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918 Products
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Triple Axis Digital Compass Board Using Honywell HMC5883L [HKD 3 AXIS MAGNETOMETER HMC5883L]
Triple Axis Digital Compass Board Using Honywell HMC5883L
60.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
HC-05 6PIN V2.0 Bluetooth Module. Master Slave. 3.3V (2.7V-4.2V) For Direct Connection to MCU [HKD BLUETOOTH MODULE HC-05 6PIN]
HC-05 6PIN V2.0 Bluetooth Module. Master Slave. 3.3V (2.7V-4.2V) For Direct Connection to MCU
95.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
2 Channel Motor Driver Module DRV8833. Input Voltage:3V-10V. Single H-Bridge Output Current:1.5A [HKD RAMPS STEPPER DRIVER DRV8833]
2 Channel Motor Driver Module DRV8833. Input Voltage:3V-10V. Single H-Bridge Output Current:1.5A
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Blue 2WD Aluminium Robot Car Chassis Kit [HKD CHASSIS 2WD KIT ALUM BLUE]
Blue 2WD Aluminium Robot Car Chassis Kit
250.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
An Economical 4-DOF Robotic Arm Each joint can driven by a SG90 Servo. The overall use of wood material is lightweight. Can be controlled using Arduino, or Raspberry Pie. [HKD ROBOT GRIPPER ARM + 4 SERVOS]
An Economical 4-DOF Robotic Arm Each joint can driven by a SG90 Servo. The overall use of wood material is lightweight. Can be controlled using Arduino, or Raspberry Pie.
295.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
2X Banana Plugs to 2X Croc Clips in Red and Black on 1,2MT Flex Wire [HKD 2X BANANA PLUGS-2XCROC22 SET]
2X Banana Plugs to 2X Croc Clips in Red and Black on 1,2MT Flex Wire
20.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
7DOF (GY-91) Gyro Accelerometer/Compass/Barometric Sensor. Chip: MPU9250 (6 Axis) + BMP280. The MPU-9250 Combines a 3-Axis Accelerometer and 3-Axis Gyroscope in a Single Chip. The BMP280 is a Barometric Pressure Sens [HKD 7DOF-MPU9250+BMP280 SENSOR]
7DOF (GY-91) Gyro Accelerometer/Compass/Barometric Sensor. Chip: MPU9250 (6 Axis) + BMP280. The MPU-9250 Combines a 3-Axis Accelerometer and 3-Axis Gyroscope in a Single Chip. The BMP280 is a Barometric Pressure Sens
275.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
W25Q128 Flash Storage Module [HKD W25Q128 FLASH STORAGE MODULE]
W25Q128 Flash Storage Module
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
CP2102 USB 2.0 to TTL UART Board [HKD CP2102 USB2.0 TTL UART MODUL]
CP2102 USB 2.0 to TTL UART Board
55.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Four Dot Red Matrix Display 32X8 Using MAX7219 Driver [HKD 4XDOT MATRIX MODULE MAX7219]
Four Dot Red Matrix Display 32X8 Using MAX7219 Driver
110.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
This Development Board features a powerful ESP32-C3 CHP which is a Single-Core WI-FI and Bluetooth 5(LE) Microcontroller Soc, Based On The Open-Source RISC-V Architecture [HKD ESP32-C3 DEVELOPMENT BOARD]
This Development Board features a powerful ESP32-C3 CHP which is a Single-Core WI-FI and Bluetooth 5(LE) Microcontroller Soc, Based On The Open-Source RISC-V Architecture
100.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
EM4100 Chip, 125KHz RFID Key Fob Passive, Proximity Smart Tag. [HKD RFID KEY 125KHZ - 5/PKT]
EM4100 Chip, 125KHz RFID Key Fob Passive, Proximity Smart Tag.
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DC Polarity Reverse Switch. 0-24 V [HKD DC POLARITY REVERSE SWITCH]
DC Polarity Reverse Switch. 0-24 V
14.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
2 Pin Lockable JST Male Female Connector Pair on 15cm Cable. 2,54mm PCM (Pack of 5 sets) [HKD 2PIN LOCK JST M&F CAB-5/PKT]
2 Pin Lockable JST Male Female Connector Pair on 15cm Cable. 2,54mm PCM (Pack of 5 sets)
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3 Pin Lockable JST Male Female Connector Pair on 15cm Cable. 2,54mm PCM (Pack of 5 sets) [HKD 3PIN LOCK JST M&F CAB-5/PKT]
3 Pin Lockable JST Male Female Connector Pair on 15cm Cable. 2,54mm PCM (Pack of 5 sets)
33.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Pack of 5- 4Pin Female to Female Jumper Cables 20cm-Dupont [HKD 4P F/F JUMPER CAB 20CM 5/PK]
Pack of 5- 4Pin Female to Female Jumper Cables 20cm-Dupont
34.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Original HC-06 Wireless Bluetooth Transceiver Module- Serial for Arduino. 3.3V LDO.Input Voltage: 3.6V-6VMAX (Do Not Exceed 7V) [HKD ORIG BLUETOOTH TRCV MOD HC06]
Original HC-06 Wireless Bluetooth Transceiver Module- Serial for Arduino. 3.3V LDO.Input Voltage: 3.6V-6VMAX (Do Not Exceed 7V)
175.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Compatible HC-06 Wireless Bluetooth Transceiver Module- Serial for Arduino. 3.3V LDO.Input Voltage: 3.6V-6VMAX (Do Not Exceed 7V) [HKD BLUETOOTH TRCVR MODULE HC06]
Compatible HC-06 Wireless Bluetooth Transceiver Module- Serial for Arduino. 3.3V LDO.Input Voltage: 3.6V-6VMAX (Do Not Exceed 7V)
95.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
TCRT5000 IR Infrared Sensor Line Tracker Sensor Obstacle Avoidance Module [HKD LINE TRACKING SENSOR]
TCRT5000 IR Infrared Sensor Line Tracker Sensor Obstacle Avoidance Module
18.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Humidity Detection Sensor Module. Rain / Humidity Sensor Module [HKD RAIN/WATER SENSOR MODULE]
Humidity Detection Sensor Module. Rain / Humidity Sensor Module
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SG5010 Torque Coreless Servo 90deg, Size: About41 X40 X 19.5 MM, Connecting Line: About 280 mm. Reaction Speed: 0.13-0.17SEC /60 Degrees. Stall Torque: 8KG/CM (4.8V) and 11KG/CM(6.0V). Operating Temperature: -30TO +60 Degrees. [HKD SERVO MOTOR SG5010 90DEG]
SG5010 Torque Coreless Servo 90deg, Size: About41 X40 X 19.5 MM, Connecting Line: About 280 mm. Reaction Speed: 0.13-0.17SEC /60 Degrees. Stall Torque: 8KG/CM (4.8V) and 11KG/CM(6.0V). Operating Temperature: -30TO +60 Degrees.
110.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC/DC Adjustable 9A 300W Step Down Buck Converter 5-40V to 1.2-35V Power Module [HKD DC/DC ADJ BUCK MOD 1.2-35V]
DC/DC Adjustable 9A 300W Step Down Buck Converter 5-40V to 1.2-35V Power Module
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ESP32 Arduino LVGL WiFi & Bluetooth Development Board. 2.8Inch 240*320 Smart Display Screen. Resistive Touch [BDD ESP32 LVGL+WIFI+BT+2.8IN LCD]
ESP32 Arduino LVGL WiFi & Bluetooth Development Board. 2.8Inch 240*320 Smart Display Screen. Resistive Touch
475.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Programmable Latching Timer Module, 12V, 0-999S, with LED Display and Case [HKD DIG DISP PROG TIMER 12V+CASE]
Programmable Latching Timer Module, 12V, 0-999S, with LED Display and Case
130.12 ZAR
for 1 Each
WiFi NodeMcu Lua L293D Driver Board for ESP8266 ESP-12E [HKD ESP8266 NODEMCU DRIVER BOARD]
WiFi NodeMcu Lua L293D Driver Board for ESP8266 ESP-12E
69.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Towerpro Continuous Rotation Metal Gear RC Micro Servo MG90S. 360° in each direction [HKD MICRO SERVO 4.8V-6V MG90-360]
Towerpro Continuous Rotation Metal Gear RC Micro Servo MG90S. 360° in each direction
89.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
D1 Mini Relay 5V D1 Mini Relay Module [HKD D1 MINI RELAY BOARD 1CH 5V]
D1 Mini Relay 5V D1 Mini Relay Module
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Controller Board for REPRAP. Supports: A4988 DRV8825 AND OTHER Motor Drivers and LCD: 12864 LCD/2004 LCD/ TFT3.5. Input Voltage: 12V. Power: 270W. Patch MOS Tube: B55NF06. Size: 101.5mm x 60.5mm. [HKD RAMPS 1.6 MEGA SHIELD NEW]
3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Controller Board for REPRAP. Supports: A4988 DRV8825 AND OTHER Motor Drivers and LCD: 12864 LCD/2004 LCD/ TFT3.5. Input Voltage: 12V. Power: 270W. Patch MOS Tube: B55NF06. Size: 101.5mm x 60.5mm.
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12VDC 0,1A - 5015 Sleeve Bearing Cooling Fan for 3D Printer 50x50x15mm [HKD FANDC012050-15S-3D PRINTER]
12VDC 0,1A - 5015 Sleeve Bearing Cooling Fan for 3D Printer 50x50x15mm
36.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Arduino Compatible Ethernet Shield, with Wiznet W5100 R3 Network for UNO and Mega 2560 with Micro-SD Card Slot. [HKD ETHERNET SHIELD W5100 R3]
Arduino Compatible Ethernet Shield, with Wiznet W5100 R3 Network for UNO and Mega 2560 with Micro-SD Card Slot.
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MC4 Type Solar Photovoltaic Connector (1 Male-2 Female) & (1 Female-2 Male) IP67 DC1000V TEMP 40°C~+ 90°C MAX20~30A Cable 4mm [HKD MC4 BR SOLAR Y LEAD 2-1 PAIR]
MC4 Type Solar Photovoltaic Connector (1 Male-2 Female) & (1 Female-2 Male) IP67 DC1000V TEMP 40°C~+ 90°C MAX20~30A Cable 4mm
105.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MC4 Type Solar Photovoltaic Connector (1 Male-3 Female) & (1 Female-3 Male) IP67 DC1000V TEMP 40°C~+ 90°C MAX20~30A Cable 4mm [HKD MC4 BR SOLAR Y LEAD 3-1 PAIR]
MC4 Type Solar Photovoltaic Connector (1 Male-3 Female) & (1 Female-3 Male) IP67 DC1000V TEMP 40°C~+ 90°C MAX20~30A Cable 4mm
149.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
0.56IN 2Wire DC4.5V-30V LED Digital Voltmeter Blue [DPM/HKD DIG VOLTMETE 4,5-30V BLU]
0.56IN 2Wire DC4.5V-30V LED Digital Voltmeter Blue
23.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
0.56IN 2Wire DC4.5V-30V LED Digital Voltmeter Red [DPM/HKD DIG VOLTMETE 4,5-30V RED]
0.56IN 2Wire DC4.5V-30V LED Digital Voltmeter Red
23.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Ublox NEO-M8M GPS Module with Ceramic Active Antenna [HKD UBLOX NEO-8 GPS MODULE+ANTNA]
Ublox NEO-M8M GPS Module with Ceramic Active Antenna
295.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solar DC Motor, Rated Voltage: 4.5V, Current: About 40mA, Speed: 2000 RPM, Motor Diameter: 24.5 mm, Motor Height: 12.5 mm (Excluding Front and Rear Bearing Sleeves), OutpuT Axis: 2.0 mm, Weight: 21 G [HKD SOLAR CELL DC MOTOR 4,5V 20M]
Solar DC Motor, Rated Voltage: 4.5V, Current: About 40mA, Speed: 2000 RPM, Motor Diameter: 24.5 mm, Motor Height: 12.5 mm (Excluding Front and Rear Bearing Sleeves), OutpuT Axis: 2.0 mm, Weight: 21 G
16.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
2X18650 Battery Holder with Wire Leads [HKD LC18650X2 BATT HOLDER]
2X18650 Battery Holder with Wire Leads
10.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32-CAM WiFi + Bluetooth Camera Module Development Board ESP32 With Camera Module OV2640 and Base [HKD ESP32-WIFI+B/TOOTH CAM+BASE]
ESP32-CAM WiFi + Bluetooth Camera Module Development Board ESP32 With Camera Module OV2640 and Base
235.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
NTC 3950 100K Ohm 1% Thermistor Temperature Sensor for 3D Printer Reprap, Prusa [HKD 3D PRINTER NTC THERMISTOR]
NTC 3950 100K Ohm 1% Thermistor Temperature Sensor for 3D Printer Reprap, Prusa
16.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Reprap 12V 40W Ceramic Cartridge Heater for 3D Printer 6mmx20mm diam. [HKD 3D HEATER ELEMENT 12V 40W]
Reprap 12V 40W Ceramic Cartridge Heater for 3D Printer 6mmx20mm diam.
30.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Reprap 24V 40W Ceramic Cartridge Heater for 3D Printer 6mmx20mm Diameter [HKD 3D HEATER ELEMENT 24V 40W]
Reprap 24V 40W Ceramic Cartridge Heater for 3D Printer 6mmx20mm Diameter
30.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
L298 Dual Bridge DC Motor Driver Shield 2A, Working Voltage 5-12V [HKD DUAL DC MOTOR SHIELD L298]
L298 Dual Bridge DC Motor Driver Shield 2A, Working Voltage 5-12V
260.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
50KG Load Cell Sensor, Rated Output : 1.0MV/V±0.15MV/V. Zero Output : ±0.1MV/V [HKD ELECTRONIC LOAD CELL 50KG]
50KG Load Cell Sensor, Rated Output : 1.0MV/V±0.15MV/V. Zero Output : ±0.1MV/V
22.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
TP4056 Mini USB 5V 1A 18650 Lithium Polymer (Li-Poly) Battery Charger Module (Standard)- Without Charge Protection [HKD STD LITH CHARG-MINI USB5V/1A]
TP4056 Mini USB 5V 1A 18650 Lithium Polymer (Li-Poly) Battery Charger Module (Standard)- Without Charge Protection
8.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mini Submersible Water Pump 3-6VDC. 100L/H Low Noise. Max Lift 1.1m [HKD MINI SUBM WATER PUMP 3-6VDC]
Mini Submersible Water Pump 3-6VDC. 100L/H Low Noise. Max Lift 1.1m
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Micro Digital Amplifier Board 2 3W Class D PAM8403 [HKD PAM8403 AUD AMP]
Micro Digital Amplifier Board 2 3W Class D PAM8403
18.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
PWM DC Motor Speed Control 6V-90V 10ADC, Control Voltage: 0-5V (Voltage Control Type, The Speed of the Motor can be Controlled Directly by Inputting 0-5V Signal by PLC or Single Chip Microcomputer) [HKD PWM DC MOTOR CONTR 10A 6-90V]
PWM DC Motor Speed Control 6V-90V 10ADC, Control Voltage: 0-5V (Voltage Control Type, The Speed of the Motor can be Controlled Directly by Inputting 0-5V Signal by PLC or Single Chip Microcomputer)
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DHT11 Digital Temperature And Humidity Sensor [HKD TEMP+HUMD DHT11 SENSOR ORIG]
DHT11 Digital Temperature And Humidity Sensor
32.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A3144 Hall Sensor on PCB. Adustable Threshold. Using LM393 Comparator. 3.3/5V, Magnetic Linear Hall Sensor [HKD THRESHOLD ADJUST HALL SENSOR]
A3144 Hall Sensor on PCB. Adustable Threshold. Using LM393 Comparator. 3.3/5V, Magnetic Linear Hall Sensor
22.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
2WD Avoidance Tracking Smart Robot Chassis Kit with Speed Encoder Using Arduino Compatible UNO [HKD 2WD ARDUIN SMART CHASSIS KIT]
2WD Avoidance Tracking Smart Robot Chassis Kit with Speed Encoder Using Arduino Compatible UNO
580.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
New ADS1115 16 Bit A/D Module with Internal PGA- I2C. 2-5.5V VCC [HKD 16 BIT A/D (ADC) DEV BOARD]
New ADS1115 16 Bit A/D Module with Internal PGA- I2C. 2-5.5V VCC
69.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Membrane Keypad 3x4 with 7Pin Dupont Connector on Flexi Cable [HKD 3X4 MEMBRANE KEYPAD]
Membrane Keypad 3x4 with 7Pin Dupont Connector on Flexi Cable
16.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Membrane Keypad 4x4 with 8Pin Dupont Connector on Flexi Cable [HKD 4X4 MEMBRANE KEYPAD]
Membrane Keypad 4x4 with 8Pin Dupont Connector on Flexi Cable
18.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Real Time Clock -I2C with 24C32-32K EEPROM with CR2032 Battery Holder (Battery not included) [HKD REAL TIME CLOCK-DS1307]
Real Time Clock -I2C with 24C32-32K EEPROM with CR2032 Battery Holder (Battery not included)
22.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Pair of 43x19mm Rubber Wheels with 3mm D Shaft Entry. Can be used with N20 Motors [HKD WHEELS X 2 - 43MM]
Pair of 43x19mm Rubber Wheels with 3mm D Shaft Entry. Can be used with N20 Motors
30.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
AMS1117 Step Down Power Supply Module. I/P 4,75-12VDC. O/P 3,3VDC 800mA [HKD AMS1117 BUCK MODULE V/O 3,3V]
AMS1117 Step Down Power Supply Module. I/P 4,75-12VDC. O/P 3,3VDC 800mA
10.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
8X8 LED Dot Matrix Display Module MAX7219 [HKD 1XDOT MATRIX MODULE MAX7219]
8X8 LED Dot Matrix Display Module MAX7219
49.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC/DC Booster Module I/P 10-32V O/P 12-35V 6A (Requires 2V Differential) 100W without Additional Heatsink [HKD DC/DC BOOSTER 12-35VOUT 150W]
DC/DC Booster Module I/P 10-32V O/P 12-35V 6A (Requires 2V Differential) 100W without Additional Heatsink
60.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Priced Per Metre--- WS2812B Chip, 5050 SMD, 5V, Addressable 60 LED/Metre Strip, 18W/MT Non Waterproof, IP20 [HKD LED STRIP N/WP RGB 5V WS2812]
Priced Per Metre--- WS2812B Chip, 5050 SMD, 5V, Addressable 60 LED/Metre Strip, 18W/MT Non Waterproof, IP20
129.00 ZAR
for 1 Metre(s)
GY-US42 I2C Pixhawk APM Flight Control Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Module [HKD I2C ULTRASONIC SENSO PIXHAWK]
GY-US42 I2C Pixhawk APM Flight Control Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Module
235.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
XH-M604 Storage Battery and Lithium Battery Charge Control Module [HKD XH-M604 DIGI BATT CONT 6-60V]
XH-M604 Storage Battery and Lithium Battery Charge Control Module
169.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DHT22 Digital Humidity and Temperature Sensor Module Only [HKD TEMP+HUMD DHT22 SENSOR]
DHT22 Digital Humidity and Temperature Sensor Module Only
79.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
(Pack of 2) 2 Pin Male/Female Dupont Connectors on 70cm Cable. [HKD 2P MALE/FEM JUMPER CAB 70CM]
(Pack of 2) 2 Pin Male/Female Dupont Connectors on 70cm Cable.
