UART Module 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n Compatible [ACM WI04 WIFI/ETH/S-UART MODULE]
WI04 Ethernet Wifi Serial UART Module 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n Compatible
353.07 ZAR
for 1 Each
44mm Lens + Reflector Collimator + fixed Bracket for High Power LED chip with 45° Beam [ACM 44MM HIGH POWR LED REFLECTOR]
44mm Lens + Reflector Collimator + fixed Bracket for High Power LED chip with 45° Beam
119.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
LED Lens/Reflector Collimator 10° 14,5mm in White for 1W, 3W, 5W Star LEDs [ACM STAR POWER LED LENS 4/PACK]
LED Lens/Reflector Collimator 10° 14,5mm in White for 1W, 3W, 5W Star LEDs
59.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sensor Node V2.2- Compact Compatible with Arduino Controller(ATMEGA328) for Wireless Networks Based on NRF24L01 + -I2CAnalog, Digital. [AZL SENSOR NODE V2.2]
Sensor Node V2.2- Compact Compatible with Arduino Controller(ATMEGA328) for Wireless Networks Based on NRF24L01 + -I2CAnalog, Digital.
368.21 ZAR
for 1 Each
Bluetooth Shield used with Arduino for transparent wireless serial communication and could be set to Master or Slave by user [AZL BLUETOOTH SHIELD MAST/SLAVE]
Bluetooth Shield used with Arduino for transparent wireless serial communication and could be set to Master or Slave by user
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CH340T Serial to USB Adapter for NRF24L01+ Module [AZL SERIAL TO USB ADAP-NRF24L01+]
CH340T Serial to USB Adapter for NRF24L01+ Module
92.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RGB LED Matrix NeoPixel Shield with 40 WS2812 arranged in an 5x8 Matrix [AZL 5X8 NEOPIXEL SHIELD-WS2812]
RGB LED Matrix NeoPixel Shield with 40 WS2812 arranged in an 5x8 Matrix
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Arduino-compatible Energy Monitor Shield V2 designed for building energy monitoring system with the ability to connect I2C OLED-display and built-in wireless transceiver nRF24L01 + [AZL ENERGY MONIT SHIELD FOR OLED]
Arduino-compatible Energy Monitor Shield V2 designed for building energy monitoring system with the ability to connect I2C OLED-display and built-in wireless transceiver nRF24L01 +
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Standard 800x480 7inch TFT LCD Display with HDMI, VGA, Video and AV Signal Driver Board. HDMI Interface Fully Compatible with Raspberry Pi, Pcduino and Banana Pi [AZL RASPBERRY 7IN TFT+DRIVER STD]
Standard 800x480 7inch TFT LCD Display with HDMI, VGA, Video and AV Signal Driver Board. HDMI Interface Fully Compatible with Raspberry Pi, Pcduino and Banana Pi
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5.05 ZAR
for 1 Each
Bracket for the N20 Gear Motor [AZL N20 GEAR MOTOR BRACKET]
Bracket for the N20 Gear Motor
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0.9inch OLED Display Module 27.8x27.3x4.3mm with SPI or I2C Interface selectable [AZL 0.96IN OLED 128X64-BLUE]
0.9inch OLED Display Module 27.8x27.3x4.3mm with SPI or I2C Interface selectable
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Adjustable Gas Sensor for Hydrogen (H2), LPG, Methane Natural Gas (CH4), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Alcohol detects 200~10,000ppm [AZL MQ5 LPG GAS SENSOR BOARD]
Adjustable Gas Sensor for Hydrogen (H2), LPG, Methane Natural Gas (CH4), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Alcohol detects 200~10,000ppm
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7IN LCD Case Black for Raspberry PI 2B ~ 3B & PI B+ (197.12 x 46.76 x 115.64mm) [RASPBERRY PI ORIG. 7IN LCD CASE]
7IN LCD Case Black for Raspberry PI 2B ~ 3B & PI B+ (197.12 x 46.76 x 115.64mm)
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Original RPI 7 Inch Display for Raspberry PI3 [RASPBERRY PI ORIG. 7IN TOUCH LCD]
Original RPI 7 Inch Display for Raspberry PI3