18.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
(Pack of 2) 3 Pin Male/Female Dupont Connectors on 70cm Cable. [HKD 3P MALE/FEM JUMPER CAB 70CM]
(Pack of 2) 3 Pin Male/Female Dupont Connectors on 70cm Cable.
26.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3D Printer Extruder Pipe-thermal Break M6X26. 1.75mm. ID=2mm (Stainless Steel Throat with Slot for Makerbot MK8) [HKD 3D PRINTER EXTRUDR PIPE 1.75]
3D Printer Extruder Pipe-thermal Break M6X26. 1.75mm. ID=2mm (Stainless Steel Throat with Slot for Makerbot MK8)
20.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3D Printer Heated Bed-MK2B. 214mm x 214mm. Dual Voltage: 12V or 24VDC [HKD 3D PRINTER HEATED BED-MK2B]
3D Printer Heated Bed-MK2B. 214mm x 214mm. Dual Voltage: 12V or 24VDC
169.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Flat Disc Vibrating Motor 2,5-4VDC. Rotate Speed 9000RPM. Current:90mA. Starting Current:120mA. (40x10x3mm) [HKD FLAT DC VIBRATOR MOTOR 3VDC]
Flat Disc Vibrating Motor 2,5-4VDC. Rotate Speed 9000RPM. Current:90mA. Starting Current:120mA. (40x10x3mm)
16.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Raspberry PI B-Type GPIO Expansion Kit. (40P Colour Flat Cable+ GPIO T-Pinboard)(cobbler) [HKD GPIO EXT BOARD RASPBER PI B+]
Raspberry PI B-Type GPIO Expansion Kit. (40P Colour Flat Cable+ GPIO T-Pinboard)(cobbler)
59.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
(Pack of 5) 2 Way JST-SH1 1mm Pitch Female Connector on 10cm Open Ended Cable [HKD JST-SH1 S/END 2 PIN CAB 5/PK]
(Pack of 5) 2 Way JST-SH1 1mm Pitch Female Connector on 10cm Open Ended Cable
16.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
5 Pairs of 1.25mm PCM 2-Pin JST Male and Female Connectors on 15cm Wires. Also used on RX Power for Drone [HKD MICRO JST 1.25MM 2P M&F 5/PK]
5 Pairs of 1.25mm PCM 2-Pin JST Male and Female Connectors on 15cm Wires. Also used on RX Power for Drone
29.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Micro USB Cable to USB a with Inline Power Switch. Ideal for Raspberry PI. Power Only. Not Data [HKD MICRO USB CABLE WITH SWITCH]
Micro USB Cable to USB a with Inline Power Switch. Ideal for Raspberry PI. Power Only. Not Data
40.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Adjustable Gas Sensor for - Hydrogen (H2), LPG, Methane-natural Gas (CH4), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Alcohol. Detects 300-10,000PPM [HKD MQ5 LPG GAS SENSOR BOARD]
Adjustable Gas Sensor for - Hydrogen (H2), LPG, Methane-natural Gas (CH4), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Alcohol. Detects 300-10,000PPM
48.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
TTGO T-OI Plus ESP32-C3 RISC-V Development Board with 16340 Battery Holder [HKD LILYGO T-OI PLUS ESP32-C3 BD]
TTGO T-OI Plus ESP32-C3 RISC-V Development Board with 16340 Battery Holder
325.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DF Player Mini- Playback MP3, WAV, & WMA Files. Can be controlled by almost any MCU with a Serial Port [HKD MP3-TF-16P PLAYER MODULE]
DF Player Mini- Playback MP3, WAV, & WMA Files. Can be controlled by almost any MCU with a Serial Port
40.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MAX9814 Low Noise Microphone Amplifier with AGC. Voltage: 2.7-5.5V @ 3mA Current Output: 2VPP ON 1.25V BIAS [HKD MAX9814 MICROPHONE AGC AMP]
MAX9814 Low Noise Microphone Amplifier with AGC. Voltage: 2.7-5.5V @ 3mA Current Output: 2VPP ON 1.25V BIAS
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6-IN-1 Multi-Function Serial Port Module USB TO UART-CP2102 Chip. [HKD CP2102 6IN1 SERIAL PORT MODU]
6-IN-1 Multi-Function Serial Port Module USB TO UART-CP2102 Chip.
120.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
GY-SHT30-D Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout. Note that the board uses a generic version (GY-SHT30) [HKD GY-SHT30-D DIG TEMP/HUM SENS]
GY-SHT30-D Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout. Note that the board uses a generic version (GY-SHT30)
87.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
GY-SHT31-D Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout [HKD GY-SHT31-D DIG TEMP/HUM SENS]
GY-SHT31-D Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout
125.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
WS2812 Neopixel Ring with 8 RGB LEDS. Rings can be cascaded as as only 1 MCU I/O Pin is Used for Control. OD 32MM 4-7V [HKD WS2812 NEOPIXEL RING-8 LED]
WS2812 Neopixel Ring with 8 RGB LEDS. Rings can be cascaded as as only 1 MCU I/O Pin is Used for Control. OD 32MM 4-7V
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Micro Coreless DC Motor 6X12mm Voltage: DC 3.7-4.2V, - Current: 0.1A, - Speed: DC 3.7V-39000 RPM; DC 4.2V-45000RPM [HKD CORELESS MICRO DC MOTOR 3,7V]
Micro Coreless DC Motor 6X12mm Voltage: DC 3.7-4.2V, - Current: 0.1A, - Speed: DC 3.7V-39000 RPM; DC 4.2V-45000RPM
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
XH-M203 Full Automatic Water Level Controller Pump Switch Module AC/DC 12V Relay Sensors [HKD XH-M203 WATER LEVEL CONT SW]
XH-M203 Full Automatic Water Level Controller Pump Switch Module AC/DC 12V Relay Sensors
79.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
5 Only 1.25mm PCM 4-Pin JST Male Connectors on 15cm Wires [HKD MICRO JST 1.25MM 4PMALE 5/PK]
5 Only 1.25mm PCM 4-Pin JST Male Connectors on 15cm Wires
32.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Chiep Plant Watering Alarm. Helps extend the life of your plant by reminding you to water it. [HKD CHIRP PLANT WATERING ALARM]
Chiep Plant Watering Alarm. Helps extend the life of your plant by reminding you to water it.
75.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
328 Piece Polyolefin Heatshrink Kit. 8 Sizes in 5 Colours [HKD HEAT SHRINK KIT 328PCS 5 COL]
328 Piece Polyolefin Heatshrink Kit. 8 Sizes in 5 Colours
65.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
XY-L60A---60A Lead-Acid Solar Storage Battery Charge Controller with LCD Module. 6-60V [HKD BATTRY CHARGE CONT 30A 6-60V]
XY-L60A---60A Lead-Acid Solar Storage Battery Charge Controller with LCD Module. 6-60V
149.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Not Supported By Windows 8.0, Win 10 and Win 11 -- USB PIC Programmer for most PIC 10/12C/12F/16C/16F/18F -- Works best with XP [HKD USB PIC PROGRAMMER K150]
Not Supported By Windows 8.0, Win 10 and Win 11 -- USB PIC Programmer for most PIC 10/12C/12F/16C/16F/18F -- Works best with XP
260.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
IPEX(IPX) to SMA Antenna Adaptor Leads 15CM (GSM Antennae Lead) [HKD IPEX TO SMA ANTENA ADPT 15CM]
IPEX(IPX) to SMA Antenna Adaptor Leads 15CM (GSM Antennae Lead)
18.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WS2812 Neopixel Ring with 9 RGB LEDS. Rings can be cascaded as as only 1 MCU I/O Pin is used for control. OD 32mm 4-7V [HKD WS2812 NEOPIXEL RING-9 LED]
WS2812 Neopixel Ring with 9 RGB LEDS. Rings can be cascaded as as only 1 MCU I/O Pin is used for control. OD 32mm 4-7V
33.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
E-TEN1121 Orange 3Pin 15A 250VAC Single Pole Double Throw Metal Toggle Switch [HKD HS801 MOD SPDT TOGGLE SCREW]
E-TEN1121 Orange 3Pin 15A 250VAC Single Pole Double Throw Metal Toggle Switch
23.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
18650 Lithium Battery Charge Discharge Module. Input Voltage 4.5 TO 8V. Output Voltage: Continuous Adjustable 4.3-27V [HKD LITH CHARGE/DISCHG+BOOST O/P]
18650 Lithium Battery Charge Discharge Module. Input Voltage 4.5 TO 8V. Output Voltage: Continuous Adjustable 4.3-27V
20.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Battery Protection Module for 18650 Batteries. Built-in Three-Stage Overcurrent Detection. Can Be Mounted Below Battery. [HKD 18650 BATT PROTECTION MODULE]
Battery Protection Module for 18650 Batteries. Built-in Three-Stage Overcurrent Detection. Can Be Mounted Below Battery.
20.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Compatible with Arduino ATMEGA328 UNO REV3. Uses CH340 USB Driver [HKD UNO REV3 CH340]
Compatible with Arduino ATMEGA328 UNO REV3. Uses CH340 USB Driver
105.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
L9110 Can Drive Two DC Motors Upto 800MA Each or A 4-Wire Two-Phase Stepping Motor. 2,5-12VDC [HKD DUAL MOTOR DRIVER L9110]
L9110 Can Drive Two DC Motors Upto 800MA Each or A 4-Wire Two-Phase Stepping Motor. 2,5-12VDC
Call for Price  
Laser Detector Module (Can Work With KY-008 Laser Module) [HKD LASER RECEIVE MOD FOR KY-008]
Laser Detector Module (Can Work With KY-008 Laser Module)
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Digital Thermostat Temperature Module Xh-w1209 With Led Display And Relay Output. -50-110Deg C. Psu:12Vdc O/p: 10A Max. See Enclosure For This Item-- Hkd Digital Temp Control Enclosure [BDD DIGITAL TEMP CONTROL SWITCH]
Digital Thermostat Temperature Module Xh-w1209 With Led Display And Relay Output. -50-110Deg C. Psu:12Vdc O/p: 10A Max. See Enclosure For This Item-- Hkd Digital Temp Control Enclosure
45.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Makerbase Output Signal Control 5-24V for Heat Bed. VCC 12-24V. Maximum 25AMP with Heatsink only [HKD MOS 25A MAX HEAT BED MODULE]
Makerbase Output Signal Control 5-24V for Heat Bed. VCC 12-24V. Maximum 25AMP with Heatsink only
100.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Arduino Compatible MEGA2560 R3 using CH340 Driver [HKD MEGA 2560 R3 CH340]
Arduino Compatible MEGA2560 R3 using CH340 Driver
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Arduino Compatible MEGA2560 R3 using CH340 Driver [BDD MEGA 2560 R3 CH340]
Arduino Compatible MEGA2560 R3 using CH340 Driver
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
White Breadboard with 830 Tie Points. Suitable Power Supply-ACM and SME BREADBOARD POWER MODULE [HKD BREADBOARD 16,5X5,5CM 830TP]
White Breadboard with 830 Tie Points. Suitable Power Supply-ACM and SME BREADBOARD POWER MODULE
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
4X4 16Key Hex Tact Switch Keypad. 0-9, F1-F4, * and # [HKD 4X4 16KEY TACT SWITCH KEYPAD]
4X4 16Key Hex Tact Switch Keypad. 0-9, F1-F4, * and #
34.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC Geared Motor 12V 130RPM. 4mm Shaft. Gear Ratio Approx 1:64. Stall Torque: >3.6KG/CM [HKD DC MOTOR 12V 130RPM]
DC Geared Motor 12V 130RPM. 4mm Shaft. Gear Ratio Approx 1:64. Stall Torque: >3.6KG/CM
130.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC Geared Motor 12V 12RPM. 4mm Shaft. Gear Ratio Approx 1:690. Stall Torque: >9KG/CM [HKD DC MOTOR 12V 12RPM]
DC Geared Motor 12V 12RPM. 4mm Shaft. Gear Ratio Approx 1:690. Stall Torque: >9KG/CM
130.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Wireless USB Dual Frequency Bluetooth V4.0 Dongle. 2,4GHZ/5,8GHz. 600MBPS [HKD USB BLUETOOTH DONGLE 2.4/5.8]
Wireless USB Dual Frequency Bluetooth V4.0 Dongle. 2,4GHZ/5,8GHz. 600MBPS
240.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Focus Adjustable Dot Laser Emitter 5mW-HLM1230. 1.7-3.3V. 650nM - Caution--never Aim At Eyes [HKD LASERDOT EMITTER 5MW-HLM1230]
Focus Adjustable Dot Laser Emitter 5mW-HLM1230. 1.7-3.3V. 650nM - Caution--never Aim At Eyes
55.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC Mini Metal Geared Motor 60RPM @0,12A. Torque 1KGCM [HKD N20 GEAR MOTOR 60RPM@6V]
DC Mini Metal Geared Motor 60RPM @0,12A. Torque 1KGCM
85.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Compatible with Arduino 5V/10A 8CH Relay Module with N/O and N/C Contacts and Opto Isolated I/P. (ALSO FOR 8051, AVR, PIC, DSP, ARM, ARM, MSP430, TTL LOGIC) [HKD RELAY BOARD 8CH 5V]
Compatible with Arduino 5V/10A 8CH Relay Module with N/O and N/C Contacts and Opto Isolated I/P. (ALSO FOR 8051, AVR, PIC, DSP, ARM, ARM, MSP430, TTL LOGIC)
110.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
23HS5628 NEMA23 2 Phase 4 Wire Hybrid Stepper Motor 1.8DEG, 2,5V , 2.8A, Holding Shaft D 22x6.35mm [HKD STEPPER MOTOR 57MM NEMA 23]
23HS5628 NEMA23 2 Phase 4 Wire Hybrid Stepper Motor 1.8DEG, 2,5V , 2.8A, Holding Shaft D 22x6.35mm
399.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DM860H DSP Digital Stepper Motor with Fan. Can Drive 4-Wire, 8-Wire Two-phase Stepper Motor. Voltage Input Range: 18~80V AC / 24-110V DC. Maximum Current: 7.2A, Resolution: 0.1A. Subdivision Range: 400~25600PPR [HKD STEPPER DRIVER +FAN DM860H]
DM860H DSP Digital Stepper Motor with Fan. Can Drive 4-Wire, 8-Wire Two-phase Stepper Motor. Voltage Input Range: 18~80V AC / 24-110V DC. Maximum Current: 7.2A, Resolution: 0.1A. Subdivision Range: 400~25600PPR
740.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
2 and 4 Phase Stepper Motor Driver 4.2A 20-50VDC [HKD STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER M542]
2 and 4 Phase Stepper Motor Driver 4.2A 20-50VDC
375.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SW-520D Metal Ball Tilt Switch Vibration Sensor [HKD SW-520D VIBRATION SENSOR 5/P]
SW-520D Metal Ball Tilt Switch Vibration Sensor
14.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
TPA3116 Bluetooth 5.0 HiFi Stereo Digital Audio Amplifier Board 50W*50W. Recommended Power Supply: 18V,19V Or 24V With Current Above 3A. [HKD 2X50W TPA3116D2 BL/TOOTH AMP]
TPA3116 Bluetooth 5.0 HiFi Stereo Digital Audio Amplifier Board 50W*50W. Recommended Power Supply: 18V,19V Or 24V With Current Above 3A.
420.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Super USB Interface MACH3 100KHZ Board. 4 Axis Interface Driver Motion Controller- 3D Printer/CNC [HKD 4 AXIS MACH3 USB STEPPER I/F]
Super USB Interface MACH3 100KHZ Board. 4 Axis Interface Driver Motion Controller- 3D Printer/CNC
424.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
40A PWM DC Speed Control, Control 9-50VDC. 2000W. [HKD PWM DC MOTOR CONTR SCR 40A]
40A PWM DC Speed Control, Control 9-50VDC. 2000W.
195.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Micro Servo TS90D Digital Plastic Gear 9G/90 Degree. Dimension: Approx 22x11.5x27mm. Operating SpeeD: 0.12SECOND/ 60Degree ( 4.8V No Load). Stall Torque : 1.2KG (4.8V); 1.6 KG (6.0V). Temperature Range: -30 to +60 Degree. Dead Band Width: 7USEC. Operating [HKD MICRO SERVO 9G 4,8V-90D DIGT]
Micro Servo TS90D Digital Plastic Gear 9G/90 Degree. Dimension: Approx 22x11.5x27mm. Operating SpeeD: 0.12SECOND/ 60Degree ( 4.8V No Load). Stall Torque : 1.2KG (4.8V); 1.6 KG (6.0V). Temperature Range: -30 to +60 Degree. Dead Band Width: 7USEC. Operating
70.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
USB 3.1 Type-C 4 Pin Breakout Board [HKD USB TYPE-C BREAKOUT BRD 4P]
USB 3.1 Type-C 4 Pin Breakout Board
6.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
WEMOS ESP32 WIFI Bluetooth Module with 18650 Battery Holder + 0.96 Inch OLED Blue [HKD ESP32+WIFI+BT+OLED+BATT HOLD]
WEMOS ESP32 WIFI Bluetooth Module with 18650 Battery Holder + 0.96 Inch OLED Blue
445.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
2 Channel 18650 Battery Holder Protection Board with Cable [HKD 2X18650 BATT HOLD/CHRG+CABLE]
2 Channel 18650 Battery Holder Protection Board with Cable
125.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
4 Channel 18650 Battery Holder Protection Board with Cable [HKD 4X18650 BATT HOLD/CHRG+CABLE]
4 Channel 18650 Battery Holder Protection Board with Cable
240.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Voltage Detection Module. Output Voltage Equals Input Voltage Divide by 5 with Maximum Input Voltage of 25V [HKD VOLTAGE DETECTION MOD 25VMAX]
Voltage Detection Module. Output Voltage Equals Input Voltage Divide by 5 with Maximum Input Voltage of 25V
8.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
433MHZ Rubber Duck Elbow Antenna with SMA Connector. 3DB Gain. Height 110mm. 50 OHM Impedance. Frequency:400MHZ-490MHZ [HKD RUBBER DUCK ANTEN 433MHZ 3DB]
433MHZ Rubber Duck Elbow Antenna with SMA Connector. 3DB Gain. Height 110mm. 50 OHM Impedance. Frequency:400MHZ-490MHZ
34.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
2,8IN TFT LCD Touch Shield with Micro SD Socket. 240X320. Works with UNO and MEGA-Not Leonardo [HKD 2.8IN TFT LCD TOUCH SHIELD]
2,8IN TFT LCD Touch Shield with Micro SD Socket. 240X320. Works with UNO and MEGA-Not Leonardo
285.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Magnetic Reed Switch Sensor Module. Working Distance: 1.5 cm, Operating Voltage: 3.3 V-5 V, Output Type: Digital Switching Output (0 and 1), Size: 3.2 x 1.9 x 0.7 cm, with Fixed Bolt Hole for Easy Installation, Net Weight:4 G [HKD MAGNETIC SENSOR/SWITCH]
Magnetic Reed Switch Sensor Module. Working Distance: 1.5 cm, Operating Voltage: 3.3 V-5 V, Output Type: Digital Switching Output (0 and 1), Size: 3.2 x 1.9 x 0.7 cm, with Fixed Bolt Hole for Easy Installation, Net Weight:4 G
24.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
PWM DC Motor Speed Controller. 6V/12V/24V AT 3A 80W Max. Adjustable Reversible Motor Driver Switch [HKD PWM DC MOTOR CONT6/12/24V 3A]
PWM DC Motor Speed Controller. 6V/12V/24V AT 3A 80W Max. Adjustable Reversible Motor Driver Switch
69.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SIM800L GPRS GSM Module with Antenna and Tested Refurbished Chip (Simcom Module Is Not New) [HKD SIM800L GSM/GPRS MODULE+ANT]
SIM800L GPRS GSM Module with Antenna and Tested Refurbished Chip (Simcom Module Is Not New)
140.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
BMS 6S 22V 18650 Lithium Battery Charge/Protection Board 12A [HKD 6S LITH BATT CHARGE/PROT 12A]
BMS 6S 22V 18650 Lithium Battery Charge/Protection Board 12A
55.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
0.96In Oled Graphic Display 128X64 White I2c (4 Pin).i2c/iic Interface, Needs Only 2 I/o's ,Driver Ic: Ssd1306 ,Module Size: 27.0Mm * 27.0Mm * 4.1Mm ,Voltage: 3V ~ 5V Dc , Fully Compatible With 51 Series, Msp430 Series, Stm32 / 2, [BDD I2C 0.96IN OLED 128X64-WHITE]
0.96In Oled Graphic Display 128X64 White I2c (4 Pin).i2c/iic Interface, Needs Only 2 I/o's ,Driver Ic: Ssd1306 ,Module Size: 27.0Mm * 27.0Mm * 4.1Mm ,Voltage: 3V ~ 5V Dc , Fully Compatible With 51 Series, Msp430 Series, Stm32 / 2,
68.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Dobot Magician Basic Multifunctional Robotic Arm used for 3D Printing, Laser Engraving, Writting & Drawing [DOBOT MAGICIAN BASIC]
Dobot Magician Basic Multifunctional Robotic Arm used for 3D Printing, Laser Engraving, Writting & Drawing
34 225.84 ZAR
for 1 Each
DOBOT CR5 Robot including CR5 Control Box, Collaborative 6-Axis Robot ARM. WiFi Enabled, Lightweight, Customisable, Programmable. 5KG Payload, and 900mm Radius. High Accuracy at Fast or Slow Speeds. Expandability Including Google Image & Voice Recognition [DOBOT CR5 ROBOT]
DOBOT CR5 Robot including CR5 Control Box, Collaborative 6-Axis Robot ARM. WiFi Enabled, Lightweight, Customisable, Programmable. 5KG Payload, and 900mm Radius. High Accuracy at Fast or Slow Speeds. Expandability Including Google Image & Voice Recognition
324 300.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DOBOT Magician Education - all in one Stem Education Platform Including Laser Tool, Bluetooth & WiFi Modules + Joystick Control [DOBOT MAGICIAN EDUCATION]
DOBOT Magician Education - all in one Stem Education Platform Including Laser Tool, Bluetooth & WiFi Modules + Joystick Control
30 195.46 ZAR
for 1 Each
Dobot Mooz 2 Axis Industrial Grade Transformable 3D Printer used for 3D Printing, CNC Carving & Laser Engraving [DOBOT MOOZ 2]
Dobot Mooz 2 Axis Industrial Grade Transformable 3D Printer used for 3D Printing, CNC Carving & Laser Engraving
15 510.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Dobot Entry Level Learning Kit for Artificial Intelligence - Compatible with Arduino [DOBOT MAGICIAN AI SUITE]
Dobot Entry Level Learning Kit for Artificial Intelligence - Compatible with Arduino
8 027.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Dobot Magician Conveyor Belt for Adjustable Speed, Distance and Colour Sensor [DOBOT MAGICIAN CONVEYOR BELT]
Dobot Magician Conveyor Belt for Adjustable Speed, Distance and Colour Sensor
6 457.54 ZAR
for 1 Each
The Edu-Toy Potato Clock Allows You To Generate Enough Electricity To Run A Digital Clock Using Potatoes. [EDU-TOY POTATO CLOCK]
The Edu-Toy Potato Clock Allows You To Generate Enough Electricity To Run A Digital Clock Using Potatoes.
138.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Colorful Projection Lamp Model Kit : Size:19x5x14cm. 170g [EDU-TOY BMT PROJECTION LAMP KIT]
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Colorful Projection Lamp Model Kit : Size:19x5x14cm. 170g
Call for Price  
Electronic Block Learnning Toy, Includes Making A Maze Challenge, Flying Suacer, Fan, Music Speaker, Lamp, Alarm etc. Age 5+, Size : 330*47*200mm [EDU-TOY MULTI KIT MAZE CHALLENGE]
Electronic Block Learnning Toy, Includes Making A Maze Challenge, Flying Suacer, Fan, Music Speaker, Lamp, Alarm etc. Age 5+, Size : 330*47*200mm
269.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Educational Kit, Includes Clips, Cables, Voltmeter, LED Speaker, As well as Plastic Tube for Holding Salt Water. Learn the science behind the power. Test and Measure Differences Between Diffferent Fruit. [EDU-TOY FRUIT POWER TEST KIT]
Stem Educational Kit, Includes Clips, Cables, Voltmeter, LED Speaker, As well as Plastic Tube for Holding Salt Water. Learn the science behind the power. Test and Measure Differences Between Diffferent Fruit.
126.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Electronic Bell Kit [EDU-TOY BMT BELL CIRCUIT & FAN]
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Electronic Bell Kit
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Hand Cranked Power Dynamo, Building Block KiT. AGE 4+, Learn and Understand Principle of Creating Electricity [EDU-TOY HAND POWER DYNAMO]
Hand Cranked Power Dynamo, Building Block KiT. AGE 4+, Learn and Understand Principle of Creating Electricity
121.90 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Auto Scan FM Radio Model. Encourages Practical Thinking, and Circuit Knowledge [EDU-TOY BMT FM AUTO SCAN RADIO]
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Auto Scan FM Radio Model. Encourages Practical Thinking, and Circuit Knowledge
135.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Electronic Block Learnning Toy, Includes Making A Fun Maze Challenge, and Connecting Components to Turn on Power and Play Music [EDU-TOY 2IN1 MAZE CHALLENGE]
Electronic Block Learnning Toy, Includes Making A Fun Maze Challenge, and Connecting Components to Turn on Power and Play Music
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Traffic Light Model Kit. Age 4+ [EDU-TOY BMT TRAFFIC LIGHT MODEL]
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Traffic Light Model Kit. Age 4+
121.90 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Toy, Learn, Connect and Put Together a Working Model Fountain, AGES [EDU-TOY CITY PARK FOUNTAIN]
Stem Toy, Learn, Connect and Put Together a Working Model Fountain, AGES
149.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Connect Together, Wires, Gears, and Power Up a Working Watermill Wheel,includes Submersible Pump, Water Tray, Suitable for Ages 8+ Size : 210x60x150mm [EDU-TOY STONE MILL WATERWHEEL]
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Connect Together, Wires, Gears, and Power Up a Working Watermill Wheel,includes Submersible Pump, Water Tray, Suitable for Ages 8+ Size : 210x60x150mm
161.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Electronics DIY Kit, Build an Automatic Bubble Machine, Recommended Age 4+, Size 130x85x150mm [EDU-TOY AUTOMATIC BUBBLE MACHINE]
Stem Electronics DIY Kit, Build an Automatic Bubble Machine, Recommended Age 4+, Size 130x85x150mm
138.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Electronics Multi Project DIY Kit, Includes Instruction and Connection Manual, Size:510*355*50mm, Recommended Age 6+ [EDU-TOY MULTI-PROJECT KIT500]
Stem Electronics Multi Project DIY Kit, Includes Instruction and Connection Manual, Size:510*355*50mm, Recommended Age 6+
940.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Science Museum Steam Engine Kit, This product uses an alcohol Lamp to Heat Water in a Confined Space. The water is Heated and Vaporized Into Water Vapor while Expanding in Volume, Generating Air Pressure to Push the Piston to Move. Recommended Age 14+ Yea [EDU-TOY STEAM ENGINE]
Science Museum Steam Engine Kit, This product uses an alcohol Lamp to Heat Water in a Confined Space. The water is Heated and Vaporized Into Water Vapor while Expanding in Volume, Generating Air Pressure to Push the Piston to Move. Recommended Age 14+ Yea
425.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Science Museum Steam Engine Kit, This product uses an alcohol lamp to heat water in a confined space. The water is heated and vaporized into water vapor while expanding in volume, Generating air pressure to push the piston to move. Recommended age 14+ yea [EDU-TOY MOTOR EXPERIMENT]
Science Museum Steam Engine Kit, This product uses an alcohol lamp to heat water in a confined space. The water is heated and vaporized into water vapor while expanding in volume, Generating air pressure to push the piston to move. Recommended age 14+ yea
207.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Science Museum Electromagnetic Bell Kit, This Product uses the Magnetism Generated when the Electromagnetic Current passes through, Attracts the Shrapnel under the Small Hammer to hit the bell, and at the same Time Disconnects the Circuit. For ages 8+ [EDU-TOY MAGNETIC BELL]
Science Museum Electromagnetic Bell Kit, This Product uses the Magnetism Generated when the Electromagnetic Current passes through, Attracts the Shrapnel under the Small Hammer to hit the bell, and at the same Time Disconnects the Circuit. For ages 8+
159.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Exlporing Kid Air Powered Car Kit, uses Compressed Air to Push the Piston to Move Backward, and the Piston Rod Drives the Rack and Gear to Rotate to make the Trolley Move Forward Quickly, Understand the Principles of Pressure, and Kinetic Energy, For ages [EDU-TOY AIR POWERED CAR]
Exlporing Kid Air Powered Car Kit, uses Compressed Air to Push the Piston to Move Backward, and the Piston Rod Drives the Rack and Gear to Rotate to make the Trolley Move Forward Quickly, Understand the Principles of Pressure, and Kinetic Energy, For ages
218.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Science Museum Building Kit, This product uses plastic strips and a variety of connectors, which can be spliced into houses and bridges of various shapes according to the instructions. learn characteristics and stability of various shapes, age 8+ [EDU-TOY BUILDING STRUCTURE]
Science Museum Building Kit, This product uses plastic strips and a variety of connectors, which can be spliced into houses and bridges of various shapes according to the instructions. learn characteristics and stability of various shapes, age 8+
276.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Science Museum Toy, wind or electric powered robot. Using gears, drives & shafts understand the principle of mechanical transmission and the significance of rational use of wind energy through experiments. Ages 8+ [EDU-TOY WIND ROBOT]
Science Museum Toy, wind or electric powered robot. Using gears, drives & shafts understand the principle of mechanical transmission and the significance of rational use of wind energy through experiments. Ages 8+
391.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Explore Kids Bulb Circuit Kit. Understand the characteristics of series and parallel circuits and the relationship between current and voltage. Understand basic circuit knowledge and its application through experiments. Age 6+ [EDU-TOY BULB CIRCUIT KIT]
Explore Kids Bulb Circuit Kit. Understand the characteristics of series and parallel circuits and the relationship between current and voltage. Understand basic circuit knowledge and its application through experiments. Age 6+
149.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Explore Kids Series Toy, Learn about fixed and moveable pulleys, understand energy saving princples, learn how to save on labour and save effort. Age 8+ [EDU-TOY EXPLORE PULLEYS]
Explore Kids Series Toy, Learn about fixed and moveable pulleys, understand energy saving princples, learn how to save on labour and save effort. Age 8+
184.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DIY Hydraulic Excavator Model. Empowers Young Minds To Construct A Functional Excavator Model, Simulating The Power And Precision Of Real-world Hydraulic Systems [EDU-TOY HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR]
DIY Hydraulic Excavator Model. Empowers Young Minds To Construct A Functional Excavator Model, Simulating The Power And Precision Of Real-world Hydraulic Systems
57.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Series And Parallel Circuits Teaching Electrical Basic Experimental Kit. Please Note ThaT 2 X AA Batteries Are Not Included [EDU-TOY SERIES PARALEL BULB KIT]
Series And Parallel Circuits Teaching Electrical Basic Experimental Kit. Please Note ThaT 2 X AA Batteries Are Not Included
92.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solar Powered Robot Dog
322.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Kit, Encouraging One To Construct Their Tank From The Ground Up. The Assembly Process Enhances Fine Motor Skills, Critical Thinking Abilities, And A Sense Of Accomplishment [EDU-TOY ELECTRIC TANK]
A Kit, Encouraging One To Construct Their Tank From The Ground Up. The Assembly Process Enhances Fine Motor Skills, Critical Thinking Abilities, And A Sense Of Accomplishment
69.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
12 in 1 Solar Robot Kit [EDU-TOY 12 IN 1 SOLAR ROBOT KIT]
12 in 1 Solar Robot Kit
230.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS232 to RS485/422 Converter [BDD RS-232 TO RS422/RS485 CONV]
RS232 to RS485/422 Converter
161.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The PWM Signal Generator With Screen Can Generate A Square Wave Signal For Experimental Development That Involves PWM Dimming and Speed Controlling. It can be controlled via the Serial Protocol TTL (TXD & RXD Pins). Volt: 3.3 - 30 VDC. FREQ: 1HZ – 150 KHZ [BDD PWM SIGNAL GEN+DISP 0-150KHZ]
The PWM Signal Generator With Screen Can Generate A Square Wave Signal For Experimental Development That Involves PWM Dimming and Speed Controlling. It can be controlled via the Serial Protocol TTL (TXD & RXD Pins). Volt: 3.3 - 30 VDC. FREQ: 1HZ – 150 KHZ
72.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The USB Logic Analyzer Is A Powerful Tool For Analyzing Digital Signals With Up To 8 Channels. With Support For Sampling Rates Of Up To 24MHZ, It Can Capture And Display Detailed Signal Data Quickly And Accurately. It Connects Easily To A Computer Via USB [BDD USB LOGIC ANALYZER 24MHZ 8CH]
The USB Logic Analyzer Is A Powerful Tool For Analyzing Digital Signals With Up To 8 Channels. With Support For Sampling Rates Of Up To 24MHZ, It Can Capture And Display Detailed Signal Data Quickly And Accurately. It Connects Easily To A Computer Via USB
175.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC Dual H-Bridge MX1616 Motor Controller Driver Board. INPUT: 2-10V. Output Max. 1.5A. This Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver Can Drive Two DC Motors Or A 4-Wire Two-Phase Stepper Motor. [BDD MX1616 H-BRG DC MOTOR DRIVER]
DC Dual H-Bridge MX1616 Motor Controller Driver Board. INPUT: 2-10V. Output Max. 1.5A. This Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver Can Drive Two DC Motors Or A 4-Wire Two-Phase Stepper Motor.