1 350.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Development Board 2.4GHZ 8GB RAM SP Kit- Includes: PSU 5.1A 5A 27W USB-C - 1M Micro HDMI Cable - 32GB Preloaded Micro SD Card with 64Bit Raspberry PI OS Pre-Loaded - SP Cooler Case - Active Cooler Fan [RASPBERRY PI 5B 8GB SP-KIT]
Development Board 2.4GHZ 8GB RAM SP Kit- Includes: PSU 5.1A 5A 27W USB-C - 1M Micro HDMI Cable - 32GB Preloaded Micro SD Card with 64Bit Raspberry PI OS Pre-Loaded - SP Cooler Case - Active Cooler Fan
2 869.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Low-cost, High-performance Pico-like Mcu Board Based On Raspberry Pi Microcontroller RP2040 [WVS PI PICO ZERO BOARD - RP2040]
A Low-cost, High-performance Pico-like Mcu Board Based On Raspberry Pi Microcontroller RP2040
100.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Raspberry Pi Pico Evaluation Kit (Type B), The Pico + Color Lcd + Imu Sensor + Gpio Expander [WVS RASPBERRY PI PICO EVAL KIT B]
Raspberry Pi Pico Evaluation Kit (Type B), The Pico + Color Lcd + Imu Sensor + Gpio Expander
983.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Raspberry PI HAT Which Features Multi Communication Functionalities: GSM, GPRS, GNSS and Bluetooth. It Allows Your PI To Easily Make A Telephone Call, Send Messages, Connect To Wireless Internet, Global Position, Transfer Data Via Bluetooth And So On [WVS RASPBERRYPI GSM/GPRS/BT HAT]
A Raspberry PI HAT Which Features Multi Communication Functionalities: GSM, GPRS, GNSS and Bluetooth. It Allows Your PI To Easily Make A Telephone Call, Send Messages, Connect To Wireless Internet, Global Position, Transfer Data Via Bluetooth And So On
590.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B [RASPBERRY PI 3B]
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
699.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Development Board 1.4GHZ 1GB RAM , SD Card Socket, HDMI, Bluetooth 4.2 , 4 X USB , 1GB Ethernet-requires 5V 2,5A PSU [RASPBERRY PI 3B+]
Development Board 1.4GHZ 1GB RAM , SD Card Socket, HDMI, Bluetooth 4.2 , 4 X USB , 1GB Ethernet-requires 5V 2,5A PSU
1 207.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Original Raspberry PI 5B & Zero Camera Adapter Cable 300mm [RASPBERRY PI 5B CAM CABLE 300MM]
Original Raspberry PI 5B & Zero Camera Adapter Cable 300mm
51.75 ZAR
for 1 Each
Raspberry Pi Shield inc. Accelerometer, Barometer, Gyroscope, Humidity, Magnetometer, Temperature Sensor w/ 8x8 Display and Joystick [RASPBERRY PI SENSEHAT]
Raspberry Pi Shield inc. Accelerometer, Barometer, Gyroscope, Humidity, Magnetometer, Temperature Sensor w/ 8x8 Display and Joystick
610.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
RPI NOIR Camera Board. Version 2, Sony IMX219 8MP Sensor with no IR Filter. Suitable for Low Light or Night Time Photography by using an External IR Illuminator [RASPBERRY PI CAMV2 MOD NOIR ORIG]
RPI NOIR Camera Board. Version 2, Sony IMX219 8MP Sensor with no IR Filter. Suitable for Low Light or Night Time Photography by using an External IR Illuminator
512.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Development Board 1.5GHZ 4GB Ram, SD Card Socket, 2 × Micro HDMI Ports(Up to 4Kp60 Supported), 2 × USB3.0 Ports, 2 × USB2.0 Ports, H.265(4Kp60 Decode), Broadcom BCM2711, Quad-Core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8), 2 x Lane MIPI DSI/CSI Display Port, 1 x 4P Stereo SOC, [RASPBERRY PI 4B 4GB]
Development Board 1.5GHZ 4GB Ram, SD Card Socket, 2 × Micro HDMI Ports(Up to 4Kp60 Supported), 2 × USB3.0 Ports, 2 × USB2.0 Ports, H.265(4Kp60 Decode), Broadcom BCM2711, Quad-Core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8), 2 x Lane MIPI DSI/CSI Display Port, 1 x 4P Stereo SOC,
1 500.75 ZAR
for 1 Each
Development Board 1.5GHZ 8GB Ram, SD Card Socket, 2×Micro HDMI Ports(Up to 4Kp60 Supported), 2×USB3.0 Ports, 2×USB2.0 Ports, H.265(4Kp60 Decode), Broadcom BCM2711, Quad-core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8), 2XLane MIPI DSI/CSI Display Port, 1X4P Stereo Socket, 5VDC 3 [RASPBERRY PI 4B 8GB]