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
4S Li-ion Lipo LIFEPO4 LFP Lithium Battery Active Equalizer Balancer BMS 1.2A [BDD 4S NCM/LFP BATT ACT BALANCER]
4S Li-ion Lipo LIFEPO4 LFP Lithium Battery Active Equalizer Balancer BMS 1.2A
195.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
3S Li-ion Lipo LIFEPO4 LFP Lithium Battery Active Equalizer Balancer BMS 1.2A [BDD 3S NCM/LFP BATT ACT BALANCER]
3S Li-ion Lipo LIFEPO4 LFP Lithium Battery Active Equalizer Balancer BMS 1.2A
161.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
2S Li-ion Lipo LIFEPO4 LFP Lithium Battery Active Equalizer Balancer BMS 1.2A [BDD 2S NCM/LFP BATT ACT BALANCER]
2S Li-ion Lipo LIFEPO4 LFP Lithium Battery Active Equalizer Balancer BMS 1.2A
92.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Spot Welding Pen 12V 800A. Please note that this is not a complete spot welder. This is only a pen and needs to be used with a spot welding machine. [BDD SPOT WELDING PEN 12V 800A]
Spot Welding Pen 12V 800A. Please note that this is not a complete spot welder. This is only a pen and needs to be used with a spot welding machine.
375.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Tiny DC/DC Buck Module I/P 4,5-28V O/P 0,8-20V Adjustable (3A Max). Using MP1584 Chip [BDD DC/DC BUCK MODULE 0.8-20V 2A]
Tiny DC/DC Buck Module I/P 4,5-28V O/P 0,8-20V Adjustable (3A Max). Using MP1584 Chip
16.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Spot Welder Kit With A Protection Case. 14650 / 17490 / 18650 / 21700 /26650 / 32650 Battery can be Welded. Working Voltage: 6.5V - 16V. Total Peak Current can reach about 1700A. 99 Steps/Levels(Gear) of Power Adjustment [BDD SPOT WELDER BRD+CASE ADJ/99]
Spot Welder Kit With A Protection Case. 14650 / 17490 / 18650 / 21700 /26650 / 32650 Battery can be Welded. Working Voltage: 6.5V - 16V. Total Peak Current can reach about 1700A. 99 Steps/Levels(Gear) of Power Adjustment
644.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solenoid Lock 12V 0,6A 7,5W. 64 x 40 x 28mm [BDD SOLENOID LOCK 12VDC 0,6A]
Solenoid Lock 12V 0,6A 7,5W. 64 x 40 x 28mm
139.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A High Precision Programmable Panel-Mounted Signal Generator Which Can Simulate A 4mA to 20mA Signal. Has A Backlit LCD Display. Its Display Accuracy IS 0.01mA. [BDD PANEL SIGNAL GENERATO 4-20MA]
A High Precision Programmable Panel-Mounted Signal Generator Which Can Simulate A 4mA to 20mA Signal. Has A Backlit LCD Display. Its Display Accuracy IS 0.01mA.
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
This Multi-functional Sensor Meter Can Measure A Current Or Voltage Signal Input In The Range Of 0-75MV/4-20MA/0-10V. It Can Be Used With A Transmitter, Pressure Sensor, Liquid Level Sensor, Weighing Sensor And So On. Power Supply: 220V AC [BDD UNIVERSAL SENSOR INDICATOR]
This Multi-functional Sensor Meter Can Measure A Current Or Voltage Signal Input In The Range Of 0-75MV/4-20MA/0-10V. It Can Be Used With A Transmitter, Pressure Sensor, Liquid Level Sensor, Weighing Sensor And So On. Power Supply: 220V AC
795.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
REXC100 Temperature Controller + SSR-40DA Solid State Relay + Type K Thermocouple 1M Probe + Heat Sink. Input Voltage:100-240V. Universal Input. Output:SSR (3-32V). Alarm Mode:high Temperature Alarm (Adjustable) [BDD REX-C100 TEMP CONT+SSR+HS+TC]
REXC100 Temperature Controller + SSR-40DA Solid State Relay + Type K Thermocouple 1M Probe + Heat Sink. Input Voltage:100-240V. Universal Input. Output:SSR (3-32V). Alarm Mode:high Temperature Alarm (Adjustable)
450.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Optical Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module for Arduino [BMT FPM10A FINGERPRINT MODULE]
Optical Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module for Arduino
599.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Arduino Compatible Pro Micro 328-5V/16MHz. Using ATMEGA32U4 (Built in USB Peripheral) Not Lower Cost ATMEGA328P [BMT PRO MICRO 5V/16MHZ]
Arduino Compatible Pro Micro 328-5V/16MHz. Using ATMEGA32U4 (Built in USB Peripheral) Not Lower Cost ATMEGA328P
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Laser Pointer Module 5V 650nM 5mW Red [BMT LASER POINTER 5V]
Laser Pointer Module 5V 650nM 5mW Red
10.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
20X4 Character Blue Backlight 3,3V LCD Module — Not 12C [BMT LCD 20X4-BLUE BACKLIGHT 3,3V]
20X4 Character Blue Backlight 3,3V LCD Module — Not 12C
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Micro Magician Robot Chassis Kit with 2 Gearboxes [BMT MAGICIAN CHASSIS KIT RED 2X2]
Micro Magician Robot Chassis Kit with 2 Gearboxes
210.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stainless Steel Waterproof Temperature Probe on 1mt Cable. -55 °C ~ +125 °C [BMT TEMPERATURE PROBE DS18B20 1M]
Stainless Steel Waterproof Temperature Probe on 1mt Cable. -55 °C ~ +125 °C
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Wifi,IOT Development Board Learning Kit [BDD ESP32 BASIC STARTER KIT]
Wifi,IOT Development Board Learning Kit
450.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
2.4G 3dBi Small Folding Antenna Inner Pin. Total Height 11cm. Includes 15cm IPEX to SMA Cable [BDD WIFI ANTENNA+ IPEX-SMA CABLE]
2.4G 3dBi Small Folding Antenna Inner Pin. Total Height 11cm. Includes 15cm IPEX to SMA Cable
34.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
TEMT6000 Ambient Light Sensor. Maximum Sensitivity: 570 NM. Wide Half Angle Sensitivity: 60Deg [BDD TEMT6000 AMBIENT LIGHT SENSO]
TEMT6000 Ambient Light Sensor. Maximum Sensitivity: 570 NM. Wide Half Angle Sensitivity: 60Deg
29.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
LTC3780 DC/DC CC CV Auto Buck Boost Converter 5-32V TO 1-30V-10A Solar Battery Charger [BMT BUCK/BOOST/SOLAR 1-30VDC 10A]
LTC3780 DC/DC CC CV Auto Buck Boost Converter 5-32V TO 1-30V-10A Solar Battery Charger
260.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
USB to TTL Serial Debug/Console Cable. TX/RX IS 5V. Compatible with XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 [BMT PL2303 USB TO TTL MOD W/LEAD]
USB to TTL Serial Debug/Console Cable. TX/RX IS 5V. Compatible with XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1
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Clear Acrylic 2WD Robot Chassis Kit with Gear Motors, Wheels, Battery Box and Speed Encode [BMT CHASSIS 2WD KIT ACRYLIC]
Clear Acrylic 2WD Robot Chassis Kit with Gear Motors, Wheels, Battery Box and Speed Encode
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Transparent Acrylic Enclosure for Arduino Mega 2560 R3 [BMT MEGA ACRYLIC ENCLOSURE]
Transparent Acrylic Enclosure for Arduino Mega 2560 R3
39.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Analogue Ambient Light Sensor using LDR. 4 Pin, VCC Positive Power 3.3V -5V Input Power. GND Power is Negative, Exit Switching TTL Signal Do [BMT AMBIENT LIGHT SENSOR]
Analogue Ambient Light Sensor using LDR. 4 Pin, VCC Positive Power 3.3V -5V Input Power. GND Power is Negative, Exit Switching TTL Signal Do
18.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Childrens Edutoy - Make A Propeller Yacht /Or A Racer, Both Powered By A Simple Rubber-band Engine, Recommended Age: 8+ [EDU-TOY BMT PROPELLER ENGINE]
Childrens Edutoy - Make A Propeller Yacht /Or A Racer, Both Powered By A Simple Rubber-band Engine, Recommended Age: 8+
96.60 ZAR
for 1 Each
Edu-Toy Bmt Solar System Planetarium, Teaches Children About The Wonders Of The Solar System. Just Assemble, Paint And Learn,this Set Includes Planets, Stencils, Squeeze Glow Paint Pen, Rods, String, A Fact Filled Wall Chart . [EDU-TOY BMT SOLAR PLANETARIUM]
Edu-Toy Bmt Solar System Planetarium, Teaches Children About The Wonders Of The Solar System. Just Assemble, Paint And Learn,this Set Includes Planets, Stencils, Squeeze Glow Paint Pen, Rods, String, A Fact Filled Wall Chart .
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
16-Channel 12-BIT PWM Servo Control/ Driver - I2C Interface - PCA9685 [BMT 16CH 12BIT PWM/SERVO DRIVER]
16-Channel 12-BIT PWM Servo Control/ Driver - I2C Interface - PCA9685
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Ultrasonic Receiver+Transmitter on Board. The HC-SR04+ is a Wide Voltage Operation : 3V-5.5V. Ultrasonic Ranging Module. The Module's External Dimensions and Software are Fully Compatible with the Old Version of the HC-SR04. Industrial Grade MCU, -20°C-80 [BMT ULTRASONIC SENSOR HC-SR04+]
Ultrasonic Receiver+Transmitter on Board. The HC-SR04+ is a Wide Voltage Operation : 3V-5.5V. Ultrasonic Ranging Module. The Module's External Dimensions and Software are Fully Compatible with the Old Version of the HC-SR04. Industrial Grade MCU, -20°C-80
28.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
STC-3028 Dual Display Temperature and Humidity Controller. AC 110-220V. Dual Relay Rated AT 10A [BMT STC-3028 TEMP/HUMID CONTROL]
STC-3028 Dual Display Temperature and Humidity Controller. AC 110-220V. Dual Relay Rated AT 10A
395.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
48V DC-DC LM2596HV 4.5-60V Adjustable LM2596 Step-Down Module, (Note: Higher than 50v can not work for a long time) [BMT ADJ DC/DC MODULE 3A 4,5-60V]
48V DC-DC LM2596HV 4.5-60V Adjustable LM2596 Step-Down Module, (Note: Higher than 50v can not work for a long time)
45.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ATMEGA328 32K Microcontroller IC with Pre-Loaded Arduino UNO R3 with Opti Bootloader [BMT ATMEGA328 UNO MICRO B/LOADER]
ATMEGA328 32K Microcontroller IC with Pre-Loaded Arduino UNO R3 with Opti Bootloader
97.75 ZAR
for 1 Each
Can Bus Module V2.0B. MCP2515 Can Bus with TJA1050 Receiver. SPI Interface. 5VDC. [BMT CP2515 CAN BUS MODULE]
Can Bus Module V2.0B. MCP2515 Can Bus with TJA1050 Receiver. SPI Interface. 5VDC.
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Mini Thermometer with Panel Mount Digital Temperature Meter. -50 °C ~ 110 °C. V357 (LR44) Battery Not Included [BMT DIGITAL TEMPERATURE METER]
Mini Thermometer with Panel Mount Digital Temperature Meter. -50 °C ~ 110 °C. V357 (LR44) Battery Not Included
40.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Dual-Axis XY Joystick Module for Arduino, 26mm x 34mm [BMT DUAL-AXIS XY JOYSTICK MODULE]
Dual-Axis XY Joystick Module for Arduino, 26mm x 34mm
15.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Adjustable DC/DC Buck Module with 3 Digit Display Using LM2596S. I/P 3-40V O/P 1,5-35V 3A (Requires 1,5V Differential) [BMT ADJ DC/DC MODULE 3A+DISPLAY]
Adjustable DC/DC Buck Module with 3 Digit Display Using LM2596S. I/P 3-40V O/P 1,5-35V 3A (Requires 1,5V Differential)
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Low Cost WI07C WiFi Module Based on ESPRESSIF ESP8266EX. ESP-01 Upgrade, Four Pin Interface, VCC-3V3, GND, TXD and RXD. Two Extra GPIOS can be used. [BMT WI07C WIFI MODULE -LOW COST]
Low Cost WI07C WiFi Module Based on ESPRESSIF ESP8266EX. ESP-01 Upgrade, Four Pin Interface, VCC-3V3, GND, TXD and RXD. Two Extra GPIOS can be used.
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EM4100 Chip, 125KHZ RFID Key Fob Passive, Proximity Smart Tag [BMT RFID KEY 125KHZ - 5/PKT]
EM4100 Chip, 125KHZ RFID Key Fob Passive, Proximity Smart Tag
36.98 ZAR
for 1 Each
Camera Mounting Base Board-Download Module for BMT ESP32-WIFI+BLUETOOTH CAMERA [BMT ESP32 CAMERA BASE BOARD]
Camera Mounting Base Board-Download Module for BMT ESP32-WIFI+BLUETOOTH CAMERA
40.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Magnetic Reed Switch Sensor Module. Working Distance: 1.5 cm, Operating Voltage: 3.3 V-5 V, Output Type: Digital Switching Output (0 and 1), Size: 3.2 x 1.9 x 0.7 cm, with Fixed Bolt Hole for Easy Installation, Net Weight:4 G [BMT MAGNETIC SENSOR/SWITCH]
Magnetic Reed Switch Sensor Module. Working Distance: 1.5 cm, Operating Voltage: 3.3 V-5 V, Output Type: Digital Switching Output (0 and 1), Size: 3.2 x 1.9 x 0.7 cm, with Fixed Bolt Hole for Easy Installation, Net Weight:4 G
24.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP-32 Wireless WiFi Bluetooth Development Board 2.4GHZ CP2102 Micro USB Dual Core Module [BMT ESP-32 WIFI B/T DEV BOARD]
ESP-32 Wireless WiFi Bluetooth Development Board 2.4GHZ CP2102 Micro USB Dual Core Module
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Cool and Fun 6-IN-1 Educational Solar Robot Toy Kit, Build, 6 Different Solar Toys Make A Solar Robot Or A Solar Windmill, A Solar Plane Or Solar Airboat, Solar Helicopter, And Solar Car [EDU-TOY BMT 6IN1 SOLAR ROBO KIT1]
Cool and Fun 6-IN-1 Educational Solar Robot Toy Kit, Build, 6 Different Solar Toys Make A Solar Robot Or A Solar Windmill, A Solar Plane Or Solar Airboat, Solar Helicopter, And Solar Car
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Remote Controlled Toy Spider, Movement: Foward, Backward, Size: Approx. 21cm Actual Body of Spider is Approx. 16cm Power Supply: 4 x 1.5V "AAA" Size Batteries for Spider+ Remote (Not Included). Fun for everyone and Spooky for others! [EDU-TOY BMT 2WD RC SPIDER]
Remote Controlled Toy Spider, Movement: Foward, Backward, Size: Approx. 21cm Actual Body of Spider is Approx. 16cm Power Supply: 4 x 1.5V "AAA" Size Batteries for Spider+ Remote (Not Included). Fun for everyone and Spooky for others!
200.10 ZAR
for 1 Each
Rotating Dynamics Set Comprising of a Spin Drier (Dehyadrator), Fan, Cagleing and Fluorescent UFO. Uses 2 X 1.5AA Batteries which are not included [EDU-TOY ROTATING DYNAMICS SET]
Rotating Dynamics Set Comprising of a Spin Drier (Dehyadrator), Fan, Cagleing and Fluorescent UFO. Uses 2 X 1.5AA Batteries which are not included
125.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Build a Solar Robot, Dismantle, and Build Another Model, Six Different Solar Toys using Same Components in Kit can be Built. [EDU-TOY BMT 6IN1 SOLAR ROBO KIT2]
Build a Solar Robot, Dismantle, and Build Another Model, Six Different Solar Toys using Same Components in Kit can be Built.
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
The Earth-Moon-Sun Motion Demonstration Model Is A Simple 3 Ball Instrument Model Toy, Which Can Vividly Display The Relative Motion Between Earth, MOON and SUN. Please Note That 2 X AA Batteries Are Not Included. [EDU-TOY EARTH MOON SUN TRISPHERE]
The Earth-Moon-Sun Motion Demonstration Model Is A Simple 3 Ball Instrument Model Toy, Which Can Vividly Display The Relative Motion Between Earth, MOON and SUN. Please Note That 2 X AA Batteries Are Not Included.
69.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solar Powered Concept House Kit DIY Future Architect Dream Toy [EDU-TOY BMT SOLAR CONCEPT HOUSE]
Solar Powered Concept House Kit DIY Future Architect Dream Toy
248.40 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solar Roller Coaster Educational Toy [EDU-TOY BMT SOLAR ROLLER COASTER]
Solar Roller Coaster Educational Toy
184.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Kit Consists of all Parts Required to Build a Solar Powered Toy Boat. [EDU-TOY BMT SOLAR POWERED BOAT]
Kit Consists of all Parts Required to Build a Solar Powered Toy Boat.
161.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Robotics Project Designed For Children Aged 10 And Up, Encouraging Experimentation With Robotics And Solar Energy Concepts. With This Kit, Children Can Build A Solar Tricycle. Best Used In Direct Sunlight. This Kit Will Not Work In Cloudy Or Shady Areas [EDU-TOY SOLAR SPACECRAFT]
A Robotics Project Designed For Children Aged 10 And Up, Encouraging Experimentation With Robotics And Solar Energy Concepts. With This Kit, Children Can Build A Solar Tricycle. Best Used In Direct Sunlight. This Kit Will Not Work In Cloudy Or Shady Areas
119.60 ZAR
for 1 Each
Kit Consists of all Parts Required to Build a Solar Bullet Train [EDU-TOY BMT SOLAR BULLET TRAIN]
Kit Consists of all Parts Required to Build a Solar Bullet Train
121.90 ZAR
for 1 Each
Childrens Educational Toy, Mini Solar Powered Race Car. [EDU-TOY BMT SOLAR RACE CAR]
Childrens Educational Toy, Mini Solar Powered Race Car.
52.90 ZAR
for 1 Each
Childrens Experimental Science Kit, Create a Volcanic Erruption. The Kit Includes the Volcano Itself, Measuring Tools, a Stirring Stick and a Syringe and Plastic Cup to Accurately Mix the Components, Safety Goggles and all the Chemicals Necessary. [EDU-TOY BMT VOLCANO ERUPTION KIT]
Childrens Experimental Science Kit, Create a Volcanic Erruption. The Kit Includes the Volcano Itself, Measuring Tools, a Stirring Stick and a Syringe and Plastic Cup to Accurately Mix the Components, Safety Goggles and all the Chemicals Necessary.
121.90 ZAR
for 1 Each
Childrens Educational Toy, Fingerprint Verification Analysis Kit. Items Included In Set:plastic Jar, Stamp Pad, Brush, Magnifier, Goggles, Blower, Fingerprint Pad, Clear Adhesive Tape, ID Card, Case Record Card. Packing Size: 21x18x6cm Package Weight: 20 [EDU-TOY BMT FINGERPRINT ANALYSIS]
Childrens Educational Toy, Fingerprint Verification Analysis Kit. Items Included In Set:plastic Jar, Stamp Pad, Brush, Magnifier, Goggles, Blower, Fingerprint Pad, Clear Adhesive Tape, ID Card, Case Record Card. Packing Size: 21x18x6cm Package Weight: 20
149.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Build Your Own Water Filtration System, Kit Illustrates How Filteration Plants Work & Shows The Uses Of Different Chemicals [EDU-TOY BMT WATER SCIENCE KIT]
Build Your Own Water Filtration System, Kit Illustrates How Filteration Plants Work & Shows The Uses Of Different Chemicals
98.90 ZAR
for 1 Each
Baloon Powered Cosmic Jet Airplane, Learn About Energy, Power And Propulsion, Air Power And Air Planes [EDU-TOY BMT COSMIC JET AIRPLANE]
Baloon Powered Cosmic Jet Airplane, Learn About Energy, Power And Propulsion, Air Power And Air Planes
94.30 ZAR
for 1 Each
Edu Toy, learn About Brine Power3 Different Models Can Be Put Together, Build A Car, A Robot Or A Windmill And Learn About Alternate Power. [EDU-TOY BMT 3IN1BRINE POWER KIT]
Edu Toy, learn About Brine Power3 Different Models Can Be Put Together, Build A Car, A Robot Or A Windmill And Learn About Alternate Power.
133.40 ZAR
for 1 Each
Motor To Create Works Of Art. Adjust The Angle and Height of the Robot's Colored Pens and Watch It Work. Rovides Opportunity to Teach Children Creativity and Mechanical Principles; Recommended for Ages 8 Years and Up. Requires One AA Battery(not included) [EDU-TOY BMT DOODLING ROBOT]
Motor To Create Works Of Art. Adjust The Angle and Height of the Robot's Colored Pens and Watch It Work. Rovides Opportunity to Teach Children Creativity and Mechanical Principles; Recommended for Ages 8 Years and Up. Requires One AA Battery(not included)
138.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Put Together A Mechanical Robot That Dances, Tumbles, Falls And Gets Up All On His Own! Complex Motions From A Single Motor With Impressive Gear Mechanism [EDU-TOY BMT TUMBLING ROBOT]
Put Together A Mechanical Robot That Dances, Tumbles, Falls And Gets Up All On His Own! Complex Motions From A Single Motor With Impressive Gear Mechanism
133.40 ZAR
for 1 Each
The Spider Robot Is A Diy Toy With Eight Multi-jointed Legs Which Accurately Imitates The Walking Movement Of Real Spiders. There Are Two Assembly Choices For You To Change The Stride Length And Gait Of The Spider. Requires AA Battery (Not Included) [EDU-TOY BMT ELECTRONIC SPIDER]
The Spider Robot Is A Diy Toy With Eight Multi-jointed Legs Which Accurately Imitates The Walking Movement Of Real Spiders. There Are Two Assembly Choices For You To Change The Stride Length And Gait Of The Spider. Requires AA Battery (Not Included)
96.60 ZAR
for 1 Each
For Ages: 8+ An Educational Motorized Solar Robot Kit, Build 3 Different Models. Change Toy From Drilling Machine To A Dinosaur Or A Robotic Insect [EDU-TOY BMT 3IN1 SOLAR ROBOT]
For Ages: 8+ An Educational Motorized Solar Robot Kit, Build 3 Different Models. Change Toy From Drilling Machine To A Dinosaur Or A Robotic Insect
144.90 ZAR
for 1 Each
PIR Motion Sensor Switch 5 to 24VDC Input, 5 to 24VDC, 6A Output, 8M Induction Range, Adjustable Delay Time From 1 to 10min [BMT PIR SENSOR SWITCH 12/24VDC]
PIR Motion Sensor Switch 5 to 24VDC Input, 5 to 24VDC, 6A Output, 8M Induction Range, Adjustable Delay Time From 1 to 10min
105.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
L298 Dual Bridge DC Motor Driver Shield 2A, Working Voltage 5-12V [BMT DUAL DC MOTOR SHIELD L298]
L298 Dual Bridge DC Motor Driver Shield 2A, Working Voltage 5-12V
260.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Compatible with Arduino 5V/10A 16CH Relay Module with N/O and N/C contacts with Opto Isolated I/P. (Also for 8051, AVR, PIC, DSP, ARM, ARM, MSP430, TTL LOGIC). [BMT RELAY BOARD 16CH 5V]
Compatible with Arduino 5V/10A 16CH Relay Module with N/O and N/C contacts with Opto Isolated I/P. (Also for 8051, AVR, PIC, DSP, ARM, ARM, MSP430, TTL LOGIC).
190.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
K-Type Stud Thermocouple with Digital Converter (0-700°C)-Using MAX6675 [BMT K-TYPE THERMOCOU BOARD+PROBE]
K-Type Stud Thermocouple with Digital Converter (0-700°C)-Using MAX6675
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GY-521 MPU-6050 MPU6050 MEMS Triple Axis Gyroscope+ Accelerometer for Arduino. I2C Communication [BMT 3 AXIS ACCELEROMETER MPU6050]
GY-521 MPU-6050 MPU6050 MEMS Triple Axis Gyroscope+ Accelerometer for Arduino. I2C Communication
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WiFi IoT Development Board Learning Kit [BMT ESP32 BASIC STARTER KIT]
WiFi IoT Development Board Learning Kit
450.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Arduino Compatible Ethernet Shield, with Wiznet W5100 R3 Network for UNO and Mega 2560 with Micro-SD Card Slot. [BMT ETHERNET SHIELD W5100 R3]
Arduino Compatible Ethernet Shield, with Wiznet W5100 R3 Network for UNO and Mega 2560 with Micro-SD Card Slot.
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Capacitive Touch Switch Module using Tontek TTP223B Detector IC [BMT CAPACITIVE TOUCH SWITCH MODU]
Capacitive Touch Switch Module using Tontek TTP223B Detector IC
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ADXL345 IIC / SPI Digital Angle Sensor Acceleration Module, Support 5V / 3.3V Voltage Input, On Board RT9161 Power Chip [BMT 3 AXIS ACCELEROMTR ADXL345]
ADXL345 IIC / SPI Digital Angle Sensor Acceleration Module, Support 5V / 3.3V Voltage Input, On Board RT9161 Power Chip
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USB to Serial Port Adapter, Module FT232RL for Programming XBEE-With USB Cable. [BMT XBEE EXPLORER USB]
USB to Serial Port Adapter, Module FT232RL for Programming XBEE-With USB Cable.
125.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Low Cost USB Programmer for AT51 Series, ATMEGA, ATTINY, AT90 AVR can and AVR PWM Series [BMT AVR/51SER USBASP PROGRAMMER]
Low Cost USB Programmer for AT51 Series, ATMEGA, ATTINY, AT90 AVR can and AVR PWM Series
75.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC/DC Convertor 12V to 5V 3A with In-Line USB Socket. Not for use on iPhone, iPod and Samsung Galaxy S4 [BDD DC/DC BUCK MOD 12TO5V USB IL]
DC/DC Convertor 12V to 5V 3A with In-Line USB Socket. Not for use on iPhone, iPod and Samsung Galaxy S4
122.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC/DC Convertor 12V to 5V 3A with Inline Micro USB Plug. Not for use on iPhone, IPOD and Samsung Galaxy S4. [BDD DC/DC BUCK MOD 12TO5V MCUSB]
DC/DC Convertor 12V to 5V 3A with Inline Micro USB Plug. Not for use on iPhone, IPOD and Samsung Galaxy S4.
116.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
5V USB DC/DC Booster Module. I/P 0.9-5V O/P Stable 5V +/-600mA [BDD DC/DC USB BOOSTER 5V OUT]
5V USB DC/DC Booster Module. I/P 0.9-5V O/P Stable 5V +/-600mA
20.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
50mm-High Temperature Polyimide Film Heat Resistant Tape [BDD KAPTON TAPE 50MM X 33M]
50mm-High Temperature Polyimide Film Heat Resistant Tape
139.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DRN-2212 920KV Brushless CCW Motor for F330/F45/ F550 Drone [BDD 2212 920KV B/LESS MOTOR CCW]
DRN-2212 920KV Brushless CCW Motor for F330/F45/ F550 Drone
220.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
WiFi Antenna Enclosed 4dB with IPEX13 Connector on Lead [BDD ENCL WIFI ANTENNA 2,4GHZ 4DB]
WiFi Antenna Enclosed 4dB with IPEX13 Connector on Lead
32.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Compatible with Arduino 5V/10A 2CH Relay Module with N/O and N/C Contacts with Opto Isolated I/P [BDD RELAY BOARD 2CH 5V]
Compatible with Arduino 5V/10A 2CH Relay Module with N/O and N/C Contacts with Opto Isolated I/P
30.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DDS Function Generator 1HZ-500KHz. Output Waveforms: Sine Wave, Wave, Triangular Wave, Forward Sawtooth Wave, Reverse Sawtooth Wave [BDD FD100 DDS FUNCTION GENERATOR]
DDS Function Generator 1HZ-500KHz. Output Waveforms: Sine Wave, Wave, Triangular Wave, Forward Sawtooth Wave, Reverse Sawtooth Wave
459.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP8285 Infrared Receiving and Transmitting WiFi Remote Control Switch Module Development Board [BDD IR ESP8285 WIFI TRANSCEIVER]
ESP8285 Infrared Receiving and Transmitting WiFi Remote Control Switch Module Development Board
220.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
GM328 Transistor Tester, Diode, Capacitance, LCR, ESR Meter with Case – Assembled [BDD GM328 TRANSISTOR TESTER+CASE]
GM328 Transistor Tester, Diode, Capacitance, LCR, ESR Meter with Case – Assembled
620.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sentry GSM Communicator with Internal Antenna, PSU Voltage: 12VDC/ max 24VDC, I/P Voltage Range:Min 3VDC / Max. 24VDC, Supply Current:80ma when O/P is Latched on, Relay O/P Contacts: Upto 5A/250VAC 50 or 60HZ, 160x60x45mm, 110g, IP55 [SENTRY LINK-IT 2]
Sentry GSM Communicator with Internal Antenna, PSU Voltage: 12VDC/ max 24VDC, I/P Voltage Range:Min 3VDC / Max. 24VDC, Supply Current:80ma when O/P is Latched on, Relay O/P Contacts: Upto 5A/250VAC 50 or 60HZ, 160x60x45mm, 110g, IP55
741.75 ZAR
for 1 Each
5A MPPT Buck Solar Panel Charging Module with Display. Input Voltage: 6-36V DC. Output Voltage: 1.25-32V DC Continuously Adjustable. Output Current Range: 0.05-5A [BDD DC/DC BUCK/MPPT SOLAR 5A+DIS]
5A MPPT Buck Solar Panel Charging Module with Display. Input Voltage: 6-36V DC. Output Voltage: 1.25-32V DC Continuously Adjustable. Output Current Range: 0.05-5A
220.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Car Battery Disconnect Switch. 12V, 200A Remote Control Relay Power Off Switch. Please note that the CR2032 batteries for the remotes are not included. Communica part number is CR2032 ENERGIZER for the batteries [BDD CAR BATTERY DISCONECT+REMOTE]
Car Battery Disconnect Switch. 12V, 200A Remote Control Relay Power Off Switch. Please note that the CR2032 batteries for the remotes are not included. Communica part number is CR2032 ENERGIZER for the batteries
450.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
BNC-MCX Adapter to Enable the use of a Standard Oscilloscope Probe Like FNIRSI P6100 X1 X10 SCOPE PROBE with the FNIRSI DSO152 ONE CH 200KHZ, FNIRSI DSO153 ONE CH 1MHZ and FNIRSI DSOTC3 ONE CH 500KHZ [BDD OSCOPE PROBE BNC-MCX ADAPTER]
BNC-MCX Adapter to Enable the use of a Standard Oscilloscope Probe Like FNIRSI P6100 X1 X10 SCOPE PROBE with the FNIRSI DSO152 ONE CH 200KHZ, FNIRSI DSO153 ONE CH 1MHZ and FNIRSI DSOTC3 ONE CH 500KHZ
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
5V 1 Channel High/Low Level Triger Relay Module with Optocoupler [BDD RELAY BOARD 1CH 5V]
5V 1 Channel High/Low Level Triger Relay Module with Optocoupler
26.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Intelligent Fast Dual USB Charger with Overvoltage and Current Protection [BDD USB 3.0 CAR CHARGER 3.1A]
Intelligent Fast Dual USB Charger with Overvoltage and Current Protection
75.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC 12V Solar Hot Water Circulation Brushless Motor Pump. 10Bar-- Max Water Head: 3 Meter--8L/Min(2.1GPM)-- 0.7A(MAX)-- Max Circulating Water Temperature : 100°C (NOT TO BE INSERTED IN WATER)-- Inlet : 1/2" Male Thread. Fit Both 1/2" NPT and BSP Female THR [BDD 12V SOLAR HEATER WATER PUMP]
DC 12V Solar Hot Water Circulation Brushless Motor Pump. 10Bar-- Max Water Head: 3 Meter--8L/Min(2.1GPM)-- 0.7A(MAX)-- Max Circulating Water Temperature : 100°C (NOT TO BE INSERTED IN WATER)-- Inlet : 1/2" Male Thread. Fit Both 1/2" NPT and BSP Female THR
525.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
RDM630 125KHz (EM4100) RFID Card Reader-Mini Module [BDD CARD READER 125KHZ MODULE]
RDM630 125KHz (EM4100) RFID Card Reader-Mini Module
70.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Servo Y Extension Cable To Connect Two Servos To Controller [BDD SERVO Y EXTENSN CABLE 300MM]
Servo Y Extension Cable To Connect Two Servos To Controller
22.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DB9 Serial RS232 OBD2 Cable (On Board Diagnostics) [BDD OBD-II TO DB9 CABLE]
DB9 Serial RS232 OBD2 Cable (On Board Diagnostics)
135.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Servo Extension Cable 600mm [BDD SERVO EXT CABLE 600MM]
Servo Extension Cable 600mm
16.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Servo Extension Cable 300mm [BDD SERVO EXT CABLE 300MM]
Servo Extension Cable 300mm
15.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32-CAM WIFI+Bluetooth Board with 2MP OV2640 Camera and Base [BDD ESP32-WIFI+B/TOOTH CAM+BASE]
ESP32-CAM WIFI+Bluetooth Board with 2MP OV2640 Camera and Base
235.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
PAN/Tilt Servo Bracket for SG90 9G Servo or Anti-Vibration Camera Platform-Servo Not Included [BDD PAN/TILT KIT FOR SG90 SERVO]
PAN/Tilt Servo Bracket for SG90 9G Servo or Anti-Vibration Camera Platform-Servo Not Included
20.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Digital/Analog Module Sensor I/O Expansion Shield V5.0 for UNO [BDD V5 SENSOR I/O EXPANSN SHIELD]
Digital/Analog Module Sensor I/O Expansion Shield V5.0 for UNO
49.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mini ENC28J60 Ethernet LAN Network Module 51 AVR SPI PIC STM32 LPC for Arduino. 3.3V [BDD ENC28J60 MINI ETHERNET MODUL]
Mini ENC28J60 Ethernet LAN Network Module 51 AVR SPI PIC STM32 LPC for Arduino. 3.3V
130.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Single Channel Adjustable Dimmer Control. 12-24VDC 8A 96-192W [BDD LED DIMMER 12-24V 8A 96-192W]
Single Channel Adjustable Dimmer Control. 12-24VDC 8A 96-192W
69.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
PWM DC Motor Speed Control. 6-28VDC 3A Max. Not Reverse Polarity Protected [BDD PWM DC MOTOR CONTR 3A 6-28V]
PWM DC Motor Speed Control. 6-28VDC 3A Max. Not Reverse Polarity Protected
120.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Set of 10 X 20 Degree Carbide CNC Router Engraving Bits 0.1mm Tip - 3.175mm Shank [BDD DIY 3 AXIS ENGRVR BITS 10/PK]
Set of 10 X 20 Degree Carbide CNC Router Engraving Bits 0.1mm Tip - 3.175mm Shank
175.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32 Wire Terminal Breakout Board Only. For Use With 38PIN ESP32/ESP32S DEV Board. (ESP32 Development Board Not Included). Suitable for HKD WEMOS LOLIN ESP32 but not for HKD ESP-32 WIFI B/T DEV BOARD [BDD ESP32 SCREW TERM B/O BOARD A]
ESP32 Wire Terminal Breakout Board Only. For Use With 38PIN ESP32/ESP32S DEV Board. (ESP32 Development Board Not Included). Suitable for HKD WEMOS LOLIN ESP32 but not for HKD ESP-32 WIFI B/T DEV BOARD
49.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Reversible High Torque Turbo Worm Gear Motor DC 12V 40RPM. Torque:5.6Kg Corrent: 0.06A [BDD WORM GEAR MOTOR 12V 40RPM]
Reversible High Torque Turbo Worm Gear Motor DC 12V 40RPM. Torque:5.6Kg Corrent: 0.06A
184.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC/DC Convertor 12V to 5V 3A with Panel Mount USB Plug. Not for use on iPhone, IPOD and Samsung Galaxy S4 [BDD DC/DC BUCK MOD 12TO5V USB PN]
DC/DC Convertor 12V to 5V 3A with Panel Mount USB Plug. Not for use on iPhone, IPOD and Samsung Galaxy S4
116.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Reversible High Torque Turbo Worm Gear Motor JGY370 DC 12V 6RPM [BDD WORM GEAR MOTOR 12V 6RPM]
Reversible High Torque Turbo Worm Gear Motor JGY370 DC 12V 6RPM
184.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32 Intelligent Smart Turtle Car Kit V2.0 with WiFi APP Control (Without 18650 Battery & Charger) [BDD ESP32 SMART TURTLE CAR KIT]
ESP32 Intelligent Smart Turtle Car Kit V2.0 with WiFi APP Control (Without 18650 Battery & Charger)
1 190.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mini NRF24L01 SMD Wireless Transceiver RF Module (1.27mm) [BMT SMD NRF24L01+TRANSCVR MODULE]
Mini NRF24L01 SMD Wireless Transceiver RF Module (1.27mm)
32.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32 CAM 4WD Smart Robot Car Kit with WiFi APP Control (Without 18650 Battery & Charger) [BDD ESP32 CAM 4WD SMART CAR KIT]
ESP32 CAM 4WD Smart Robot Car Kit with WiFi APP Control (Without 18650 Battery & Charger)
1 150.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
YF-S201 G1/2IN Hall Effect Flow Meter, 1/2in DN15 NPS Water Flow Sensor with Water Rotor. [BMT G1/2IN WATER FLOW SENSOR]
YF-S201 G1/2IN Hall Effect Flow Meter, 1/2in DN15 NPS Water Flow Sensor with Water Rotor.