Development Board 1.5GHZ 8GB Ram, SD Card Socket, 2×Micro HDMI Ports(Up to 4Kp60 Supported), 2×USB3.0 Ports, 2×USB2.0 Ports, H.265(4Kp60 Decode), Broadcom BCM2711, Quad-core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8), 2XLane MIPI DSI/CSI Display Port, 1X4P Stereo Socket, 5VDC 3
2 003.30 ZAR
for 1 Each
Development Board 1.4GHZ 1GB RAM, SD Card Socket, HDMI, Bluetooth 4.2 , 4 X USB, 1GB Ethernet, Includes: Universal Micro Usb Power Supply 5V 2.5A [RASPBERRY PI 3B+/PSU]
Development Board 1.4GHZ 1GB RAM, SD Card Socket, HDMI, Bluetooth 4.2 , 4 X USB, 1GB Ethernet, Includes: Universal Micro Usb Power Supply 5V 2.5A
1 437.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Development Board 2.4GHZ 4GB RAM,SD Card Socket, 2×MICRO HDMI Ports(Up to 4Kp60 Supported), 2×USB3.0 Ports, 2×USB2.0 PORTS,H.265(4Kp60 Decode), Broadcom BCM2712, Quad-Core 64BIT ARM Cortex-A76 CPU, 2X4-LANE MIPI, PCIe 2.0x1,5VDC 5A VIA USB-C [RASPBERRY PI 5B 4GB]
Development Board 2.4GHZ 4GB RAM,SD Card Socket, 2×MICRO HDMI Ports(Up to 4Kp60 Supported), 2×USB3.0 Ports, 2×USB2.0 PORTS,H.265(4Kp60 Decode), Broadcom BCM2712, Quad-Core 64BIT ARM Cortex-A76 CPU, 2X4-LANE MIPI, PCIe 2.0x1,5VDC 5A VIA USB-C
1 638.75 ZAR
for 1 Each
Development Board 2.4GHZ 8GB RAM, SD Card Socket, 2×Micro HDMI Ports(Up to 4Kp60 Supported), 2×USB3.0 Ports, 2×USB2.0 Ports, H.265(4Kp60 Decode), Broadcom BCM2712, Quad-Core 64Bit ARM Cortex-A76 CPU,2X4-LANE MIPI,PCIe 2.0x1,5VDC 5A via USB-C [RASPBERRY PI 5B 8GB]
Development Board 2.4GHZ 8GB RAM, SD Card Socket, 2×Micro HDMI Ports(Up to 4Kp60 Supported), 2×USB3.0 Ports, 2×USB2.0 Ports, H.265(4Kp60 Decode), Broadcom BCM2712, Quad-Core 64Bit ARM Cortex-A76 CPU,2X4-LANE MIPI,PCIe 2.0x1,5VDC 5A via USB-C
2 137.85 ZAR
for 1 Each
7IN LCD Case Black for Raspberry PI4 (197.12 x 115.64 x 46.76 mm) [RASPBERRY PI4 ORIG 7IN LCD CASE]
7IN LCD Case Black for Raspberry PI4 (197.12 x 115.64 x 46.76 mm)
385.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Complete Personal Computer Built into a Compact Keyboard, 64-bit Processor 4GB RAM, Dual-display Output, 4K Video Playback (Kit Includes : Keyboard, USB Mouse, Type-C PSU:5V3A, HDMI Cable, 16GB Micro SD Card with Raspberry Pi OS, Beginner’s Guide) [RASPBERRY PI 400 COMPUTER KIT]
Complete Personal Computer Built into a Compact Keyboard, 64-bit Processor 4GB RAM, Dual-display Output, 4K Video Playback (Kit Includes : Keyboard, USB Mouse, Type-C PSU:5V3A, HDMI Cable, 16GB Micro SD Card with Raspberry Pi OS, Beginner’s Guide)
2 758.85 ZAR
for 1 Each
Microcontroller Board, PI RP2040 Microcontroller Chip, 2.4GHZ Wireless Interface, Dual-core Cortex M0+ @ Upto 133MHz, Micro USB Port, 2×UART, 2×I2C, 2×SPI, 16×PWM Channels, I/O Voltage is Fixed @ 3.3V, 264kByte SRAM, 12-bit 500ksps [RASPBERRY PI PICO W]
Microcontroller Board, PI RP2040 Microcontroller Chip, 2.4GHZ Wireless Interface, Dual-core Cortex M0+ @ Upto 133MHz, Micro USB Port, 2×UART, 2×I2C, 2×SPI, 16×PWM Channels, I/O Voltage is Fixed @ 3.3V, 264kByte SRAM, 12-bit 500ksps
163.30 ZAR
for 1 Each
Clip-On Activer Cooler For Raspberry PI 5B - Aluminium Heatsink With Temperature Controlled Blower Fan 1.09 CFM - 8000 RPM +/- 15%, Input:5VDC, Raspberry PI 5B Not Included [RASPBERRY PI 5B ACTIVE COOLER]
Clip-On Activer Cooler For Raspberry PI 5B - Aluminium Heatsink With Temperature Controlled Blower Fan 1.09 CFM - 8000 RPM +/- 15%, Input:5VDC, Raspberry PI 5B Not Included
120.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Original Raspberry PI Camera Module 3, CMOS 12MP IMage Sensor (Sony IMX708), 15Pin Ribbon Cable 200mm, Diagonal Field of View 75°, 25×24×11.5mm [RASPBERRY PI CAM MODULE 3 ORIG]
Original Raspberry PI Camera Module 3, CMOS 12MP IMage Sensor (Sony IMX708), 15Pin Ribbon Cable 200mm, Diagonal Field of View 75°, 25×24×11.5mm
684.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
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