69.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Humidity Detection Sensor Module, Rain / Humidity Sensor Module [BMT RAIN/WATER SENSOR MODULE]
Humidity Detection Sensor Module, Rain / Humidity Sensor Module
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
TTP229 16-Way Capacitive Touch Switch Digital Touch Sensor Module, Onboard Power Indicator.working Voltage: 2.4V-5.5V.PCB Board Size: 49(mm) x 64.5 (mm). [BMT 4X4 DIGITAL TOUCH KEYPAD]
TTP229 16-Way Capacitive Touch Switch Digital Touch Sensor Module, Onboard Power Indicator.working Voltage: 2.4V-5.5V.PCB Board Size: 49(mm) x 64.5 (mm).
60.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
HY-SRF05 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module Measuring Sensor Module [BMT ULTRASONIC SENSOR HY-SRF05]
HY-SRF05 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module Measuring Sensor Module
43.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
USB to RS485 TTL Serial Converter Adapter FTDI Interface FT232RL [BMT USB RS485 TTL CONVERTER FTDI]
USB to RS485 TTL Serial Converter Adapter FTDI Interface FT232RL
Call for Price  
Soil Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor Board And Sensor Probe Kit. Operating Voltage 3.3~5Vdc [BMT SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR KIT]
Soil Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor Board And Sensor Probe Kit. Operating Voltage 3.3~5Vdc
26.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mono Digital Audio Power Amplifier Chip, High Output and Low Power Consumption. Working Voltage: DC 10-30V (Recommended use Voltage 24V Output 2A Power Supply) Applicable Speaker Impedance: 4/6/8 OHM(8 OHM is the best). Power Output: 60W, PCB Board Size: [BMT AUDIO AMP MONO 60W TPA3118]
Mono Digital Audio Power Amplifier Chip, High Output and Low Power Consumption. Working Voltage: DC 10-30V (Recommended use Voltage 24V Output 2A Power Supply) Applicable Speaker Impedance: 4/6/8 OHM(8 OHM is the best). Power Output: 60W, PCB Board Size:
Call for Price  
TCRT5000 IR Infrared Sensor Line Tracker Sensor Obstacle Avoidance Module [BMT LINE TRACKING SENSOR]
TCRT5000 IR Infrared Sensor Line Tracker Sensor Obstacle Avoidance Module
18.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
8X8 LED Dot Matrix Display Module MAX7219 [BMT 1XDOT MATRIX MODULE MAX7219]
8X8 LED Dot Matrix Display Module MAX7219
Call for Price  
Stepstick Stepper Driver Board DRV8825. Used for 3D or CNC Boards. 1,5A Per Phase. 6 Step Resolutions. [BMT RAMPS STEPPER DRIVER DRV8825]
Stepstick Stepper Driver Board DRV8825. Used for 3D or CNC Boards. 1,5A Per Phase. 6 Step Resolutions.
Call for Price  
20X4 Character Blue Backlight 5V LCD Module - Not 12C [BMT LCD 20X4 - BLUE BACKLIGHT]
20X4 Character Blue Backlight 5V LCD Module - Not 12C
89.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
SG5010 Torque Coreless Servo 360°, Size: About 41 x40 x 19.5 mm, Connecting Line: About 280 mm. Reaction Speed: 0.13-0.17sec /60 Degrees. Stall Torque: 8kg/cm (4.8V) AND 11kg/cm(6.0V). Operating Temperature: -30 to +360°. Rotation Angle:180 De [BMT SERVO MOTOR SG5010 360DEG]
SG5010 Torque Coreless Servo 360°, Size: About 41 x40 x 19.5 mm, Connecting Line: About 280 mm. Reaction Speed: 0.13-0.17sec /60 Degrees. Stall Torque: 8kg/cm (4.8V) AND 11kg/cm(6.0V). Operating Temperature: -30 to +360°. Rotation Angle:180 De
129.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
6" LCD Nokia 5110 LCD Module with Blue Backlight [BMT NOKIA5110 DISPLAY BLUE]
6" LCD Nokia 5110 LCD Module with Blue Backlight
93.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
63A DIN Rail Adjustable Over Voltage/Under Voltage Protector. Under Voltage:140V-210V (Default:170). Over Voltage:240V-300V (Default : 270V) [BMT D/R 63A OVER/UNDER VOLT PROT]
63A DIN Rail Adjustable Over Voltage/Under Voltage Protector. Under Voltage:140V-210V (Default:170). Over Voltage:240V-300V (Default : 270V)
250.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Compatible with Arduino 5V/10A 4CH Relay Module with N/O and N/C Contacts and Opto Isolated I/P [BMT RELAY BOARD 4CH 5V]
Compatible with Arduino 5V/10A 4CH Relay Module with N/O and N/C Contacts and Opto Isolated I/P
50.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Compatible with Arduino 6 Button 16X2 LCD Keypad Shield [BMT LCD KEYPAD SHIELD 16X2]
Compatible with Arduino 6 Button 16X2 LCD Keypad Shield
78.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Breakout Board 3,3-5VDC [BMT TEMP SENSOR DS18B20 ON PCB]
DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Breakout Board 3,3-5VDC
25.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
PWM DC Motor Speed Controller Module 5V-35V [BMT PWM DC MOTOR CONTR 5A 5V-35V]
PWM DC Motor Speed Controller Module 5V-35V
29.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32 UN0 R3 D1 R32 WiFi Wireless Bluetooth Development Board [BMT ESP32 UNO D1 WIFI-B/TOOTH BR]
ESP32 UN0 R3 D1 R32 WiFi Wireless Bluetooth Development Board
139.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
PCF8574T 8 BIT I/O Expansion Board. 8 Boards Can Be Cascaded To 64 I/O [BMT I2C BUS I/O EXP BRD-PCF8574T]
PCF8574T 8 BIT I/O Expansion Board. 8 Boards Can Be Cascaded To 64 I/O
39.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MP3 MP3+V, WMA, WAV, MIDI, SP-MIDI Decoder/Encoder Development Board. Supports MP3 and WAV Streams and Recording. [BMT VS1003B MP3 DECODER/ENCODER]
MP3 MP3+V, WMA, WAV, MIDI, SP-MIDI Decoder/Encoder Development Board. Supports MP3 and WAV Streams and Recording.
195.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Upgraded Version-XL6009 Adjustable DC/DC Boost Module. I/P 4.5-32V. O/P5-35V. 3A. with 3 Digit LED Display [BMT BOOST MODU 4.5-32V W/DISPLAY]
Upgraded Version-XL6009 Adjustable DC/DC Boost Module. I/P 4.5-32V. O/P5-35V. 3A. with 3 Digit LED Display
65.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mini AS608 Optical Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Compatible with Arduino. 162 Fingerprint Storage [BMT AS608 MINI FINGERPRINT MODUL]
Mini AS608 Optical Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Compatible with Arduino. 162 Fingerprint Storage
325.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
High Side DC Current Sensor Breakout - 26V ±3.2A Max [BMT INA219 DC CURRENT SENSOR]
High Side DC Current Sensor Breakout - 26V ±3.2A Max
40.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
XL4015 DC-DC Power 5A Adjustable Step-Down Module, LED Driver with USB+Voltmeter. [BMT BUCK/LIPO CHG 1.25-36V +DISP]
XL4015 DC-DC Power 5A Adjustable Step-Down Module, LED Driver with USB+Voltmeter.
90.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MT3608 DC/DC Step-Up DC Boost Adjustable Module I/P2-24V. O/P 5-28V Max. This Model has a Micro USB Input in Addition to VIN+ AND VIN- Inputs [BMT DC/DC BOOST MOD+USB 2-24V 2A]
MT3608 DC/DC Step-Up DC Boost Adjustable Module I/P2-24V. O/P 5-28V Max. This Model has a Micro USB Input in Addition to VIN+ AND VIN- Inputs
12.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
RS232 to RS485 Convertor Board. Convert TXD and RXD to 2 Line Balance Semiduplex RS485 Signal. DB9 Screw Terminal Board Included [BDD RS-232 TO RS-485 CONVERTOR]
RS232 to RS485 Convertor Board. Convert TXD and RXD to 2 Line Balance Semiduplex RS485 Signal. DB9 Screw Terminal Board Included
79.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Programmable LCD Battery Power Indicator for Lead-Acid(12-24V) /PB-ACID and L1/1S-7S Lithium Batteries. I/P Voltage 8-30V [BDD BATT VOLTAGE MONITOR LCD]
Programmable LCD Battery Power Indicator for Lead-Acid(12-24V) /PB-ACID and L1/1S-7S Lithium Batteries. I/P Voltage 8-30V
159.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32-CAM WiFi+Bluetooth Board with 2MP OV2640 Camera. If Required--Camera Base Board Sold Separately BMT ESP32 CAMERA BASE BOARD and HKD ESP32 CAMERA BASE BOARD [BMT ESP32-WIFI+BLUETOOTH CAMERA]
ESP32-CAM WiFi+Bluetooth Board with 2MP OV2640 Camera. If Required--Camera Base Board Sold Separately BMT ESP32 CAMERA BASE BOARD and HKD ESP32 CAMERA BASE BOARD
Call for Price  
Compatible HC-06 Wireless Bluetooth Transceiver Module- Serial For Arduino. 3.3V LDO. Input Voltage: 3.6V-6VMax (Do Not Exceed 7V) [BMT BLUETOOTH TRCVR MODULE HC06]
Compatible HC-06 Wireless Bluetooth Transceiver Module- Serial For Arduino. 3.3V LDO. Input Voltage: 3.6V-6VMax (Do Not Exceed 7V)
110.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
STC-1000 Digital Temperature Controller. 24V with Heating and Cooling and Alarm [BMT STC-1000 DIG TEMP CONTR 24V]
STC-1000 Digital Temperature Controller. 24V with Heating and Cooling and Alarm
169.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Arduino Mega Protoshield V3 Prototype Expansion Board with Breadboard [BMT MEGA PROTO SHIELD+BREADBOARD]
Arduino Mega Protoshield V3 Prototype Expansion Board with Breadboard
39.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Arduino CAN Bus Shield-Requires OBD-II Cable [BMT CAN-BUS SHIELD]
Arduino CAN Bus Shield-Requires OBD-II Cable
210.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
LCM 16X2 STN-Blue with Yellow LED Backlight (Not I2C) [BMT LCD 16X2 - YELLOW BACKLIGHT]
LCM 16X2 STN-Blue with Yellow LED Backlight (Not I2C)
Call for Price  
SSX1278 Lora Module 433MHz 10Km. RA-01 Wireless Spread Spectrum Transmission Socket for Smart Home DIY [BMT LORA RA-01 SX1278 (433MHZ)]
SSX1278 Lora Module 433MHz 10Km. RA-01 Wireless Spread Spectrum Transmission Socket for Smart Home DIY
149.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Sharp GP2D12 IR Distance Sensor 10-80CM with 3Pin JST Connector [BMT DISTANCE SENSOR 10-80CM-2D12]
Sharp GP2D12 IR Distance Sensor 10-80CM with 3Pin JST Connector
140.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Triple Axis Accelerometer 1.8-3.6VDC [BMT 3 AXIS ACCELEROMTR ADXL335BD]
Triple Axis Accelerometer 1.8-3.6VDC
130.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mini Solenoid Electric Lock 12VDC0,35A. Size : 27mm x 27mm x 16mm. [BMT MINI SOLENOID LOCK 12V 0,35A]
Mini Solenoid Electric Lock 12VDC0,35A. Size : 27mm x 27mm x 16mm.
98.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3S 60A 12V Li-ion Lithium Battery Protection Board, 18650 BMS For 18650 BMS For Drill Motor 11.1V 12.6V/14.8V 16.8V Enhance/Balance [BMT 3S LITH BATT CHARGE/PROT 60A]
3S 60A 12V Li-ion Lithium Battery Protection Board, 18650 BMS For 18650 BMS For Drill Motor 11.1V 12.6V/14.8V 16.8V Enhance/Balance
64.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
XXD HW30A 30A Brushless Motor ESC 2-3S (Electronic Speed Control) For Airplane Quadcopter. [BMT BR/LESS MOTOR ESC FOR DRONE]
XXD HW30A 30A Brushless Motor ESC 2-3S (Electronic Speed Control) For Airplane Quadcopter.
Call for Price  
Round Incandescent Bulb 0.3A 3V [BMT MES3VE10 ROUND BULB]
Round Incandescent Bulb 0.3A 3V
10.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
1100 Gph Bilge Water Pump 12V, 3Amp Motor [BMT BILGE/WATER PUMP 12VDC]
1100 Gph Bilge Water Pump 12V, 3Amp Motor
340.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
12V Liquid Level Controller/Switch Water Level Detection Sensor [BMT WATER LEVEL CONTR/SWITCH 12V]
12V Liquid Level Controller/Switch Water Level Detection Sensor
125.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solar Tracking PCB Module DC5-5.5V
120.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solar Cell Monocrystaline 110X80 5.5V 145mA 0.8W [BMT SOLAR CELL 5.5V 145MA 0.8W]
Solar Cell Monocrystaline 110X80 5.5V 145mA 0.8W
65.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solar Cell Monocrystaline 107x61 5V 200MA 1W [BMT SOLAR CELL 5V 200MA 1W]
Solar Cell Monocrystaline 107x61 5V 200MA 1W
50.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solar Cell Monocrystaline 50x50 2V 150mA 0.3W [BMT SOLAR CELL 2V 150MA 0.3W]
Solar Cell Monocrystaline 50x50 2V 150mA 0.3W
26.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
12V 30A 1 Channel Relay Module with High Current Output Terminals. Compatible with Arduino 12V/30A CH Relay Module with N/O and N/C Contacts with Opto Isolated I/P [BMT RELAY BOARD 1CH 12V 30A H/DU]
12V 30A 1 Channel Relay Module with High Current Output Terminals. Compatible with Arduino 12V/30A CH Relay Module with N/O and N/C Contacts with Opto Isolated I/P
Call for Price  
1.28INCH TFT LCD Display Module Round RGB 240*240 [CMU ROUND 1.28IN RGBLCD DISPLAY]
1.28INCH TFT LCD Display Module Round RGB 240*240
240.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
XL7015 DC-DC Buck Converter DC 5V-80V TO DC 5V-20V Module. 800mA [BMT DC/DC BUCK ADJ 5-80V 0,8A LG]
XL7015 DC-DC Buck Converter DC 5V-80V TO DC 5V-20V Module. 800mA
34.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
TPA3116 D2 50W + 50W Dual Channel Stereo Digital Amplifier Board DC 5V-24V (XH-M189). 20HZ-20HZ. With Reverse Polarity and Speaker Output Protection [BMT 2X50W XH-M189 AUDIO AMP BRD]
TPA3116 D2 50W + 50W Dual Channel Stereo Digital Amplifier Board DC 5V-24V (XH-M189). 20HZ-20HZ. With Reverse Polarity and Speaker Output Protection
210.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
XH-M190 2X100W TPA3116D2 Dual Channel Digital Audio Amplifier Board 12-24V [BMT XH-M190 TP3116D2 2X100W AMP]
XH-M190 2X100W TPA3116D2 Dual Channel Digital Audio Amplifier Board 12-24V
325.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
1.3 INCH 240*240 RGB TFT IPS LCD Module 7Pin. ST7789 Chip [BDD 1.3IN RGB TFT IPS LCD]
1.3 INCH 240*240 RGB TFT IPS LCD Module 7Pin. ST7789 Chip
120.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC6-60V 12V 24V 36V 48V 30A PWM DC Motor Speed Controller [BDD PWM DC MOTOR CONTR 30A 6-60V]
DC6-60V 12V 24V 36V 48V 30A PWM DC Motor Speed Controller
170.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3,3V 2 Channel High/Low Level Triger Relay Module with Optocoupler [BDD RELAY BOARD 2CH 3.3V]
3,3V 2 Channel High/Low Level Triger Relay Module with Optocoupler
59.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3,3V 4 Channel High/Low Level Triger Relay Module with Optocoupler [BDD RELAY BOARD 4CH 3.3V]
3,3V 4 Channel High/Low Level Triger Relay Module with Optocoupler
94.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
2A Motor Shield. Uses L298N Chip. Drives 2 X 7-24VDC/2A Motors, Dual H-Bridge Driver Chip, Control Signal Input Voltage Range: 4.5-5.5V High Low 0V, Maximum Power Consumption: 20W, Storage Temperature: -25 ℃ ~ +130, Driver Board Size: 55mm * 60mm * 30mm [BDD DUAL MOTOR DRIVER L298 SCREW]
2A Motor Shield. Uses L298N Chip. Drives 2 X 7-24VDC/2A Motors, Dual H-Bridge Driver Chip, Control Signal Input Voltage Range: 4.5-5.5V High Low 0V, Maximum Power Consumption: 20W, Storage Temperature: -25 ℃ ~ +130, Driver Board Size: 55mm * 60mm * 30mm
39.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3 Axis CNC 3018 Engraving Machine Kit. Can Also Be Used With A Laser Module Not Included. [BDD DIY 3 AXIS 3018 ENGRAVER KIT]
3 Axis CNC 3018 Engraving Machine Kit. Can Also Be Used With A Laser Module Not Included.
3 999.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Compatible with Arduino Jumper Cables Male/Male (65 Pack). Various Lengths [BDD JUMPER CABLES(65)]
Compatible with Arduino Jumper Cables Male/Male (65 Pack). Various Lengths
34.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Digital LED Temperature Controller 220VAC 10A. -50-110deg C [BDD XH-W3001 TEMP CONTR 10A 220V]
Digital LED Temperature Controller 220VAC 10A. -50-110deg C
75.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
433MHz IPEX to Spring Antenna for SX1278 RA-02 LORA Modules Like AZL SX1278 LORA MODUL 433M 10KM, CMU SX1278 LORA MODUL 433M 10KM, HKD SX1278 LORA MODUL 433M 10KM [BDD 433MHZ IPEX - SPRING ANTENNA]
433MHz IPEX to Spring Antenna for SX1278 RA-02 LORA Modules Like AZL SX1278 LORA MODUL 433M 10KM, CMU SX1278 LORA MODUL 433M 10KM, HKD SX1278 LORA MODUL 433M 10KM
29.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
PWM DC Motor Speed Control 6V-90V 10ADC, Control Voltage: 0-5V (Voltage Control Type, The Speed Of The Motor Can Be Controlled Directly by Inputting 0-5V Signal by PLC or Single Chip Microcomputer) [BDD PWM DC MOTOR CONTR 10A 6-90V]
PWM DC Motor Speed Control 6V-90V 10ADC, Control Voltage: 0-5V (Voltage Control Type, The Speed Of The Motor Can Be Controlled Directly by Inputting 0-5V Signal by PLC or Single Chip Microcomputer)
75.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3.5mm Female Aux to Microphone & Earphone Jack Audio Splitter Adapter Cable [BDD AUDIO SPLITTER 3.5MM F-2M]
3.5mm Female Aux to Microphone & Earphone Jack Audio Splitter Adapter Cable
29.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Starter Learning Kit for Arduino UNO R3 [BDD SUPER STARTER KIT]
Starter Learning Kit for Arduino UNO R3
525.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
A Monster Arduino Starter Kit. Kit Includes HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor [BDD ULTIMATE STARTER KIT V2]
A Monster Arduino Starter Kit. Kit Includes HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
800.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MG995 Full Metal Gear Servo Motor 12Kg Torque Vin 3-7,2V 360 ° [BDD SERVO MOT MG995 F/METAL 360D]
MG995 Full Metal Gear Servo Motor 12Kg Torque Vin 3-7,2V 360 °
169.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
12VDC 80W 5L/Min 130PSI High Pressure Diaphragm Water Pump, 6mm Inlet / Outlet [BDD HIGH PRESSU WATER PUMP 12VDC]
12VDC 80W 5L/Min 130PSI High Pressure Diaphragm Water Pump, 6mm Inlet / Outlet
494.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
MG995 Full metal gear servo motor 12KG Torque vin 3-7,2V 180DEG [BDD SERVO MOT MG995 F/METAL 180D]
MG995 Full metal gear servo motor 12KG Torque vin 3-7,2V 180DEG
169.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Missile Switch Cover -Red. The safety cover protects a toggle switch from accidentally being turned on. When flipped up, The user has full access to a switch underneath. [BDD MISSILE SWITCH COVER-RED]
Missile Switch Cover -Red. The safety cover protects a toggle switch from accidentally being turned on. When flipped up, The user has full access to a switch underneath.
26.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
MG995 External Metal Gear Servo Motor 13Kg Torque Vin 3-7,2V 180deg [BDD SERVO MOTOR MG995 13KG 180D]
MG995 External Metal Gear Servo Motor 13Kg Torque Vin 3-7,2V 180deg
95.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
CC & CV Adjustable DC/DC Buck Module XL4015. I/P 5-32V O/P 0.8-30V, 5A. Red Board [BDD DC/DC BUCK XL4015 1-30V 5A]
CC & CV Adjustable DC/DC Buck Module XL4015. I/P 5-32V O/P 0.8-30V, 5A. Red Board
75.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
One Channel eWeLink Smart WiFi Relay, 10A. Works with A 2,4GHZ Remote, Not A 433MHz Remote. Input 7 to 48VDC or USB 5V [BDD SONOFF 1 CH WIFI W/L RELAY]
One Channel eWeLink Smart WiFi Relay, 10A. Works with A 2,4GHZ Remote, Not A 433MHz Remote. Input 7 to 48VDC or USB 5V
195.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Two Channel eWeLink Smart WiFi Relay, 10A. WOrks with A 2,4GHZ Remote, Not A 433MHz Remote. Input 7 to 48VDC or USB 5V [BDD SONOFF 2 CH WIFI W/L RELAY]
Two Channel eWeLink Smart WiFi Relay, 10A. WOrks with A 2,4GHZ Remote, Not A 433MHz Remote. Input 7 to 48VDC or USB 5V
225.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Four Channel eWeLink Smart WiFi Relay, 10A. Works with A 2,4GHz Remote, noT A 433MHz Remote. Input 7 to 48VDC or USB 5V [BDD SONOFF 4 CH WIFI W/L RELAY]
Four Channel eWeLink Smart WiFi Relay, 10A. Works with A 2,4GHz Remote, noT A 433MHz Remote. Input 7 to 48VDC or USB 5V
260.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
4 Button 2.4GHZ Remote Control for use with BDD SONOFF 1 CH WIFI W/L RELAY, BDD SONOFF 2 CH WIFI W/L RELAY & BDD SONOFF 4 CH WIFI W/L RELAY ONLY. Uses 2 X AAA Batteries. Batteries Not Suppplied. Remote Control Size: 115*38 mm [BDD SONOFF 4 BUTON REMOTE 2,4GHZ]
4 Button 2.4GHZ Remote Control for use with BDD SONOFF 1 CH WIFI W/L RELAY, BDD SONOFF 2 CH WIFI W/L RELAY & BDD SONOFF 4 CH WIFI W/L RELAY ONLY. Uses 2 X AAA Batteries. Batteries Not Suppplied. Remote Control Size: 115*38 mm
79.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
2 Pin Grove Female to 2 Pin Grove Female Connectors on 20cm Cable. PH2.0MM/PH2.0MM [BDD 2P/2P FEM GROVE CABLE-20CM]
2 Pin Grove Female to 2 Pin Grove Female Connectors on 20cm Cable. PH2.0MM/PH2.0MM
23.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Digital LED Temperature Controller 12VDC 10A. -50-110 ° C [BDD XH-W3001 TEMP CONTR 10A 12V]
Digital LED Temperature Controller 12VDC 10A. -50-110 ° C
75.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
One Channel ESP8266 30A Relay WiFi Module Board. Based on the ESP-12F WiFi Module. Has A 30A Relay. Power Supply DC 7 - 28V OR 5V [BDD ESP8266 RELAY 1CH 5/28V 30A]
One Channel ESP8266 30A Relay WiFi Module Board. Based on the ESP-12F WiFi Module. Has A 30A Relay. Power Supply DC 7 - 28V OR 5V
230.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Two Channel ESP8266 30A Relay WiFi Module Board. Based on the ESP-12F WiFi Module. Has A 30A Relay. Power Supply DC 7 - 28V OR 5V [BDD ESP8266 RELAY 2CH 5/28V 30A]
Two Channel ESP8266 30A Relay WiFi Module Board. Based on the ESP-12F WiFi Module. Has A 30A Relay. Power Supply DC 7 - 28V OR 5V
260.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
4WD Smart Bluetooth Tracking / Obstacle Avoidance Car with ARD UNO, Includes Battery Holder only for 2X18650 Batteries. Does not include 18650 Batteries [BDD BLUETOOTH CAR CHASSIS KIT]
4WD Smart Bluetooth Tracking / Obstacle Avoidance Car with ARD UNO, Includes Battery Holder only for 2X18650 Batteries. Does not include 18650 Batteries
1 120.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
316L Stainless Steel Thin Conductive Thread - 2 Ply - 22 Metre [BDD STEEL CONDUCTIVE THREAD 2PLY]
316L Stainless Steel Thin Conductive Thread - 2 Ply - 22 Metre
125.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
0.96IN I2C IIC OLED 128X64 Blue. 3.3-5V 160DEG. [BDD I2C 0.96IN OLED 128X64-BLUE]
0.96IN I2C IIC OLED 128X64 Blue. 3.3-5V 160DEG.
68.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
1.3IN OLED Graphic Display (4PIN) 128X64 Blue On Black I2C. Using SH1106 Drive IC [BDD I2C 1.3IN OLED 128X64-BLU 4P]
1.3IN OLED Graphic Display (4PIN) 128X64 Blue On Black I2C. Using SH1106 Drive IC
95.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Star Power LED Warm White 5W, 11V Complete with Heat Sink [BDD STAR POWER LED WHITE 5W 11V]
Star Power LED Warm White 5W, 11V Complete with Heat Sink
45.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Microwave Radar Sensor Switch 220V 1200W [BDD MICROWAVE SENSOR SWITCH 220V]
Microwave Radar Sensor Switch 220V 1200W
220.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32 Wire Terminal Breakout Board (Base) Only. Only compatible with 30 Pin Version ESP-WROOM-32 Development Board. Not Applicable To Other VersionS. (ESP32 DEVELOPMENT BOARD NOT INCLUDED) [BDD ESP32 SCREW TERM B/O BOARD B]
ESP32 Wire Terminal Breakout Board (Base) Only. Only compatible with 30 Pin Version ESP-WROOM-32 Development Board. Not Applicable To Other VersionS. (ESP32 DEVELOPMENT BOARD NOT INCLUDED)
55.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32 Wire Terminal Breakout Board (Base) Only. For use with 38 Pin ESP32 / V4 GOOUUU Development Boards. (ESP32 DEVELOPMENT BOARD NOT INCLUDED) [BDD ESP32 SCREW TERM B/O BOARD C]
ESP32 Wire Terminal Breakout Board (Base) Only. For use with 38 Pin ESP32 / V4 GOOUUU Development Boards. (ESP32 DEVELOPMENT BOARD NOT INCLUDED)
55.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Brushless Motor 2700KV XXD A2212. Suitable for use on Drones [BDD XXD A2212 BRUSHLESS MOTOR]
Brushless Motor 2700KV XXD A2212. Suitable for use on Drones
165.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
CD 1602 I2C Module(Blue Light) [BDD 16X2 I2C LCD BLUE]
CD 1602 I2C Module(Blue Light)
60.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Reversible High Torque Turbo Worm Gear Motor JGY370 DC 12V 23RPM [BDD WORM GEAR MOTOR 12V 23RPM]
Reversible High Torque Turbo Worm Gear Motor JGY370 DC 12V 23RPM
184.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
3 Cup Anemometer, 12 - 24VDC Supply Voltage, 4 - 20mA OUT. [BDD 3 CUP ANEMOMETER 4-20MA]
3 Cup Anemometer, 12 - 24VDC Supply Voltage, 4 - 20mA OUT.
1 100.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
45 PCS Sensor Modules Starter Kit [BDD 45 PC SENSOR KIT FOR ARDUINO]
45 PCS Sensor Modules Starter Kit
525.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DC/DC Buck Module. Input 16 to 120V DC . Output 12V 3A DC [BDD DC/DC BUCK MODULE 12V 3A]
DC/DC Buck Module. Input 16 to 120V DC . Output 12V 3A DC
85.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
20X4 Character Blue Backlight LCD Module IIC/I2C/TWI [BDD 20X4 I2C SERIAL LCD]
20X4 Character Blue Backlight LCD Module IIC/I2C/TWI
105.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solar Heat Water Pump Black. Inlet/Outlet: 1/2" Male Thread-12VDC/24V DC-1000mA Max.22W. Flow Rate: 800 L/H [BDD 12V SOLAR HEAT WATER PUMP BK]
Solar Heat Water Pump Black. Inlet/Outlet: 1/2" Male Thread-12VDC/24V DC-1000mA Max.22W. Flow Rate: 800 L/H
250.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Reversible High Torque Turbo Worm Gear Motor DC 12V 10RPM. Torque:5.6Kg Corrent: 0.06A [BDD WORM GEAR MOTOR 12V 10RPM]
Reversible High Torque Turbo Worm Gear Motor DC 12V 10RPM. Torque:5.6Kg Corrent: 0.06A
184.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
DRN-2212 920KV Brushless CW Motor for F330/F45/ F550 Drone [BDD 2212 920KV B/LESS MOTOR CW]
DRN-2212 920KV Brushless CW Motor for F330/F45/ F550 Drone
220.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Straight Cable Mount MC4 Type Solar Photovoltaic Connector Male & Female IP67 DC1000V Temp 85° MAX30A Cable 4&6mm [BDD MC4 SOLAR CABLE CONNECT PAIR]
Straight Cable Mount MC4 Type Solar Photovoltaic Connector Male & Female IP67 DC1000V Temp 85° MAX30A Cable 4&6mm
19.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Intelligent USB Charger 5V for 18650 16340 14500 10440 21700 AA AAA Lithium Battery with Micro USB Cable [BDD LITH CHARGER-2X LC18650 USB]
Intelligent USB Charger 5V for 18650 16340 14500 10440 21700 AA AAA Lithium Battery with Micro USB Cable
75.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
18650 Charger 3.7V Lithium Battery Charger EU Plug (Battery Not Included) [BDD LITH CHARGER-2X LC18650 AC]
18650 Charger 3.7V Lithium Battery Charger EU Plug (Battery Not Included)
120.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Vacuum Pump 12V.12W. 0-16 INCH HG Vacuum Range [BDD VACUUM PUMP 12V 16IN HG]
Vacuum Pump 12V.12W. 0-16 INCH HG Vacuum Range
395.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
ESP32 Arduino LVGL WiFi & Bluetooth Development Board. 3.5 INCH 320*480 Smart Display Screen. Resistive Touch [BDD ESP32 LVGL+WIFI+BT+3.5IN LCD]
ESP32 Arduino LVGL WiFi & Bluetooth Development Board. 3.5 INCH 320*480 Smart Display Screen. Resistive Touch
585.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Original Raspberry PI Camera Module 3 Noir Wide-Angle, CMOS 12MP Image Sensor (Sony IMX708), 15Pin Ribbon Cable 200mm, Diagonal Field Of View 120°, 25×24×12.4mm [RASPBERRY PI CAM MODULE 3W NOIR]
Original Raspberry PI Camera Module 3 Noir Wide-Angle, CMOS 12MP Image Sensor (Sony IMX708), 15Pin Ribbon Cable 200mm, Diagonal Field Of View 120°, 25×24×12.4mm
816.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
7 in 1 Solar Robot Kit [EDU-TOY 7 IN 1 SOLAR ROBOT KIT]
7 in 1 Solar Robot Kit
184.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Mini-controller for Rope Lights [WL310A]
Mini-controller for Rope Lights
110.87 ZAR
for 1 Each
10KΩ PCB/Panel Mount Potentiometer with Spline Shaft [HKD POTLN 103PC SPLINE SHAFT]
10KΩ PCB/Panel Mount Potentiometer with Spline Shaft
6.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Circular Connector MIL-DTL-5015 Style Screw Lock Environmental Square Flange Panel Recepticle 6 Poles #16 Contant Female Solder 13A 200VAC/250VDC (MS3102E14S-6S) [MS3102E-14S-6S]
Circular Connector MIL-DTL-5015 Style Screw Lock Environmental Square Flange Panel Recepticle 6 Poles #16 Contant Female Solder 13A 200VAC/250VDC (MS3102E14S-6S)
230.58 ZAR
for 1 Each
Panel Mount MC4 Type Solar Photovoltaic Connector Male & Female IP67 DC1000V Temp 85deg MAX30A Cable 4&6mm [BDD MC4 SOLAR PANEL CONNECT PAIR]
Panel Mount MC4 Type Solar Photovoltaic Connector Male & Female IP67 DC1000V Temp 85deg MAX30A Cable 4&6mm
22.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
S/FTP CAT5E 4PR 100R Solid Cable Pure Copper 4x2xAWG 24/1 FRNC Grey [CAB04PR S/FTP CAT5E FRNC GY]
S/FTP CAT5E 4PR 100R Solid Cable Pure Copper 4x2xAWG 24/1 FRNC Grey
27.54 ZAR
for 1 Metre(s)
12mm x 12mm Tactile Switch with Colour Cap, Mounted on PCB 3Pin [HKD DTS24R WITH CAP ON PCB 3PIN]
12mm x 12mm Tactile Switch with Colour Cap, Mounted on PCB 3Pin
7.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Tutor for Arduino with Carry Case [MTS100]
Tutor for Arduino with Carry Case
19 998.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Advanced Digital Educational Training System [ETS9000]
Advanced Digital Educational Training System
9 999.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Digital Analogue Educational Training System [ETS3000]
Digital Analogue Educational Training System
10 999.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Faya-Nugget Combo Pack for ETS3000/ETS9000 [NGT601]
Faya-Nugget Combo Pack for ETS3000/ETS9000
4 709.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
Tutor for Raspberry PI [MTS200 TUTOR FOR RASPBERRY PI]
Tutor for Raspberry PI
29 999.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Faya 2-in-1 Remote Bot [NGT503 FAYA 2-IN-1 REMOTE BOT]
Faya 2-in-1 Remote Bot
2 587.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Ble-Parking Sensor is an Unique RGB LED Controller, Which Helps One When Parking by Changing Colour of LED’s to Inform Driver of Distance. [BLE-PARKING SENSOR]
Ble-Parking Sensor is an Unique RGB LED Controller, Which Helps One When Parking by Changing Colour of LED’s to Inform Driver of Distance.
519.64 ZAR
for 1 Each
Day Night Switch for Controlling LEDs, Automatically Turns ON Low Voltage LED Lighting (e.g. LED Strip) in the Evening and Turns OFF when it is Getting Bright, Measures 10mm x 36mm, Designed to Fit Most LED Aluminium Profiles. [BLE-TWILIGHT SWITCH]
Day Night Switch for Controlling LEDs, Automatically Turns ON Low Voltage LED Lighting (e.g. LED Strip) in the Evening and Turns OFF when it is Getting Bright, Measures 10mm x 36mm, Designed to Fit Most LED Aluminium Profiles.
145.48 ZAR
for 1 Each
With the Uremote you can Control all BLE Devices based on the micro-WIFI TEchnology :Gates, Roller Shutter, Lighting or other Electrical Devices. Remote has Haptic Feedback Display and Two-way Communication with Device being Controlled. [BLE-UREMOTE PRO]
With the Uremote you can Control all BLE Devices based on the micro-WIFI TEchnology :Gates, Roller Shutter, Lighting or other Electrical Devices. Remote has Haptic Feedback Display and Two-way Communication with Device being Controlled.
789.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Inbox is a Miniature Module which Allows you to Control Devices using a Push-Button, without the need to Connect them with Wires, without Restrictions. [BLE-INBOX]
Inbox is a Miniature Module which Allows you to Control Devices using a Push-Button, without the need to Connect them with Wires, without Restrictions.
747.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
BLE Rollergate Controller, is an Integrated, UWiFi (microWiFi) Controller, To Open & Close Gates From Anywhere, Uses Free WBOX Mobile Application [BLE-ROLLERGATE]
BLE Rollergate Controller, is an Integrated, UWiFi (microWiFi) Controller, To Open & Close Gates From Anywhere, Uses Free WBOX Mobile Application
1 968.98 ZAR
for 1 Each
µWiFi Mini Switch Controller - 12-24VDC Supply Voltage, Suitable for Lighting On / Off Control. Offices / Business Devices Control. Inside Electrical Outlet for Electric Devices Control. Alarm Systems [BLE-SWITCHBOX DC]
µWiFi Mini Switch Controller - 12-24VDC Supply Voltage, Suitable for Lighting On / Off Control. Offices / Business Devices Control. Inside Electrical Outlet for Electric Devices Control. Alarm Systems
516.74 ZAR
for 1 Each
With the Uremote you can Control all BLE Devices Based on the Micro-WIFI Technology :Gates, Roller Shutter, Lighting or other Electrical Devices. Remote has Haptic Feedback Display and two-way Communication with Device Being Controlled. [BLE-UREMOTE]
With the Uremote you can Control all BLE Devices Based on the Micro-WIFI Technology :Gates, Roller Shutter, Lighting or other Electrical Devices. Remote has Haptic Feedback Display and two-way Communication with Device Being Controlled.
516.74 ZAR
for 1 Each
µWiFi Mini Device, Ideal for Control of Motorised Roller Shutter Doors, Screens, Awnings ETC Capable of Switching Wirelessly via Mobile or PC, Free Mobile Application. [BLE-SHUTTERBOX]
µWiFi Mini Device, Ideal for Control of Motorised Roller Shutter Doors, Screens, Awnings ETC Capable of Switching Wirelessly via Mobile or PC, Free Mobile Application.
539.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Turns ON, OFF and Dims Single-color 12-24V LED Lighting from anywhere, Energy Consumption:< 1W, Maximum Power:5A, Maximum Voltage:24V, Maximum Load:120W, Free WBOX Mobile APP, Install Indoors or Outside, 4 Ways to Control Device. [BLE-WLIGHTBOX S PRO]
Turns ON, OFF and Dims Single-color 12-24V LED Lighting from anywhere, Energy Consumption:< 1W, Maximum Power:5A, Maximum Voltage:24V, Maximum Load:120W, Free WBOX Mobile APP, Install Indoors or Outside, 4 Ways to Control Device.
735.52 ZAR
for 1 Each
Doorbox is an Integrated, UWiFi (microWiFi) Controller, to Open & Close Doors and Pedestrian Gates, Control Electric Bolt Locks, Electric Strike and Safety Devices Designed for Access Control, Supply Voltage : 12-24V AC / DC, Max Load :6A 24V AC 6A 24V DC [BLE-DOORBOX]
Doorbox is an Integrated, UWiFi (microWiFi) Controller, to Open & Close Doors and Pedestrian Gates, Control Electric Bolt Locks, Electric Strike and Safety Devices Designed for Access Control, Supply Voltage : 12-24V AC / DC, Max Load :6A 24V AC 6A 24V DC
1 200.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Wlightboxs is a Miniature Microwifi LED Dimmer with Timer Controls (Dimensions: 35 X 24 X 15MM) that allows you to Control the Brightness of Single Color LED Lighting using Smartphones and Tablets. [BLE-WLIGHTBOX S]
Wlightboxs is a Miniature Microwifi LED Dimmer with Timer Controls (Dimensions: 35 X 24 X 15MM) that allows you to Control the Brightness of Single Color LED Lighting using Smartphones and Tablets.
550.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
BLE V2 MWIFI, 230VAC, Light Dimmer Controller, Capable of Controlling Lights Wirelessly via Mobile or PC , for Switching And Dimming, Free Mobile Application. Lights Types - 230V AC Dimmable LED, Incandescent/ Halogen, Electronic Low-Voltage (ELV) [BLE-DIMMERBOX V2]
BLE V2 MWIFI, 230VAC, Light Dimmer Controller, Capable of Controlling Lights Wirelessly via Mobile or PC , for Switching And Dimming, Free Mobile Application. Lights Types - 230V AC Dimmable LED, Incandescent/ Halogen, Electronic Low-Voltage (ELV)
539.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Ampbox is a Professional, 4 CH LED Amplifier Designed to Work in Traditional and Smart Low-voltage LED Systems [BLE-AMPBOX]
Ampbox is a Professional, 4 CH LED Amplifier Designed to Work in Traditional and Smart Low-voltage LED Systems
239.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Shutterbox DC with a Smartphone or Tablet allows you to control Roller Shutters, Awnings, Shutters or Windows Equipped with Low Voltage (12-24V) DC Motors [BLE-SHUTTERBOX DC]
Shutterbox DC with a Smartphone or Tablet allows you to control Roller Shutters, Awnings, Shutters or Windows Equipped with Low Voltage (12-24V) DC Motors
375.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Pimoroni, Explorer Hat Pro Add On Board PIM175 for Raspberry Pi [PMI EXPLORER HAT PRO PIM175]
Pimoroni, Explorer Hat Pro Add On Board PIM175 for Raspberry Pi
431.25 ZAR
for 1 Each
Insulation Cotton Washer Kit for TEC1-12706 12708 12709 12710 Thermoelectric Peltier Coolers. [FGH PELTIER INSU COTTON WASHER]
Insulation Cotton Washer Kit for TEC1-12706 12708 12709 12710 Thermoelectric Peltier Coolers.
10.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Solder Free Stem Toy Auto Car Kit. Building the Auto Cruise Car, Combines Mechanical, Electronic and Sensor Principles, Even Single-Chip Programming. It Tests and Teaches Students many Practical and Problem Solving Abilities. Size: 162x95x40mm [EDU-TOY AUTO CRUISE CAR KIT]
Solder Free Stem Toy Auto Car Kit. Building the Auto Cruise Car, Combines Mechanical, Electronic and Sensor Principles, Even Single-Chip Programming. It Tests and Teaches Students many Practical and Problem Solving Abilities. Size: 162x95x40mm
230.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Educational Kit, Understand Principles of Creating Electricity Through a Hand Held Crank Generator. Includes Parts for Building Lamp and Fan. Generator System:60x46x80mm, Table Lamp:64x46x110mm, Fan :64x46x130mm [EDU-TOY DC CRANK GENERATOR KIT]
Stem Educational Kit, Understand Principles of Creating Electricity Through a Hand Held Crank Generator. Includes Parts for Building Lamp and Fan. Generator System:60x46x80mm, Table Lamp:64x46x110mm, Fan :64x46x130mm
220.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Educational Kit, Dynamo Lantern, Manual Hand Generator, Includes Motors , FAN, LED, Gears etc. Hand Dynamo:95x110x52mm [EDU-TOY DYNAMO LANTERN KIT]
Stem Educational Kit, Dynamo Lantern, Manual Hand Generator, Includes Motors , FAN, LED, Gears etc. Hand Dynamo:95x110x52mm
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
When The Flame Sensor Detects The External Fire Source, The Indicator Lights Up And The Buzzer Sounds An Alarm. Please Note That Batteries And A Candle Are Not Included [EDU-TOY FIRE EXTINGUISHER KIT T1]
When The Flame Sensor Detects The External Fire Source, The Indicator Lights Up And The Buzzer Sounds An Alarm. Please Note That Batteries And A Candle Are Not Included
92.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Educational Kit, Dual Wing F-12 Glide Aircraft with Dual LED. Size : 160x150x90mm [EDU-TOY MODEL AIRCRAFT KIT F-12]
Stem Educational Kit, Dual Wing F-12 Glide Aircraft with Dual LED. Size : 160x150x90mm
149.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
Educational Stem Toy, Remote - Controlled Wireless Telegraph Model [EDU-TOY RC W/LESS TELEGRAPH KIT]
Educational Stem Toy, Remote - Controlled Wireless Telegraph Model
175.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Educational Stem Toy, Solar Wireless Remote Control Car. 3 Modes Playing: The car can be powered by 3 modes [1-Batteries, 2-Solar, 3-Batteries & Solar]. Requires 2 x AA Rechargeable Batteries for Car & 2AA Batteries for Remote- Not Supplied. [EDU-TOY RC SOLAR CAR]
Educational Stem Toy, Solar Wireless Remote Control Car. 3 Modes Playing: The car can be powered by 3 modes [1-Batteries, 2-Solar, 3-Batteries & Solar]. Requires 2 x AA Rechargeable Batteries for Car & 2AA Batteries for Remote- Not Supplied.
138.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Educational Stem Toy , Morse Code - Teaching Principles of Signals and Telegraphs, Telephones, Radio, and Televisions all work by Modifying Electronic Signals, Making the Signals Imitate, or Reproduce, the Original Message. Size:120x75x25mm [EDU-TOY TELEGRAPH SIGNALS KIT]
Educational Stem Toy , Morse Code - Teaching Principles of Signals and Telegraphs, Telephones, Radio, and Televisions all work by Modifying Electronic Signals, Making the Signals Imitate, or Reproduce, the Original Message. Size:120x75x25mm
85.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Traffic Light Control Kit, Red, Yellow and Green LED Lights, Switch between Colours at Prescribed Times, to Control Drivers and Pedstrians. [EDU-TOY TRAFFIC LIGHT KIT]
Traffic Light Control Kit, Red, Yellow and Green LED Lights, Switch between Colours at Prescribed Times, to Control Drivers and Pedstrians.
220.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Colorful Light Show Model [EDU-TOY BMT COLOUR LIGHT SHOW]
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Colorful Light Show Model
118.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Balance Sensor Model. Encourages Practical Thinking, and Circuit Knowledge. [EDU-TOY BMT TILT SENSOR KIT]
Stem Electronic Science Building Blocks, Balance Sensor Model. Encourages Practical Thinking, and Circuit Knowledge.
114.01 ZAR
for 1 Each
Educational Kit Comprising of a Pre-Programmed Robot and Cards. Based on the Scratch Programming Concept and is suitable for children over the age of three [EDU-TOY PRE-PROGRAMMED ROBOT KIT]
Educational Kit Comprising of a Pre-Programmed Robot and Cards. Based on the Scratch Programming Concept and is suitable for children over the age of three
1 299.99 ZAR
for 1 Each
Wireless-N WiFi Repeater/ Signal Booster Amplifier 300m Line of Site. Plug-in [FGH WIFI REPEATER/BOOSTER/AMP]
Wireless-N WiFi Repeater/ Signal Booster Amplifier 300m Line of Site. Plug-in
299.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
FGH GSM Indoor Antennae V2, For Expanding Indoor Coverage Of Mobile Signal, To be used with FGH GSM 900-1800MHZ BOOST KIT V2, See also :FGH INDOOR N-TYPE SPLITTER 2W [FGH GSM INDOOR ANTENNAE V2]
FGH GSM Indoor Antennae V2, For Expanding Indoor Coverage Of Mobile Signal, To be used with FGH GSM 900-1800MHZ BOOST KIT V2, See also :FGH INDOOR N-TYPE SPLITTER 2W
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
New Upgraded, High Gain GSM /DCS Mobile Signal Repeater -2G/3G/4G, 900MHZ-1800MHZ Signal Booster Amplifier Kit with LCD Display. Includes Cable (Approx 10M) 50Ω/N Antenna , Power Supply. Connect Outdoor Antennae to BTS, and Indoor Antennae to Mobile. [FGH GSM 900-1800MHZ BOOST KIT V2]
New Upgraded, High Gain GSM /DCS Mobile Signal Repeater -2G/3G/4G, 900MHZ-1800MHZ Signal Booster Amplifier Kit with LCD Display. Includes Cable (Approx 10M) 50Ω/N Antenna , Power Supply. Connect Outdoor Antennae to BTS, and Indoor Antennae to Mobile.
Call for Price  
Two Way N-type Splitter Pole, used for Adding Additional Indoor Antennaes, To FGH GSM 900-1800MHZ Signal Boost Kit. SEE : FGH GSM INDOOR ANTENNAE TX [FGH INDOOR N-TYPE SPLITTER 2W]
Two Way N-type Splitter Pole, used for Adding Additional Indoor Antennaes, To FGH GSM 900-1800MHZ Signal Boost Kit. SEE : FGH GSM INDOOR ANTENNAE TX
115.00 ZAR
for 1 Each
Analog/Digital Training System [ETS7000B]
Analog/Digital Training System
14 248.50 ZAR
for 1 Each
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Communica is a wholesale and retail distributor of semiconductors, electromechanical and passive electronic components for automotives, electronics, electrical, automation, mining and process control industries and technical and tertiary educational institutions. We also offer a large range of security and CCTV equipment, power supplies, test instruments and accessories, tools and production equipment, prototyping platforms, and hobby and educational products.